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Some Typical Waveforms

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Lecture 3

Some typical Waveforms

The Sinusoid

The unit step function

The Pulse

The unit impulse

Capacitors (Linear and Nonlinear).

Inductors (Linear and Nonlinear). Hysteresis.

Summary of Four way Classification of Two-terminal


Waveforms and their Notation
Let us now define some of the more useful waveforms that we shall
use repeatedly later
The constant This is the simplest waveform; it is
described by
f (t ) = K for all t where K is a constant
The sinusoid To represent a sinusoidal waveform or
sinusoid for short, we use the traditional
φ A cos(ωt+φ)
sec notation
ω f (t ) = A cos(ωt + φ )
A where the constant A is called
amplitude of sinusoid, the
constant ω is called the (angular)
frequency (measured in radians
per second), and the constant φ is

Period= , sec called phase (See Fig.3.1)
Fig.3.1 A sinusoidal waveform of amplitude A and phase 2
The unit step The unit step function as shown in Fig.3.2
is denoted by u(⋅) and is defined by
0 for t<0 (3.1)
u (t ) = 
1 for t >0
And its value at t=0 may be taken to be 2 0, , or 1. Throughout
this curse we shall use the letter u exclusively for the unit
Suppose we delayed a unit step by t0 sec. The resulting
waveform has u(t-t0)as an ordinate at time t. Indeed, for t<t0,
the argument is negative, and hence the ordinate is zero; for
t>t0, the argument is positive and the ordinate is equal to 1
(See Fig.3.3). u(t-t0)

1 1

t t
Fig.3.2 The unit step function u(.) Fig.3.3 The delayed unit step function3
The pulse
We shall frequently have to use a rectangular
pulse and for his purpose we define pulsep∆ (⋅)
0 t<0
1 (3.2)

p∆ (t ) =  0<t <∆
0 ∆<t
In other words, p∆ is a pulse of height 1/∆, of width ∆, and
starting at t=0.
t=0 Note that whatever the value of the positive
parameter ∆, the area under p∆ (⋅) is 1 (see Fig.3.4). Note that

p∆(t) u (t ) − u (t − ∆)
p∆ (t ) = for all t (3.3)
1 ∆

Fig.3.4 A pulse function p∆ (⋅)

The unit impulse The unit impulse δ(⋅) (also called the Dirac
delta function) is not a function in the strict
mathematical sense of the term. For our
purposes we state that
0 for t≠0
δ (t ) =  (3.4)
singular at t =0
and the singularity at the origin is such that for any ξ>0 (See Fig.3.5)
δ(t) (3.5)
∫ δ (t )dt = 1
The impulse function can be
considered as the limit, as ∆
→∞, of the pulse p∆.
0 Physically δ can be
considered as charge
Fig.3.5 A unit impulse function density of a unit point
δ(⋅) the definition of δ and u we get charge
From formallylocated at t=0 on the
t t axis

u (t ) = δ (t ′)dt ′
du (t )
= δ (t ) (3.7)
Another frequently useful property is the sifting property of
the unit impulse ξ

∫ξ f (t )δ (t )dt = f (0) (3.8)
for any positive ξ

This is easily made reasonable by approximation δ by p∆ as follows:

ξ +ξ ∆
∫−ξ f (t )δ (t ) = lim −∫ξ f (t ) p∆ (t ) = lim∫0 f (t ) ∆ dt = f (0)
1. Related to the unit step function is the unit
ramp r(⋅) (See Fig.3.6), defined by
r (t ) = tu (t ) for all t (3.9)

From (2.3) and (2.11) we can show that
r (t ) = ∫ u (t ′)dt ′ (3.10)
and −∞

r(t) dr (t )
= u (t ) (3.11)

Fig.3.6 A unit ramp function

0 1 t

2. Closely related to the unit impulse function is the unit

doublet δ’(⋅), which is defined by
0 for t≠0
δ ′(t ) =  (3.12)
singular at t =0
And the singularity at t=0 is such that
δ (t ) = ∫ δ ′(t ′)dt ′ (3.13)
−∞ 7
dδ (t ) (3.14)
= δ ′(t )

0 t

Fig.3.7 A doublet δ’(⋅),

What is a Capacitor?
Two conductors separated by an insulator:
A simple capacitor: i(t)

