Directory Submission
Directory Submission
Directory Submission
2.Listing Types
3.How to choose a directory for submission?
4.Types of Directory
5.Directory Submission Guidelines
7.Points to Remember
Web Directory
3. When you submit your site into categories, make sure that the
directory offers a well categorized structure that helps in better
organization of information. This will help you in locating
relevant information in quick time.
Choosing a Directory for Submission
Step 1:
Do not submit mirror sites. Mirror sites are sites that contain
identical content, but have different URLs.
Step 1: (Continued…)
Do not disguise your submission and submit the same URL more
than once.
Example: and
Step 1: (Continued…)
The Web Directory has a policy against the inclusion of sites with
illegal content. Examples of illegal material include child
pornography; libel; material that infringes any intellectual
property right; and material that specifically advocates, solicits or
abets illegal activity (such as fraud or violence).
Step 1: (Continued…)
Step 2:
Step 3:
Identify the single best category for your site. The Web
Directory has an enormous array of subjects to choose from. You
should submit a site to the single most relevant category. Sites
submitted to inappropriate or unrelated categories may be
rejected or removed.
Step 4:
Once you've selected the best category for your site, go directly
to that category on the directory and then click "suggest / add
URL." Follow the instructions on the submission form carefully.
DMOZ Guidelines
1. S.No
2. Directory URL
3. PageRank
4. Title (Anchor Text)
5. Category Name / URL
6. Status (Pending / Approved)
Points To Remember
5. Always aim for one way links and avoid paying for links.