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Braz Tesol - III Etp

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What is this new writing??

Shedding light on Multimodality Lucia Bodeman III Encontro de Traducao UFPE - Grupo TIBRA

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. Maya Angelou

What exactly is multimodality?

The 21st century is awash with ever more mixed and remixed images, writing, layout, sound, gesture, speech, and 3D objects. Multimodality looks beyond language and examines these multiple modes of communication and meaning making.

Source: http://routledge.customgateway.com/routledgelinguistics/multimodality/multimodality.html

The old writing

Image appeared subject to the text

Language, through words and sentences, was predominant

Cohesion involved a linear process

Headlines and titles at the top of the page.

Welcome to the era of the screenagers!

Do you netspeak?

The new writing

Multimodality in action
Why black and white?

Why gestures ?

Invite learners to explore, empower and play!

Activate critical thinking skills!
Create innovators!

Present provocative tasks

In the dominance of the screen, writing appears (...) subject to the logic of the image.

Global sharing: Join global projects where ss can share info theyre familiar with with ss from other lands, contexts.

Re-formulating information: rewriting Wikipedia entries about famous people so that they are about famous achievements instead.

Create a class blog, where students can upload videos (speaking homework) and other things they have created. Other Ss provide written feedback.

Create a class Twitter account, and schedule periodic chats with your students on a given topic (current events).

Playing with genres: from song to letter, from written ad to video poem, from dictionary entry to a personal message, using a particular language structure from lessons, adding a background song, image or gesture

Literacy in the New Media Age. Kress, G. ( 2003 ) Routledge Publishing Multimodality. Kress, G. ( 2010) Routledge Publishing New Literacies: Changing Knowledge and Classroom Learning. Lankshear, C. and Knobel, M. (2003) Open University Press. Thornbury, Scott. Beyond the Sentence (2005) MacMillan Publishers Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World by Tony Wagner ( 2012, Scribner: New York, NY Videos: Mode. Kress, G.: YouTube series:, Institute of Education, London University. My Valentine. McCartney, Paul. YouTube

lu_bodeman@yahoo.com.br @lu_bodeman www.lubodeman.blogspot.com

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