Fig.3.8 Symbol for a capacitor

We shall always call q(t) the charge at time t on the plate to

which the reference arrow of the current i(t) points

d Area A

• ε = “Permittivity” of dielectric material

• d = Separation distance
• A = Area of electrodes ⊥ d
Note: ε0 for air = 8.85 × 10–12
farads/meter 10
Most plastics: ε = 2 to 4 ε
When i(t) is positive, positive charges are brought (at time t) to
the top plate whose charge is labeled q(t);
q(t) hence the rate of
change of q is also positive. Thus we have
dq (3.15)
i (t ) =
In this formula currents are given in amperes and charges
in coulombs
+q + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

___________________ v(t)

A capacitor whose characteristic is at all times a straight line

through the origin of the vq plane is called a linear is called
linear capacitor.
Conversely, if at any time the characteristic is not a straight
line through the origin of the vq plane, the capacitor is called
nonlinear 11
A capacitor whose characteristic does not change with time is
called a time-invariant capacitor.
If the characteristic changes with time, the capacitor is called
time-varying capacitor.
As in the case of resistors we have a four way
classification of Capacitors

a) linear
b) non-linear
c) time-invariant
d) time-varying

The Linear Time-Invariant Capacitor
From definition of linearity and time invariance, the
characteristic of a linear time invariant capacitor can be
written as
q (t ) = Cv (t ) (3.16)

where C is constant (independent of t and v) which measures the

slope of the characteristic and which is called capacitance.
The units are
q = Columbs
v = Volts
The equation relating the terminal voltage and the current is

dq dv 1 dv (3.17)
i (t ) = =C =
dt dt S dt
Where S=C-1, and is called the elastance. Integrating
(3.17) between 0 and t we get 13
v(t ) = v(0) + ∫ i (t ′)dt ′ (3.18)

Thus a linear time invariant capacitor is completely specified as

a circuit element only if the capacitance C ( the slope or its
characteristic) and the initial voltage v(0) are given

Equation (3.17) defines a function expressing i(t) in terms of

dv/dt that is i(t)=f(dv/dt). It is fundamental to observe that this
function f(⋅) is linear.
On the other hand, Eq.(3.18) defines a function expressing v(t)
in terms of v(0) and the current waveform i(⋅) over the interval
[0,t]. Only if v(0)=0,
v(0)=0 the function defined by (3.18) is a linear
function that gives the value of v(t), the voltage at time t, in
terms of the current waveform over the interval [0,t].
The integral in (3.18) represents the net area under the
current curve between time 0 and t; we say “net are” to
remind that sections on the curve i(⋅) above the time axes
contribute positive areas, and those below contribute 14
The value of v at time t, v(t) depends on its initial value v(0) and
all the values of the current between time 0 and time t; this
fact is often alluded to by saying that “capacitors have
Exercise 1 Let a current source is(t) be connected to a linear
time-invariant capacitor with capacitance C and
v(0)=0 form v(⋅) across the capacitor for
Determine the voltage

• is(t)=u(t)
• is(t)=δ(t)
• is(t)=Acos(ωt+φ)
Exercise 2 Let a voltage source vs(t) be connected to a linear
time-invariant capacitor with capacitance C and
Determine the current form i(⋅) across the capacitor for

• vs(t)=u(t)
• vs(t)=δ(t)
• vs(t)=Acos(ωt+φ) 15
A current source is connected to the terminals of a
linear time-invariant capacitor with a capacitance
of 2 Farads and an initial voltage v(0)=-1/2 volt (see
Fig.3.10 a)
i, amp
C=2F +
i(t) v(t)
0 1 2
– t

