Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
The goal of this lesson is for the learner to better understand themselves and how others see them.
Open Area/Arena
Johari region 1 is also known as the 'area of free activity'.
This is the information about the person - behavior, attitude, feelings, emotion, knowledge, experience, skills, views, etc - known by the person ('the self') and known by the group ('others').
Unknown Unconscious
This is the information what is known about a person by others in the group, but is unknown by the person him/herself
Hidden Self
Johari Region 3 is also known as Faade
This is the information what is known to ourselves but kept hidden from, and therefore unknown, to others
Unknown Area
Johari Region 4 is also known as Unknown Self
This contains information, feelings, latent abilities, aptitudes, experiences etc that are unknown to the person him/herself and unknown to others in the group.
Points to Consider
When we work in Open area with others we are at our most effective and productive, and the group is at its most productive too. Established team members logically tend to have larger open areas than new team members. New team members start with relatively small open areas because relatively little knowledge about the new team member is shared Reduce the Blind Area by Using Solicit Feedback from others, this will expand the open area Relevant hidden information and feelings, etc, should be moved into the open area through the process of 'disclosure thereby increasing the open area
Reducing hidden areas also reduces the potential for confusion, misunderstanding, poor communication, etc, which all distract from and undermine team effectiveness
Managers and leaders can help by creating an environment that encourages selfdiscovery, constructive observation and feedback among team members
Increasing the Open Area Feedback develops the open area by reducing the blind area. The open area can also be developed through the process of disclosure, which reduces the hidden area. Reduce the Hidden Area
Unknown Unconscious
Team with Large open area has strong mutual understanding compared to the ones having large Hidden, Blind , and/or Unknown Areas Team Leaders should always strive to increase the open Area The individual should disclose more information about his/her feelings , experiences , views, etc. to reduce the size of Hidden area. Seeking feedbacks will reduce the Blind area and will overall increase the team performance Sensitive communications, active listening and experience will transfer the unknown area blind or hidden or open areas.
The importance of learning more about ourselves is critical to our success in the world. It is also critical to reaching our goals, becoming independent, and building a bridge for the future.
- Eric Berne
Transactional Analysis (T/A) is one of the tools developed by behavioural scientists which is used for analysis of transactions or understanding of communications that occur between people.
Structural Analysis
Structural analysis involves analyzing the personality to discover the nature of our ego states. You can use structural analysis to better understand who you are and how you got that way. It will help you learn about the various sources of thoughts, feelings and opinions in your personality. Knowing your personality better can add to your effectiveness on the job. Everyones personality has three parts, called ego states. These ego states are named Parent, Adult, and Child. We are talking about ego states rather than real parents, adults or children.
Whenever you are gathering information,
4. Procrastination: Some people learn when they are young that a good way to get attention is to procrastinate.
Life positions
A persons life position at any given time expresses in some way just how that individual is relating to others in terms of thinking, feeling and behaving.
I am not Ok I am Ok
You are Ok
Ok Corral
You are not Ok
Like to be alone Enjoy oneonone Communicate by writing Reserved and private Like to focus on one thing at a time Work with ideas Learn by reflection and thinking Conservation of energies
focus on possibilities prefer abstract insights focus on the big picture see patterns and meaning
are downtoearth
learn stepbystep focus on the present rely on past experience prefer things as they are value practical applications
are toughminded
value justice are reasonable and fair
are tenderhearted
value harmony are compassionate and accepting
GETTING ALONG WITH THINKERS Ask them what they think rather than what they feel.
Try not to become defensive or reactive when they express their criticisms about situations.
MBTI (MyersBriggs Type Indicator) Judgers value structure whereas perceivers are easygoing. tend to work now / play later whereas tend to play now / work later. like things settled and decided whereas like to be spontaneous. prefer things to be organised whereas prefer things to remain openended. make lists and use them whereas make lists and lose them. value punctuality whereas leave thing to the last minute.
MBTI (MyersBriggs Type Indicator) Judgers prefer to have deadlines whereas perceivers often ask "what deadline?. like to complete projects whereas like to start projects. are goaloriented whereas are processoriented. value order whereas value flexibility. like to follow timetables whereas enjoy lastminute pressures.
Respect their need to know 'the plan'. Try to agree to some time frame or schedule. Show your respect by honouring your commitment to any plans you have made together. Be aware of their need for order. They are likely to see your 'creative chaos as a disorganised mess. Appreciate their ability to be efficient and organised. If you are a Judger, remember to: Remember that it's OK to change your mind. Develop patience with people who don't have your need for order. Be prepared to review your decisions in light of new information. A plan you made yesterday may not be relevant today. Occasionally do some things that are unplanned.