the Logical Volume Manager is a subsystem for on-line disk storage management it adds an additional layer to the i/o subsystem of the kernel to get a virtual view on disks LVM enables you to deal with virtual disks and virtual partitions being fully online resizable and movable
LVM Concept1
usage of physical disks, disk partitions, multiple or loop devices as PVs (Physical Volumes; basic allocation device) store metadata in so called VGDAs (Volume Group Descriptor Areas) on the PVs group PVs in VGs (Volume Groups; virtual disks)
LVM Concept2
allocate VG storage to LVs (Logical Volumes; virtual partitions); basic units called PEs (Physical Extents) are mapped to their LEs (Logical Extents). extend and reduce VGs and LVs online use LVs like disks, disk partitions etc. for filesystems, databases etc. access VGs and LVs via device special files named /dev/VolumeGroupName/*
LVM Concept3
build a command and a library layer to ease the integration of different or additional tools or graphical user interfaces
export and import VGs to bring them to or get them from different computer systems
support linear and striped (RAID0) LVs
Storage Architecture
2 PVs
Storage Architecture
with 2 PVs
Storage Architecture
PV Commands
pvchange - changes PV attributes pvcreate - initializes VGDA on a PV pvdata pvmove - displays VGDA (debugging) - moves PEs/LEs between PVs pvdisplay - shows PV attributes
VG Commands1
VG Commands2
vgextend - extend a VG online vgimport - make a VG known vgmerge - merge two VGs vgmknodes - create device specials vgreduce - reduceVG online
VG Commands3
vgrename - rename an inactive VG vgscan vgsplit - search for VG(s) - split a VG into 2
LV Commands1
- extend or reduce LV and a contained ext2 Dateisystem (resize2fs needed) - create a new LV - extend LV online
LV Commands3
- reduce LV online
lvremove - delete inactive LV lvrename - rename an inactive LV lvscan - search for LVs
LVM Commands
lvmchange lvmdiskscan
- reset LVM in case of a test emergency - search for disks, disk partitions or multiple devices - collect LV read/write data