EDU Blog Power Point
EDU Blog Power Point
EDU Blog Power Point
Ȉ Poor motivation
Ȉ Problems at home
Ȉ Teacher- student
personality conflicts
Ȉ Along with many
All of these components affect the others; if
something is wrong in one area it is
inevitably going to carry over to the others.
Speaking, writing, drawing, building,
singing/dancing/acting, performing
decision- making component
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All of the components process in an emotional world,
children are always in some state and no matter what
this may be this will affect their learning.
visual , auditory, tactile, gustatory, olfactory,
proprioceptive, kinesthetic
! !
Memory, thinking, forming categories, linking information
with prior knowledge, analyzing, evaluating,
modifying, synthesizing
made our own to draw on for future