(a) (b)
v, volts
Fig.3.10 Voltage and current 1
waveform across a linear time- 2
invariant capacitor
0 1 2
− 12 (c)
Let the current source be given by the simple waveform i(⋅)
shown in Fig.3.10 b. The branch voltage across the
capacitance can be computed immediately from Eq.3.18. as
v(t ) = − 12 + 12 ∫ i (t ′)dt ′

and the voltage waveform v(⋅) is plotted in Fig.3.10c. The

voltage is - ½ volt for t negative. At t=0 it starts to increase
and reaches ½ volt at t=1 sec as a result of the contribution of
the positive portion of the current waveform. The voltage then
decreases linearly to -½ volt because of the constant negative
1<t<2 and stays constant for t ≥2 sec.
current for 1<t<2,
This simple example clearly points out that v(t) for t ≥ 0
depends on the initial value v(0) and on all the values of the
waveform i(⋅) between time 0 and time t. Furthermore it is
easy to see that v(t) is not a linear function of i(⋅) when v(0) is
not zero. On the other hand if the initial value v(0) is zero, the
branch voltage at time t, v(t) is a linear function of the current
Remarks • Equation 3.18 states that time t the branch
voltage v(t), where t≥0, across a linear time-
invariant capacitor is a sum of two terms.
The first term is the voltage v(0) at t=0,
t=0 that is the initial
voltage cross the capacitor. The second term is the voltage
at time t across a capacitor C farads if at t=0 this capacitor is
initially uncharged.
Thus, any linear time-invariant capacitor with an initial
voltage v(0) can be considered as the series connection of a dc
voltage source E=v(0) and the same capacitor with zero initial
voltage, as shown in Fig. 3.11
+ Uncharged
+ + C at t=0
v(t) C v(0)=V0
__ __ E=V0

Fig. 3.11 The initial charged capacitor with v(0)=V0 in (a) is

equivalent to the series connection of the same capacitor,
which is initial uncharged and a constant voltage source 18
• Consider a linear time-invariant capacitor with zero initial
voltage; that is, v(0)=0.
v(0)=0 It is connected in series with an
arbitrary independent voltage source vs(t) as shown in Fig.
3.12a. The series connection is equivalent to the circuit (as
shown in Fig. 3.12b) in whish the same capacitor is
connected in parallel with a current dvs source is(t), and
is (t ) = C (3.19
dt )
The voltage source vs(t) in Fig. 3.12a is given in terms of the
current source is(t), in Fig. 3.12b. t
vs = ∫
is (t ′)dt ′ (3.20
v(t) is(t)
vs(t) C

Fig. 3.12 Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits fro a

capacitor with an independent source 19
The results in Fig.3.12a and b are referred to as Thevenin and
the Norton equivalent circuits respectively. The proof is similar
to that of the resistor case. In particular, if the voltage source
vs in Fig. 3.12 a is a unit step function, by Eq.(3.19) the current
source is in Fig. 3.12b is an impulse function Cδ(t).
1. Consider Eq.(3.19) again at instant t and at instant t+dt;
by subtraction we get
t + dt
v(t + dt ) − v(t ) =
C t ∫ i (t ′)dt ′ (3.21
Let us assume that i(t) is bounded for all t; that is a finite
constant M such that Ii(t)I≤M for all t under consideration. The
area under the waveform i(⋅) over the interval [t,t+dt] will go
to zero as dt→0. Also from (3.21), as dt → 0,
0 v(t+dt) →v(t), or
stated in another way, the voltage waveform v (⋅) is
We can thus state an important property of the linear time-
invariant capacitor:

If the current i (⋅) in a linear time-invariant capacitor remains
bounded for all time in the closed interval [0,T], the voltage v
across the capacitor is a continuous function in the open
interval (0,T); that is the branch voltage for such a capacitor
cannot jump instantaneously from one value to a different
value as long as the current remains bounded.

The Linear Time-varying Capacitor

If the capacitor is linear but time
varying its characteristic is at all
times a straight line through the
origin, but its slope depends on
time. Therefore, the charge at time
t can be expressed in term of the
voltage at time t by an equation of
the form
q (t ) = C (t )v(t ) (3.22)
where C(⋅) is prescribed function of time that specifies for
each t the slope of the capacitor characteristic. 21
This function C(⋅) is part of the specification of the linear time-
varying capacitor. Equation (3.15) then becomes

dq dv dC (3.23)
i (t ) = = C (t ) + v(t )
dt dt dt

The capacitance of periodically varying

capacitor may be expressed in a Fourier
series as ∞
C (t ) = C0 + ∑ Ck cos(2πfkt + φk ) (3.24)
k =1

where f represents the frequency of rotation of the moving plate.

