Drugsused in IHD
Drugsused in IHD
Drugsused in IHD
The pharmacological strategies employed to treat these distinct clinical entities differ as their pathogenesis is distinct
diabetes mellitus
Non-pharmacologic approach
Changes of lifestyle (nicotine, food) lowering lipids
which activates
guanylyl cyclase and cGMP---dephosphorylation of myosin light chain ----- relaxation of smooth muscle in
blood vessels
EFFECTSsmooth muscle
relaxation , esp. in
vessel , vasodilatation venous return heart size , may coronary flow in some areas
Pharmacological Actions
Preload Reduction Nitrates exerts prominent action on vascular smooth muscle Nitrates dilate veins more than arteries --- peripheral pooling of blood & decrease venous return i.e. preload on heart ---- , decreases cardiac work & reduces O2 consumption.
After load Reduction Nitrates also produce arteriolar dilatation -- decrease peripheral resistance & systolic BP falls more reduction in cardiac work
Redistribution of coronary flow Nitrate relax bigger conducting coronary arteries leading redistribution of blood flow to ischaemic areas in angina patients
Pharmacokinetics Lipid soluble, well absorbed from buccal mucosa, intestines, skin Undergo extensive First Pass Metabolism (except mononitrate) Longer t1/2
Uses of Nitrates .Angina Pectoris: effective in classical & variant angina (unstable angina ) SL GTN is preferred . Role of nitrates appears limited to relief of pain because no mortality benefit has been demonstrated in large RCT GSSI-3 (1994)& ISIS-
4 (1995)
.CHF & acute LVF: Nitrates afford relief by reducing preload & decreasing the end diastolic volume ---- improvement in left ventricular function by Laplace law & regression of pulmonary congestion .
3.Myocardial Infarction: i.v. infusion of GTN is used, aiming of relieving the chest pain , pulmonary congestion &
limiting the area of necrosis by altering O2 balance in the marginal partially ischaemic zone
SBP- IS < 90 mmhg RV infarction is suspected Hypotension caused by nitrate limits the administration of beta blockers which have more salutary effects. Patient has taken Sildenafil in past 24 hours
Esophageal spasm: Sublingual GTN relieves pain Nitrates before a meal facilitate feeding in esophageal achalasia
.Biliary colic: due to disease or morphine induced, respond to sublingual GTN or ISDN
.Cyanide poisoning: Nitrates along with Sodium thiosulfate is used in the treatment of cyanide poisoning
Continuous use of nitrates , may develop tolerance (tachyphylaxis) when long acting preparations (oral, transdermal) or continuous IV infusions are used for long hours without interruption. Mechanism of tolerance still unknown To minimize tolerance , the minimum effective dose should be used and a minimum of 8 h each day kept drug free to restore any useful response
ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE active metabolite of dinitrate: used orally for prophylaxis ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE & ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE are long acting nitrates that are relatively resistant to hepatic catabolism t1/2 ~ 1 hour
HR, COP, BP, Myocardial oxygen demand They also reduce PVR by direct vasodilatation of both arterial & venous vessels reducing both pre- and after load.
Beta blockers
PHARMACOKINETICS Oral and Parenteral- 4-6 h duration
CONTRAINDICATIONS Asthma, Diabetes, Bradycardia,
Cimetidine, Furosemide, Chlorpromazine potentiate the antihypertensive effect of Propranolol Barbiturates Phenytoin and Rifampicin mitigate its effect
1 antagonists (Atenolol, Metoprolol and Acebutolol) reduce the frequency and severity of anginal episodes particularly when used in
-an ultra short acting beta-blocker administered as continuous iv infusion ,its rapid action makes it an attractive agent to be used in patients with relative C/I to beta blockers the dose / discontinuation may be needed if the side effects develop and persist
discontinuation can intensify ischemia , the doses should be tapered over 2 weeks
blockers with 1 receptor specificity (atenolol, metoprolol and acebutolol) may be preferable in patients with mild bronchial obstruction and IDDM
Nonselective blocker of L- type of calcium channels in vessels and heart APPLICATIONS Prophylaxis of angina , hypertension PHARMACOKINETICS Oral / IV DURATION 4-8 h
AV block , acute heart failure , edema Have an additive effect with other cardiac depressants and hypotensive drugs
vascular resistance
cardiac rate
cardiac force
there by
myocardial oxygen
It has much more (-) inotropic effect than other Ca+2 channel blockers.
weak vasodilator.
