Commercial-Hydroponics - Is-It-Viable
Commercial-Hydroponics - Is-It-Viable
Commercial-Hydroponics - Is-It-Viable
Presented by !t Cdr "retd# CV Pra$ash I% C&' Chief Visionary and (o)nder- *he Instit)te of Simplified Hydroponics +angalore India ,,,-petbharopro.ect-co-in (ood and /ater Sec)rity Seminar 0hmedabad
(ood sec)rity e7ists ,hen all people at all times ha8e physical and economic access to eno)gh safe and n)tritio)s food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an acti8e and healthy lifestyle9
To be "food secure" means: Food is available / Food is affordable / Presentation is copyright of ISH 10/31/13 India Food is utilised
Situation on Ground
*his Presentation 0ims: *o bring to each one present here an a,areness of a methodology of c)lti8ation called Soil-less C)lti8ation/Hydroponics *o ed)cate the participants of ho, this technology can play an important part in helping conser8e ,ater and yet deri8e yields of )nimaginable magnit)des10/31/13
Indians are demanding high >)ality pesticide free fresh prod)ce- 4oney not the criterion ?ro,ing demand for high >)ality microbe free medicinal and aromatic plants People are a,are of dangers of pesticides global ,arming and its ill effects- 4edia plays an important role Consistency >)ality and yields possible only by modern techni>)es of
Presentation is copyright of ISH India
/hat is Hydroponics
Is the practice of gro,ing plants ,itho)t soil Plants can be gro,n in plain n)trient sol)tion or in sterile s)bstrates therefore microbe free @Hydroponics )ses less than 1/10th - 1/Ath of the ,ater )sed in soil c)lti8ation- Saves a lot of %ater %o ,eeds to deal ,ith- !ess space higher yields-
O#en field Farmer has no control on en8ironment&ields are not acc)rately predicted')dgeting is ineffecti8eannot al,ays ens)re ade>)ate aeration of the root BoneSoil-less/!"dro#onics Gi8es gro,er effecti8e control o8er the en8ironment&ields are 8ery predictable')dgeting is easier (oot Bone aeration as ,ell as ade>)ate porosity of medi)m is ens)redPresentation is copyright of ISH India
Area in #rams per M2 $ay %alories 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 113 22" 5$ 5$ 113 1"% 22" 113 113 22" 50 30 %5 &" 3$ 5& $0 && &$ 1%0
&roteins 1.2 1." 3."3 1.0& 0.)& ".05 &.12 1.3 3.1" &.$%
'ats 0.22 0.3 0.2% 0.&3 0.2" 0.3& 0.2% 0.1% 0.23 0.2& 0.3& 0.&" +!01
!ett)ce 300-F00 *ons Stra,berries A0 *ons C)c)mber 100 *ons *omato 1H0-100 *ons +ell Pepper 110-1F0 *ons I%oteJ (ig)res are conser8ati8e &ou see and ask 3,*"4 I believe and sa" 3,*" )ot54
10/31/13 Presentation is copyright of ISH India
Hydroponic/Soil-less ?reenho)ses
Plant gro,n in a Hydroponics ?reenho)se: @ Can be protected from increasing and damaging KV radiation 'ffers the possibility of safe biological control of insect pests and diseases Kses /ater that is reclaimed and re)sed 0llo,s n)trients to be reclaimed re-balanced and re)sed Can be protected from )npredictable ,eather patterns Ha8e a good root system that is not at ris$ from contaminants and diseases 4a$e efficient )se of labo)r ,hich is increasingly e7pensi8e Can be gro,n to ta$e f)ll ad8antage of their genetic Presentation is copyright of ISH 10/31/13 potential India
(educed %ater consum#tion $ Im#roved Produce 6ualit" Increased &ields and Gro%t* (ates 1onger S*elf 1ife 1ess labour in#uts !ig*er 7alue ro#s @8/tended Gro%ing Season @Ha##ier ,orkers 1o%er 1abour osts Pests and .iseases )o Soil 9 )o Problem 8nvironment ontrol -arket ontrol
(etail *ains Private Investors Public Sector om#anies !otel *ains Fast Food *ains Processed Food Industr" as 'ack%ard Integration (ail%a" atering com#anies or#orate !os#itals FF7 8/#orters 1arge land o%ners )GO:s Foreign (etail om#anies ;Outsourcing< .efence establis*ments Public-Private Partners*i#s.