Exercise i(t)
Consider the circuit shown in Fig.
= A cos ω1t
3.13. Let the voltage be va(t )sinusoid, v(t) - C(t)
where the constant ω1 = 2πf1 is the angular
Fig.3.13 A linear time-varying
capacitor is driven by a sinusoidal
voltage source
Let the linear time varying capacitor be specified by
C (t ) = C0 + C1 cos 3ω1t
where C0 and C1 are constants. Determine the current i(t) for all t.

The Nonlinear Capacitor

Let us consider the nonlinear capacitor specified df
by its characteristic q=f(v) (See Fig.3.14) dv v1
The first term v1 is a q=f(v)=f(v
q=f(v)=f( 1+v2)
constant voltage
applied to the
capacitor by a biasing
battery (dc bias), and
the second term v2 is a
0 v v1+v2 v
small varying voltage. 1
For example, v2 might
be voltage in an input Fig.3.14
stage of a receiver. Characteristic q=f(⋅ ) 23
Using a Taylor series expansion, we have
q = f (v) = f (v1 + v2 ) ≈ f (v1 + v2 (3.25)
dv v1
In Eq.(3.25) we neglecting second order terms; this introduces
negligible errors provided v2 is sufficient small. More precisely,
v2 must be sufficient small so that the part of characteristic
corresponding to the abscissa v1+v2 is well approximated by a
straight line segment passing through the pointdv(vv1,f(v1)) and

The current
having i(t) form
slope . Eq. (3.15) is
dq df dv2 (3.26)
+ i (t ) = =
i(t) dt dv v1 dt
v2(t) - v q=f(v) Note that v1 is a constant. Thus, as
v1 far as the small-signal v2 is
- C (v1 ) =
concerned , the capacitance
dv v1
Fig. 3.15 A nonlinear capacitor is is a linear time-invariant
driven by a voltage v which is the
sum of a dc voltage v1 and a small capacitance and is equal to the
varying voltage v2. slope of the capacitor 24
If the nonlinear capacitance is used in a parametric amplifier,
the voltage v1 is not a constant ; however v2, which represents
the time varying signal is still assumed to be small so that the
approximations used in writing (3.25) are still valid.
The voltage across the capacitor is v1(t)+v2(t). Consequently, the
charge is q (t ) = f (v (t ) + v (t ))
1 2

Since v2(t) is small for all t, we have

q (t ) ≈ f (v1 (t ) + v2 (t )
dv v1
q1 (t ) = f (v1 (t ))


The charge q1(t) can be considered to be the charge due to

v1(t). The remaining =∆ q (t ) − q1 (t )
q2 (t )charge is given
approximately by
df (3.28)
q ≈2 v (t ) 2
dv v1

This charge q2 is proportional to v2 and can be considered as

the small-signal charge variation due to v2. Since v1 is now a

given function
dv v1 (t ) of time can be identified as a linear
time-varying dfcapacitor C(t), where
C (t ) =
dv v1 ( t )

A nonlinear capacitance can be modeled a a linear time-

varying capacitor in the small-signal analysis.

This type of analysis is basic to understanding the parametric amplifier

Inductor are used in electrical
circuits because they store Flux
energy in their magnetic fields.
What is an
Inductor? i

A coil of wire that

can carry current

Current produces a magnetic field

Energy is stored in the inductor

Inductance Formula: µN2A
Inductor formula:
Area A

φ = Li
N turns h
φ = Flux linkage in volt-sec
i = Amperes
L = Henries (physical property of inductor)

φ = Flux × no. of turns Material of permeability µ

µ0 = 4π × 10–7 henries/meter
µ can vary between µ0 and
10,000µ0 28
Inductor formula: φ= i
Definition of voltage: v=dλ
Li +
dt v

∴ v = Ld i

The two-terminal element will be called an inductorinducto if at any
time t its flux φ(t) and its current i(t) satisfy a relation defined
by a curve in the i φ plane. This curve is called the
characteristic of the inductor at time t.
There is a relation between
A instantaneous value of the flux φ(t) and
i(t) the instantaneous value of the current
+ i(t).
v(t) The voltage across the inductor
– (measured with reference direction
(see Fig 3.16) is given by Faraday’s
induction law as
B dφ
Fig.3.16 Symbol for an inductor v(t ) = (3.29)
where v is in volts and φ is in

