Introduction To: Critical Appraisals of The Medical Literature
Introduction To: Critical Appraisals of The Medical Literature
Introduction To: Critical Appraisals of The Medical Literature
>25,000 journals worldwide >2 million published articles per year Many published articles have methodological (including statistical) flaws even in most respected journals Not all results can be applied due to many reasons, a.o. dissimilarities of study subjects with our patients Limited time of physicians: focus on articles relevant to your clinical practice
The effect of dietary habit on calcium level in pediatric patients with nephrotic syndrome J Agric Soc Sci 2006;2
r = - 0.1213, p = 0.015
There was a significant inverse relationship between the age and the total calcium level
Statistical significance vs. clinical importance
Negligible clinical difference may be statistically very significant if the number of subjects >>>. e.g., difference in reduction of cholesterol level of 3 mg/dl, n1=n2 = 10,000; p = 0.00002 Large clinical difference may be statistically non- significant if the no of subjects <<<, e.g. 30% difference in cure rate, if n1 = n2 = 10, p
df = 9998
p = 0.00002 Statistical
Clinical Statistical
Patient Satisfaction
Health Status
Resources used
What is Evidence?
People disagree on what constitutes evidence Evidence generally = scientific fact Evidence - a combination of information obtained from 3 sources: research, clinical experience, and client preferences (Kitson, Harvey, & McCormack, 1998)
Sources of Evidence
Primary sources Based on experiments and published research Secondary sources Systematic reviews Clinical guidelines Journals of secondary publication e.g. Evidence Based Medicine
Levels of evidence
1. Syst reviews of RCTs and high quality RCTs
2. Syst reviews of cohort studies, lower quality RCTs, outcomes research 3. Syst reviews of case controls, case control studies 4. Case Series 5. Expert opinion
Types of Evidence
Question Types
Type of Question
Health care interventions: treatment, prevention Harm or Etiology Prognosis
Best Evidence
Quantitative: Systematic Review of RCTs or RCT Quantitative: Observational Study Cohort or Case Control Quantitative: Observational Study Cohort, Case Control
Diagnosis or Assessment
Economics Meaning
Internal Is the study designed in such a way that I Can trust the findings?
External Is the study designed in such a way that I Can generalize the findings?
If the study was conducted again, would the results be the same?
Usually interpreted as the accuracy of measurement.
What was the effect size or magnitude of effect?
7. Discussion
General Strength and weakness Conclusions
8. References
Vancouver style Constant
What is a bias? A process that tends to produce
results that depart systematically from the true values existing in the study population
Types of bias
1. Sample (subject selection) biases, which may result in the subjects in the sample being unrepresentative of the population which you are interested in 2. Measurement (detection) biases, which include issues related to how the outcome of interest was measured 3. Intervention (performance) biases, which involve how the treatment itself was carried out.
11 items
1. What is the research question? 2. What is the study type? 3. What are the outcome factors and how are they measured? 4. What are the study factors and how are they measured? 5. What important confounders are considered? 6. What are the sampling frame and sampling method? 7. In an experimental study, how were the subjects assigned to groups? In a longitudinal study, how many reached final follow-up? In a case control study, are the controls appropriate? (Etc) 8. Are statistical tests considered? 9. Are the results clinically/socially significant? 10. Is the study ethical? 11. What conclusions did the authors reach about the question?
Is it concerned with the impact of an intervention, causality or determining the magnitude of a health problem?
(Does this problem threaten the validity of the study?)
If not, how useful are the results produced by this type of study?
3. What are the outcome factors and how are they measured?
(Is the way this was done a problem?) a) are all relevant outcomes assessed b) is there measurement error? (Does this problem threaten the validity of the study?) a) how important are omitted outcomes b) is measurement error an important source of bias?
4. What are the study factors and how are the measured?
(Is the way this was done a problem?) Is there measurement error? (Does this problem threaten the validity of the study?) Is measurement error an important source of bias?
11. What conclusions did the authors reach about the study question?
(Is the way this was done a problem?) Do the results apply to the population in which you are interested? (Does this problem threaten the validity of the study?) Will you use the results of the study?
Appraisal Tools
Tools from the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) Systematic Reviews Randomised Controlled Trials Qualitative Research Studies Cohort Studies Case-Control Studies Diagnostic Test Studies Economic Evaluation Studies Available
Cohort Study
Critical appraisal
Dalam pertemuan ilmiah yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun yang merupakan ajang untuk menyajikan perkembangan mutakhir dalam bidang ilmu penyakit dalam di tanah air tersebut menyimpulkan bahwa pertemuan tersebut disamping dilakukan oleh Universitas selayaknya juga dilakukan oleh cabang-cabang PAPDI di setiap propinsi, bahkan kalau mungkin disetiap kabupaten
Plagiarisme adalah tindakan yang dapat diartikan sebagai pencurian ide atau hasil pemikiran dan tulisan orang lain yang digunakan dalam tulisan seolah-olah ide atau tulisan orang lain tersebut adalah ide atau hasil tulisannya sendiri untuk keuntungannya sendiri sehingga merugikan orang lain baik materiil maupun non-materiil, atau plagiarisme dapat berupa pencurian sebuah kata, frase, kalimat, atau alinea, atau bahkan pencurian suatu bab dari sebuah tulisan atau buku seseorang, tanpa menyebut sumber yang dicuri. (Draft SK Rektor UI)
a c
b d
RCT: Applicability
Were the participations similar to your patients? May be intuitively concluded or use f (factor indicating how much severe your patient compared to the study participation in terms of prognostic factor)
Was the diagnostic test include spectrum of disease similar to your real practice?
Was the gold standard applied regardless of the diagnostic result?
a b
Se = a/(a+c) Sp = d/(b+d) PPV = a/(a+b) NPV = d/(c+d)
c d
RR = a/(a+b) : c/(c+d)
c d
OR = a/b : c/d