Commercial Hydroponics Co8ers nearly A0000 Ha globally 4ain co)ntries are Holland Spain 0)stralia KS0 Canada %N Italy Canada 4e7ico China 4ain crops are C)c)mbers *omato !ett)ce Stra,berry Herbs Capsic)ms c)t flo,ers etc b)t not limited to these alone (ollo,s IP4 (ollo,s recycling methods Has mar$et foc)s Is an ind)stry model 4ost prod)cers are in cl)ster prod)ction and ha8e co-operati8es for selling prod)ce10/31/13 Presentation is copyright of ISH India
?o8ernment s)pport
Has go8ernment s)pport in many de8eloped co)ntries- India is yet to ,a$e )p to this reality- &8en neig*bor Pakistan has adopted Hydroponics c)lti8ation ,ith ma.or go8ernment s)pport10/31/13 Presentation is copyright of ISH India
0s a th)mb r)lein the order of one acre or more10/31/13 Presentation is copyright of ISH India
+et,een 1A0-100 KS< per S>-m in de8eloped co)ntries In India a8ailable at FA-AA KS< per S>-m
10/31/13 Presentation is copyright of ISH India
Is it a magical prod)ction system? %o- %ot Pl)g and Play %eeds diligence and de8otion Is not forgi8ing %eeds s$ill b)t achie8able '8er confidence can $ill crops10/31/13 Presentation is copyright of ISH India
Capital costs*rained 4anpo,er&d)cation re>)ired0ttention to shifting mar$et demands0ttention to crop gro,ing or c)lt)ral practices Gno,ledge of IP4 Gno,ledge of &n8ironment Controls in ?H Gno,ledge of Climate Controls10/31/13 Presentation is copyright of ISH India
10/31/13 Presentation is copyright of ISH India
;es ,e need to )se foreign Hydroponic e7perts to start ,ith- *his is an absol)te m)st as there are no reso)rce people in India at this time- Ind)stry standards ,ill be established as time goes by and more Indians adopt this $ind of c)lti8ation-
It is mar$eted more on the >)ality and consistency rather than the method of prod)ction-
4edia *ypes
,ater 'ased for short term crops li$e lett)ce leafy 8egetables herbs -edia 'ased li$e Perlite 8ermic)lite peat moss coir peat gra8el sa,d)st etc for long term 8egetable and flo,er crops-
*ypes of Systems
%)trient (ilm *echni>)e "%(*# &bb and (lo, (lood and <rain 4edia +ased s)ch as gro, bags )sing drip method-
'pport)nity India
Prod)ction and labor costs in de8eloped co)ntries increasing thereby need to import high >)ality cheaper prod)ce is increasing India has rich climatic conditions positioning )s fa8orably to mar$et s)ch prod)ce !abor costs in India as ,ell as inp)ts ma$es India an ideal destination for food o)tso)rcing- 0fter I* itCs 0*555 Indian prod)cers can address both domestic as ,ell as International mar$ets s)ch as 4&/&K/KS0/(ar &ast Has intelligent manpo,er- Can learn fast the operating protocolsPresentation is copyright of ISH 10/31/13 India 0 co)ntry that can prod)ce s)per-comp)ters
4ar$eting Channels for Hydroponic Prod)ce /holesale Channels =etail Channels 4a.or b)yers ,ill be s)permar$et chains/&7port mar$ets 4any prod)cers ha8e formed cooperati8es to help sell their prod)ce Prod)cers specialiBe in one or t,o types of prod)ce mainly and ha8e f)ll control o8er their prod)ce10/31/13 Presentation is copyright of ISH India
4ostly sold as Hydroponic prod)ce at retail le8el 0t ,holesale le8el sold on basis of >)ality consistency and labeled as 6Vineripened9 or 6!i8ing !ett)ce9 etc Hydroponic Prod)ce m)st emphasiBe on 6Clean and ?reen910/31/13 Presentation is copyright of ISH India
Sho)ld not compete ,ith soil gro,n prod)ce Ks)ally gets a better price based on loo$s te7t)re taste consistency on daily basis high n)trition 8al)e reliable s)pply year ro)nd etc &7tent to ,hich premi)ms are realiBed are based on seasonal 8ol)mes mar$eting presentation "+randing#
10/31/13 Presentation is copyright of ISH India
&7port Sales
Sales opport)nities abo)nd from Indian prod)cers d)e to better prod)ction costing achie8able 4ar$ets are in KS0 &K (ar and 4iddle &ast India has e7cellent connecti8ity to abo8e by land sea and air (reight costs from India are high at this time and ,ith better go8ernmental s)pport can be alle8iated10/31/13 Presentation is copyright of ISH India
Seasonality of prod)ction
Hydroponic ?reenho)ses are capable of prod)cing year ro)nd ,hich incl)des off season 8egetables and herbs d)e to controlled conditions-
Strengt*s 4a$es any land ,ith good ,ater so)rce )sef)l for prod)ction %)trient and pH controls 8ery acc)rate and effecti8e High ;ields from lesser spaces (acilitates the easy adoption of IP4Climate certainty =oot Bone temperat)re is maintained &ffecti8e drainage and a8ailability of root le8el '7ygen Prod)ction possible in diffic)lt en8ironments Some crops need closed en8ironments- Cross Presentation is copyright of ISH Pollination a8oided10/31/13 India