Because of its focused myocardial effects it is not used as an antianginal unless there is a tachyarrhythmia. Metabolized in the liver. Interferes with digoxin levels causing elevated plasma levels; caution and monitoring of drug levels are necessary with concomitant use .
can be combined with beta blocker in patient with normal ventricular function and no conductance abnormality.
Prophylaxis of angina , hypertension (first line drugs) Prinzmetals angina responds well to CCB(Dihydropyridine) PHARMACOKINETICSMetabolized in the liver and excreted in both the urine & the feces. TOXICITY Causes flushing, headache, hypotension and peripheral edema. It also has
A reflex tachycardia associated with the vasodilatation may elicit myocardial
The slower and long acting DHP induce less sympathetic stimulation .
Tachycardia , propensity to
They are currently favored among post MI patients as mortality, been reported
verapamil and diltiazem are highly effective in PSVT and for control of ventricular rate in supraventricular arrhythmias
negative inotropic action of verapamil can be salutary in this condition
reduce severity of raynauds phenomenon
Beta-Blocker + Long acting nitrate combination - rationale in Classical angina
Tachycardia due to nitrate is blocked by -blocker The tendency of -blocker to cause ventricular dilatation is counteracted by nitrate
opposed by nitrate
Nitrates primarily decrease preload CCBs mainly reduce after load + increases coronary flow
Amlodipine and beta blocker have a complementary action on coronary blood flow and myocardial oxygen demand , the former decreases BP and dilates coronary arteries , the latter slows heart rate and decreases contractility.
The treatment of dyslipidemia is central in aiming for long term relief of angina and other forms of IHD
HMG CoA reductase inhibitors lovastatin , simvastatin , pravastatin , atorvastatin , rosuvastatin are required
these lower LDL cholestrol (25-50%), raise HDL cholestrol (5-9%) , lower TGs (5-30%)
A dose dependent effect is seen with statins HMG CoA reductase inhibitors- activity is max. at night there fore are to be administered at night to obtain max. effectiveness
Contd -
ADVERSE EFFECTS All statins are well tolerated Headache , nausea, bowel upset , rashes Sleep disturbances Rise in serum transaminases , but liver damage is rare Myopathy is the only serious reaction but is rare Muscle tenderness and rise in CPK levels occur infrequently
These are isobutyric acid derivatives CLOFIBRATE not used now a days as evidence showed it does not prevent atherosclerosis GEMFIBROZIL
The Helsinki Heart Study showed that men without known CAD treated with gemfibrozil had 34% reduction in fatal & nonfatal MI , though overall mortality was
not affected .