Let us verify that (3.29) agrees with Lenz’s law which states
that the electromotive force induced by a rate change of flux
will have a polarity such that it will oppose the cause of that
rate of change of flux.
Consider the following case: The current i increases; di / dt > 0
that is,
The increasing current creates an increasing magnetic field;
hence the flux φ increases; that is dφ/dt>0.
/dt>0 According to
(3.29), v(t)>0,
v(t)>0 which means that the potential of node A is
larger than the potential of node B; this is precisely the
polarity required to oppose any further increase in current.
As in the case of resistors and capacitance we have a
four way classification of Inductors

a) linear
b) non-linear
c) time-invariant
d) time-varying
The Linear Time-Invariant Inductor
By definition the characteristic of the linear time invariant
inductor has an equation of the form

φ (t ) = Li (t ) (3.30)

where L is constant (independent of t and i)

i and is called the
The characteristic is a fixed straight line through the origin
whose slope is L.
The equation relating the terminal voltage and current is
easily obtained from (3.29) and (3.30). Thus
di (3.31)
v(t ) = L
Integrating Eq.(3.31) between 0 and t, we get
i (t ) = i (0) + ∫ v(t ′)dt ′ (3.32)
, −and
Let Γ = L
∆ 1
let Γ be called the reciprocal inductance . Then
i (t ) = i (0) + Γ ∫ v(t ′)dt ′ (3.33)
In Eqs. (3.32) and (3.33) the integral is the net area under the
voltage curve between time 0 and time t. Clearly, the value i
at time t, i(t), depends on its initial value i(0) and on all the
values of the voltage waveform v(⋅) in the interval [0,t]. This
fact, as in the case of capacitors, is often alluded to be saying
It is“important
inductors have memory”
that linear time invariant inductor is completely
specified as a circuit element only if the inductance L and the
initial current i(0) are given (see. Eq. 3.32)
It should be stressed that Eq. (3.31) defines a linear function
expressing the instantaneous voltage v(t) in terms of the
derivative of the current evaluated at time t. Equation (3.32)
defines a function expressing i(t) in terms of i(0) and the
waveform v(⋅) over the interval [0,t]. Only if i(0)=0,
i(0)=0 the function
defined by (3.32) is a linear function which gives the value of
the current i at time t, i(t), in terms of the voltage waveform v(
⋅) over the interval [0,t].
Exercise 1
Let a current source is(t) be connected to a linear
time-invariant inductor with inductance L and
Determine the voltage form v(⋅) across the inductor for

• is(t)=u(t)
• is(t)=δ(t)

Exercise 2
Let a voltage source vs(t) be connected to a linear
time-invariant inductor with inductance L and
Determine the current form i(⋅) in the inductor for

• vs(t)=u(t)
• vs(t)=δ(t)
• vs(t)=Acosωt, where A and ω are constants
Remarks • Equation (3.32) states that time t the branch
current i(t), (where t≥0),
0) in a linear time-
invariant inductor is a sum of two terms.
The first term is the current i(0) at t=0,
t=0 that is the initial
current in the inductor. The second term is the current at
time t in an inductor L if at t=0 this inductor has zero initial
Thus, given any linear time-invariant inductor with an initial
current i(0), can be considered as the parallel connection of a
dc current source I0=i(0) and the same inductor with zero
initial current, as shown
i(t)in Fig. 3.17
i(t) Zero
+ L current
v (t) I0
v(t) L i(0)=I0

Fig. 3.17 The inductor with an initial current i(0)=I0 in (a) is
equivalent to the parallel connection of the same inductor
with zero initial current and a constant current source35I0 in
• Consider a linear time-invariant inductor with zero initial
voltage; that is, i(0)=0.
i(0)=0 It is connected in parallel with an
arbitrary voltage current source is(t) as shown in Fig. 3.18a.
The parallel connection is equivalent to the circuit shown in
Fig. 3.18b in where the same inductor is connected in series
with a voltage source vs(t), and dis
vs (t ) = L (3.34
dt )
The current source is(t) in Fig. 3.18a is given in terms of the
voltage source vs(t), in Fig. 3.18b.

