Amenorrhoea Remedies
Amenorrhoea Remedies
Amenorrhoea Remedies
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Menses, Amenorrhea
• General information Absence of menstruation.
Amenorrhea, primary. The woman or girl never begins
to menstruate or stops menstruating for 6 months.
Absence of menstruation in a young woman who has
passed puberty and is at least 16 years old.
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Menses, Amenorrhea
• Causative factors Pregnancy (if the woman has had
sexual intercourse), Breastfeeding an infant.
Discontinuing use of birthcontrol pills. Menopause (if
the woman is over 35 and not pregnant). Emotional
stress or psychological disorder. Surgical removal of
the ovaries or uterus. Disorder of the endocrine system,
including the pituitary, hypothalamus, thyroid,
parathyroid, adrenal and ovarian glands. Diabetes
mellitus. Tuberculosis. Obesity. Anorexia nervosa or
Bulimia. Strenuous program of physical exercise, such
as longdistance running. Use of certain drugs, such as
phenothiazines, reserpine or hormones. Chemotherapy
or radiation treatments.
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Amenorrhea Repertory
• amenorrhea, menses, absent, (see Menses, suppressed) acon.,
aesc., agar., agn., alet., allc., aln., amc., amm., ammc., anac., ant
c., apis, apoc., argn., aristcl., ars., arsi., asar., AUR., auri., aven.,
barc., bell., bellp., benzac., berb., bor., brom., bry., calc., calci.,
calcp., calcs., calcsil., canns., canth., carbv., CARBNS., card
m., caul., caust., cham., chel., chin., chinar., chlorpr., cic., cimic.,
cina, coca, cocc., coch., colch., coll., coloc., CON., cortiso., cortico.,
croc., crotot., cupr., cycl., cypr., dam., dig., dros., DULC., euph.,
eupi., FERR., ferrar., FERRI., ferrm., ferrp., gast., gels., glon.,
goss., GRAPH., guai., ham., hedeo, hell., helon., hyper., hyos.,
ictod., IGN., indg., iod., kaliar., KALIC., kalii., kalima., kalin.,
kalip., kalis., kreos., lacd., lach., lilt., linuc., lob., LYC., magc.,
magm., mags., mand., mang., merc., merl., mill., mit., natc., nat
m., natp., natsil., nats., nep., nuxm., nuxv., olan., olj., op., ovi
gp., parth., phac., phos., phyt., pinl., pituin., plat., plb., podo.,
polyg., PULS., rhust., sabad., sabin., sang., sanic., sec., SENEC.,
SEP., sieg., SIL., sinn., spong., staph., stram., SULPH., suli.,
symph., tanac., tep., thiop., thuj., thyr., TUB., urtu., ust., valer.,
verat., veratv., vib., wies., wye., xray, xan., zinc., zincp.
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Amenorrhea Remedies
• Arsenicum alb. Pale, waxen color of face. Great prostration of
strength. Loss of appetite, sadness and melancholy. Fear of death
and being alone. Much chilliness, wants more clothes on, or to be
near fire. *Intense thirst, but drinks little, *Sufferings all worse after
• China off. Never well since childbirth, hemorrhage and then
periods never came back or they spot. History of blood loss or
anemia, (Ferr. met.). Pale, sickly complexion. Weakness of
digestion, fullness and distension of abdomen, particularly after
eating [Lyc. Nux.] *Debility from loss of animal fluids. After
chagrin, [Cham.]
• Cocculus ind. Especially acute, due to overexcitement and loss
of sleep, nursing loved ones that are ill, drained emotionally from
putting out too much energy and lack of sleep, night watching
rubrics. Leucorrhea in place of menses. *During menstrual period
she is extremely weak. Sometimes a few drops of black blood are
discharged. Nervous hysterical subjects.
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Amenorrhea Remedies
• Ferrum metallicum Often in young girls. Often there are
struggles with parents. Accompanied with anemia. Delayed first
menses with debility, palpitations. Sickly complexion. Puffiness
about ankles. Weak, chlorotic women with flushed face or pale with
blue margins about the eyes.
• Ignatia Amenorrhea from unresolved or suppressed grief, with
sighing. Real intellectual, hard to make decisions, perfectionists,
Anorexia, fear of being rejected because of appearance. Taken too
much exercise they want to be perfectionists, they exercise as one
of their obsessions, (similar to Rhus). They have stressed their
bodies so much, they get amenorrhea.
• Lilium tig. Amenorrhea, accompanied with cardiac distress or
with ovarian pains of a burning or stinging character. Prolapse or
other displacements of womb, [Merc. Sep. Nux.] Thin, acrid
Leucorrhea, which stains linen brown. Partial amenia, the menses
returning occasionally, and then remaining off again.
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Amenorrhea Remedies
• Natrum mur. Amenorrhea from a history of deep or suppressed grief or
resentment. Main remedy for infertility from amenorrhea. From becoming
wet. Amenorrhea due to anorexia. Fear of rejection if they gain weight.
• Pulsatilla Suppression due to getting the feet wet. Delayed first menses.
Poor appetite. Nosebleed instead of menses. Shy, weepy, feels lonely. Desire
for open air. Amenorrhea since a feeling of abandonment. Since the birth
control pill. Usually psychological or exposure to the dampness or
something has interfered with hormones. Amenorrhea from becoming wet
especially the feet (Silica). *Suppression, especially from getting feet wet,
[Dulc.] Vertigo, with buzzing in ears. *Mild, tearful disposition, with
tendency to sadness, [Ign. Sep.] Symptoms all worse in evening.
Amenorrhea, alternating with or concomitant to Asthma (Spongia).
• Rhus tox. Period stops since exposure to the cold, damp and wet.
Back injury.
• Silica Suppression of menses due to getting the feet wet.
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Amenorrhea Remedies
• Sepia Often runners, or intense sports, doing a lot of dancing
or aerobics. Amenorrhea from much work and tired.
Amenorrhea with severe hysterical headaches, leucorrhea,
toothache. Delay of first menses where a leucorrhea occurs
instead. Worse from cold in feeble women. Bloated abdomen
with bearingdown pains. Amenorrhea since abortion,
miscarriage, childbirth. Amenorrhea from hormonal
disturbances. Period never returned since nursing, after
childbirth, hormonal problems, birth control pills (Pulsatilla).
Frequent paroxysms of hysteric or nervous headache.
Toothache, with great sensitiveness of teeth. *Sallow
complexion or dingy spots on face. Nervous debility and great
disposition to sweat. *Painful sensation of emptiness in
stomach, [Ign.] Feeble, delicate women.
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