It also decreases the level of clotting factor VII phospholipid complex also promotes fibrinolysis , which may contribute to antiatherosclerotic effect. Common side effects are epigastric discomfort , loose motions
complications (MI, sudden heart death) by 23 % among patients with angina pectoris( AP )
Inhibition of TXA A2 formation through prostaglandin pathway inhibition of COX-1 (ASA) Inhibition of TXA A2 formation through increasing level of cAMP in thrombocyte inhibition of phosphodiesterase
(dipyridamole) - stimulation of adenylatecyclase (prostacyclin)
Inhibition of fibrinogen bridges formation between thrombocytes - inhibition of receptor for ADP on thrombocyte membrane
(thienopyridines ticlopidine, clopidogrel)
Inhibition of platelet activation, mediated with adenosindiphosphate, starting after several days
Newer congener of ticlopidine Acts similar to ticlopidine, ability to inhibhit platelet function and therapeutic efficacy
Clopidogrel + aspirin - effective in stented patients 50% absorbed Action lasts up to 7 days
Newest member of the thienopyidine class Prodrug, requires metabolic activation Rapid onset of action Produces greater inhibition of ADP- induced platelet aggregation Because of irreversible binding to receptor P2Y12 these drugs have prolonged effect after discontinuation
incidence of
Vasodilator Inhibits PDE and blocks uptake of adenosine to increase cAMP which potentiates PGI 2 interfering aggregation
Alone not recommended because of low antiaggregatory effect and making worse IHD steal phenomenon
Combination of dipyridamole with retarded release 200 mg and 30 mg ASA is used in neurology in prevention of stroke
These agents are in advanced stage of their development include Cangrelor Ticagrelor Directly acting reversible P2Y12 antagonist
Sch 530348
New class potent platelet aggregatory inhibitors Act by blocking the receptor integrin (GP IIb /IIIa RECEPTOR ) for fibrinogen and vWF through which agonists like collagen , thrombin aggregation etc induce platelet
It is the Fab fragment of chimeric monoclonal antibody against GP IIb /IIIa Given with aspirin + heparin during PCI markedly reduces incidence of restenosis , subsequent MI and death
Other options available for addition to aspirin and clopidogrel Unfractionated heparin (UFH) MAIN STAY OF THE TERAPY LMWH ,( ENOXAPARIN ) in several studies have been shown superior to UFH in
paitent treated with GP IIb /IIIa inhibitor Use of bivalirudin alone causes less bleeding than combination of heparin & GPIIb/ IIIa inhibitor in patient with UA/NSTEMI under going cathetrization / PCI
3. 4.
Combines with circulating plasminogen to form an activator complex which then causes limited proteolysis of other plasminogen molecules to plasmin .
cultured from human tissue Activates gel phase plasminogen already bound to fibrin Has little effect on circulating plasminogen . Rapid hepatic metabolism , t1/2 4- 8 min For MI 15 mg i.v. bolus , 50 mg over 30 min , then 35 mg over next 1 hour Often requires heparin co administration Non antigenic , hypotension , fever may occur it is expensive Reteplase (rt-PA) - longer acting , less specific for fibrin bound plasminogen , Tenecteplase (TNK t-PA)- has higher fibrin selectivity , longer duration of action
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Recent trauma Surgery Biopsies Hemorrhagic stroke Peptic ulcer s Severe hypertension Aneurysm Bleeding disorders
Acute pancreatitis
Its use in retinal vein occlusion has been abandoned
De spite of various drugs , some patients with IHD continue to experience angina , and additional medical therapy is now available to alleviate their symptoms RANOLAZINE piperazine derivative Inhibits late sodium current in heart
NICORANDIL Opens ATP sensitive potassium channels in myocytes Leading to reduction of free intracellular calcium channels
ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE CHORNIC CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE (STABLE ANGINA) Aspirin Beta antagonists Nitrates Calcium channel blockers ACE inhibitors Ranolazine Add Heparin, GPIIp/IIIa inhibitor clpopidogrel
UNSTABLE ANGINA/ NSTEMI Thrombol ysis Add -Thrombolytic agent , heparin , clopidogrel
Angioplas ty
Add Heparin, GPIIp/IIIa inhibitor clpopidogrel
All patients with STEMI are candidates for reperfusion therapy best results are obtained if perfusion can be achieved within 1st hour of MI ( GOLDEN HOUR )
THROMBOLYSIS favored within 1-2 hours of onset after 3 hours PCI is favored , latter has lower chances of bleeding risk , higher grade of flow in the reperfused artery and reduction in rate of non fatal MI as compared to thrombolysis
presence of risk factor also favors PCI Overall 6 month mortality has not been found to be differ in either mode of reperfusion