Strengths:- Prod)ce can get premi)m pricesProd)ce appeals to discerning c)stomersCan target niche mar$etsCan be set )p in )rban areas ,itho)t dist)rbing the ecology!ess labor means lesser costs0s hydroponic gro,ers increase dedicated s)pply chains ,ill be established*here is a mar$et potential for hydroponic prod)ce?ro,ers can specialiBe in .)st one prod)ctHydroponics help is no, a8ailable in India<edicated Hydroponic (ood Par$s are a near term reality=esearch centers in Hydroponics can help create and disseminate protocols and c)lt)ral practices for Presentation is copyright of ISH 10/31/13 India 8egetables herbs flo,ers and aromatic and
%o ind)stry association or bodies in hydroponics yet sa8e the ISH in +angalore Higher Cape7 %eeds highly effecti8e mar$eting ?ro,ers m)st specialiBe and car8e a niche for themsel8es +randing is a m)st for s)ccess *he technology is >)ite ne, to India b)t help is a8ailable %eeds more diligence and de8otion 4anpo,er at the moment is 8irt)ally a8ailable sa8e for a fe, ,ho ha8e learnt and practice Simplified Hydroponics Cannot compete ,ith soil gro,n prod)ce and not comparable 6apple to apple9Presentation is copyright of ISH 10/31/13 %o )ni8ersities teach Hydroponics in India- %o India
*o promote hydroponic prod)ce ,here appropriate as lo, or no chemical )se and s)stainable Chance to de8elop and certify hydroponics as organic Hydroponic gro,ers can form cooperati8es to achie8e better ret)rns 0bility to brand pac$age and sell prod)ce as clean healthy and )ni>)e Phasing o)t the )se of 4ethyl +romide ,ill call for technologies that )se lo, chemical lo, ,ater )se systems li$e Hydroponics 'pport)nity abo)nds in creation of more gro,th prod)cts s)ch as special gingers saffron t)rmeric etc ,hich are cashPresentation cropsis copyright of ISH 10/31/13
Hydroponic prod)ce m)st not compete on price b)t on >)ality Certain soil gro,n prod)ce are being mar$eted 8igoro)sly and may be a threat to hydroponic prod)ce- !i$e Caly7-'n *omato for e7ample Imports from e8en cheaper co)ntries of hydroponic prod)ce co)ld be a threat b)t none seen as s)ch in near f)t)re Some cons)mers ha8e this perception that Hydroponics is )nnat)ral ?ro,ers m)st organiBe themsel8es ,ith )nity and ma$e lasting s)pply arrangements to be in Presentation is copyright of ISH 10/31/13 profitable mar$etsIndia
?ro,th is being dri8en by demand for safe hygienic foods (orm Selling and 4ar$eting Co-ops to achie8e mar$et critical mass Ind)ction of Corporate interest in prod)ction and mar$eting 4)lti-site operations ,ith f)ll time employees close to the mar$ets St)dy to)rs of co)ntries hea8ily in the field of Hydroponics 0dopt best practice )se of IP4 )se of recirc)lating systems Prod)ct 8al)e addition by ,ay of smart pac$aging and first stage transformation !arger Hydroponic )nits m)st be adopted in Presentation is copyright of ISH 10/31/13 India order to s)pply consistently prod)ce the ,hole
*o the best of o)r $no,ledge: Hydroponics is being practiced by some floric)lt)rists in ?).arat 4aharashtra and Garnata$a states presently *he other Hydroponics being practiced is Simplified Hydroponics learnt by indi8id)als corporates %?'Cs etc from the Instit)te of Simplified Hydroponics +angalore=eferences are a8ailable on re>)est- *here
10/31/13 Presentation is copyright of ISH India
CapitalJ Hydroponic systems are high in Cape7!ocation and Siting is 8ery importantClimatic conditions in area/ater m)st be of good >)ality in chosen area- 4)st be tested prior before b)ying land and m)st be the perennial so)rce- Chemical >)ality is 8italChoice of right crop and a potential mar$etPro7imity to mar$ets!ogistics in8ol8ed?ood 0gronomists selected prior ,ith gro)nd le8el e7perience- %o theory masters*opography of the land/ slope characteristics/ind direction and speed temperat)re range frost fre>)ency rainfall h)midity are all important
Profitability is !in$ed to::-Ind)stry profitability is directly lin$ed to: Prod)ction scale increasing ret)rns to increasing siBe- 0bility to s)pply promised amo)nt ,ith >)ality and consistency Capacity to Val)e add and/or- (ind and e7ploit a )ni>)e and high ret)rn/8al)e mar$et niche-
Commercial Hydroponics
Simplified Hydroponics
/ord of Ca)tion
*his presentation is only intended as a broad indicator of ind)stry profitability and to pro8ide a chec$ list to potential in8estors It is not intended as an endorsement of any partic)lar system or enterprise &8ery in8estor is ad8ised to do his o,n st)dy before in8esting-
*he Commercial Hydroponics ind)stry is a s)ccessf)l ind)stry and is rapidly e7panding *he mar$et is larger than opined as prod)ce is sold on >)ality rather than prod)ction method Hydroponics cannot displace b)l$ commodity items *he ind)stry is e7pected to gro, e7ponentially as conditions of soil gro,ing is becoming diffic)lt-