Braz Tesol - III Etp
Braz Tesol - III Etp
Braz Tesol - III Etp
Shedding light on Multimodality Lucia Bodeman III Encontro de Traducao UFPE - Grupo TIBRA
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. Maya Angelou
Do you netspeak?
Multimodality in action
Why black and white?
Why gestures ?
In the dominance of the screen, writing appears (...) subject to the logic of the image.
Global sharing: Join global projects where ss can share info theyre familiar with with ss from other lands, contexts.
Re-formulating information: rewriting Wikipedia entries about famous people so that they are about famous achievements instead.
Create a class blog, where students can upload videos (speaking homework) and other things they have created. Other Ss provide written feedback.
Create a class Twitter account, and schedule periodic chats with your students on a given topic (current events).
Playing with genres: from song to letter, from written ad to video poem, from dictionary entry to a personal message, using a particular language structure from lessons, adding a background song, image or gesture
Literacy in the New Media Age. Kress, G. ( 2003 ) Routledge Publishing Multimodality. Kress, G. ( 2010) Routledge Publishing New Literacies: Changing Knowledge and Classroom Learning. Lankshear, C. and Knobel, M. (2003) Open University Press. Thornbury, Scott. Beyond the Sentence (2005) MacMillan Publishers Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World by Tony Wagner ( 2012, Scribner: New York, NY Videos: Mode. Kress, G.: YouTube series:, Institute of Education, London University. My Valentine. McCartney, Paul. YouTube