is =
L0 ∫
vs (t ′)dt ′ i(t) (3.35
+ +
v(t) is(t) v(t)
__ __

Fig. 3.18 Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits fro a

capacitor with an independent source 36
The results in Fig.3.18a and b are referred to as Norton and
the Thevenin equivalent circuits respectively. In particular, if
the vs in Fig. 3.18a is a unit step function, the voltage source vs
in Fig. 3.18b is an impulse function Lδ(t).
Following reasoning similar to that used in the case of
capacitors, we may conclude with the following important
property of inductors:
If the voltage v across a linear time-invariant inductor
remains bounded for all times in the closed interval [0,t], the
current i is a continuous function in the open interval (0,t);
that is, the current in such an inductor cannot jump
instantaneously from one value to a different value as long
as the voltage across it remains bounded.

The Linear Time-varying Inductor

If the inductor is linear but time-

varying its characteristic is at all
times a straight line through the
origin, but its slope depends on
time. Therefore, the flux is
expressed in terms of the current
φ (t ) = L(t )i (t ) (3.36
where L(⋅) is prescribed function of time. Indeed, this
function L(⋅) is a part of the specification of the time-varying
inductance. Equation (3.29) becomes

di dL (3.37
v(t ) = L(t ) + i (t ) )
dt dt

The Nonlinear Inductor

Most physical inductors have nonlinear characteristics. Only

for certain specific ranges of currents can inductors be
modeled by linear time invariant inductors. A typical
characteristic of physical inductor is shown in Fig.3.19.
φ e
Suppose the characteristic of a
nonlinear time-invarint inductor
can be represented by
φ = tanh i
i Let us calculate the voltage
across the inductor, where the
current is sinusoidal and is
given by i (t ) = A cos ωt
Fig.3.19 Characteristic of a nonlinear inductor 39
The flux is thus
φ (t ) = tanh( A cos ωt )

By (3.29) we have
d dφ di d tanh i dA cos ωt
v(t ) = φ (i (t )) = =
dt di i (t ) dt di i (t ) dt
= (− Aω sin ωt )
cosh ( A cos ωt )

We conclude that
sin ωt
v(t ) = − Aω
cosh 2 ( A cos(ωt )

Thus the amplitude A and the angular frequency ω of the

current,the voltage across the inductor is completely
specified as a function of time.

A special type of nonlinear inductor, such as a ferromagnetic-

core inductor, has a characteristic that exhibits the hyteresis
phenomenon. In terms of the current-flux plot, a hysteresis
charcteristic is shown in Fig.3.20.
Assume that we start at the origin in the iφ plane; as current ia
increased, the flux builds up to curve 1. etc.,

φ1 i1,φ1
-i3 -i2 3

0 i4 i1 i

(-i3 ,-φ3) -φ3

Fig.3.20 Hysteresis phenomenon

Table 3.1. Summary of Four-way Classification of Two-terminal Elements

Linear Nonlinear
Time-invariant Time varying Time-invariant Time varying

Resistors v (t ) = Ri(t ) v(t ) = R(t )i (t ) v(t ) = f (i (t )) v(t ) = f (i (t ), t )

Current-controlled Current-controlled
i v i (t ) = Gv(t ) i (t ) = G (t )v(t )
+ - i (t ) = g (v(t )) i (t ) = g (v(t ), t )
R = 1/ G R(t ) = 1 / G (t ) Voltage-controlled Voltage-controlled

Capacitors dq q(t ) = Cv(t ) q(t ) = C (t )v(t ) q (t ) = f (v(t )) q (t ) = f (v(t ), t )

v i=
dt dv

+ i
i (t ) = C
- dt i (t ) =
v (t ) + C (t )
dv df dv ∂f ∂f dv
dt dt i (t ) = i (t ) = +
v(t ) = v (0) + ∫ i (t ′) dt ′ dv dt ∂t ∂v dt
C0 v (t ) v (t )

Inductors v = dφ φ (t ) = Li (t ) φ (t ) = L(t )i (t ) φ (t ) = f ( i (t ) ) φ (t ) = f ( i (t ), t )
+ v -
v (t ) = L
dt t df di ∂f ∂f di
1 v (t ) =
i (t ) + L(t )
di v(t ) = v(t ) = +
i (t ) = i (0) + ∫ v (t ′)dt ′ dv i (t ) dt ∂t ∂v i (t ) dt
i L0 dt dt


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