Why Is Biodiversity Important
Why Is Biodiversity Important
Why Is Biodiversity Important
Presentation Working version, December 2003 prepared by M.F. Laverty and E.J. Sterling
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Oil company
Government agency
Aquaculture company
Environmental group
Intrinsic/inherent value
The value of something independent of its value to anyone or anything else
Source: Frey AMNH-CBC
A philosophical concept
Categorizing Values
Direct Use Value(Goods)
Food, medicine, building material, fiber, fuel
Non-Use Values
Atmospheric and Potential (or climate regulation, Option) Value pollination, nutrient recycling Cultural, Spiritual and Aesthetic Existence Value
Bequest Value
Today, most people rely on ~20 types of plants, and only 3 to 4 are staple crops. Diversity is critical for developing new strains and breeds, i.e. that suit a particular environment or are resistant to pests or disease and as a source of new crops
Source: AMNH-CBC
Source: AMNH-CBC
Industrial Products
Originating plant or animal Cork oak (Quercus suber) PAR RUBBER TREE (HEVEA BRASILIENSIS) Lac insect (Laccifer spp.) CARNAUBA PALM (COPERNICIA CERIFERA) Wax plant (Euphorbia antisyphilitica) Jojoba plant (Simmondsia chinensis) Cochineal insect (Dactylopius coccus) Product/End use Cork Rubber shellac
About 80% of the people in developing countries use plants as a primary source of medicine. 57% of the 150 mostprescribed drugs have their origins in biodiversity
Source: AMNH-CBC
Source: AMNH-CBC
Nutrient Cycling
Biodiversity is critical to nutrient cycling and soil renewal
Decomposers such as algae, fungi, and bacteria
Medical Models
Education and Scientific Research
Source: Brumbaugh AMNH-CBC
Medical Models
Hibernating bears may improve the treatment of:
trauma patients kidney disease osteoporosis
Aesthetic Value
Not all species are critical to an ecosystems function; many fill redundant roles; basis for community resilience and integrity If too many species or keystone species are lost, eventually it leads to the failure of ecosystem function
Mac Hunter (University of Maine), Georgina Cullman, Nora Bynum, and Ho Ling Poon (American Museum of Natural History) provided assistance for production of images and accompanying text
This is a product of the Network of Conservation Educators and Practitioners (NCEP) http://research.amnh.org/biodiversity/ncep/