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Motion Planning For Multiple Autonomous Vehicles, PHD Thesis Defense Presentation

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Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles

Into an automated, cooperative, diverse and integrated futuristic transportation system

Rahul Kala
25th June, 2013 School of Systems, Engineering, University of Reading rkala.99k.org

Organized and Unorganized Traffic

A distant future where all vehicles would
autonomously be driven would be preceded by a transient period where automated and nonautomated vehicles coexist.

Vanholme, B.; et al. "Highly Automated Driving on Highways Based on Legal Safety," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol.14, no.1, pp.333-347, March 2013
Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles rkala.99k.org

Organized and Unorganized Traffic



Image Courtesy: railway-technical.com, blogs.abc.net.au

Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles rkala.99k.org


Trajectory Generation

Intelligent Management of the Transportation System

Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles


Trajectory Generation
Static Obstacles

B C a

Select the best plan:

(a) A overtakes B from right, B drifts left, A crosses the obstacles, C waits, (b) A follows B and both cross the obstacles while C waits, (c) B crosses the obstacles followed by C and A, (d) C crosses the obstacle a from its left, while A follows B to cross the others
Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles rkala.99k.org

Intelligent Management of the Transportation System

Routing objective/ considerations Bookings Routing frequency

Entirely semiautonomous, mixed, manual

Recurrent or nonrecurrent

Lane change

Traffic Lights

Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles


Genetic Algorithm
Overtake seems to be too close, ask R2 to slow

Coordination using traffic heuristics

R2 R1 R3
R3 lies directly ahead, ask R3 to drift to its left

GA optimized trajectories

Under revision: Applied Soft Computing, IF: 2.140

Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles rkala.99k.org


More exploration at the central areas

Less exploration at the extremes

In Proc. IEEE Cybernetic Intelligent Systems, Docklands, London, pp. 20-25

Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles rkala.99k.org

RRT Connect
If prospective collision with a vehicle in the same direction If you cannot overtake, follow Speed equal to the heading vehicle and re-plan

Tree expansions

If going straight ahead possible, go

If prospective collision with a vehicle in the opposite direction: Decrease speed iteratively and re-plan till a feasible plan is reached

Paladyn Journal of Behavioural Robotics, 2(3): 134-144.

Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles rkala.99k.org

Multi-Level Planning

Layer 1: Road Selection.

Blue=selected road. Red= Road graph

Layer 2: Pathway Selection.

Collaboratively decide whether each vehicle goes through left or right of an obstacle. Blue=selected pathway. Red=Entire Pathway Graph

Layer 3:Pathway Distribution. At each slice (pathway

segment) the expected vehicles at the same time are placed. Red=computed points for the vehicle, Blue=Rough trajectory joining the placement points, Green=Other expected vehicle
Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles

Equal distribution of pathway

Layer 4: Trajectory Generation. Smoothing, collision

checking, local optimization

J. Intell. Rob. Syst, DOI:10.1007/s10846-013-9817-7, IF: 0.827

Dynamic Distributed Lanes

Check for all strategies in parallel Use strategy selection heuristics to prune expansion

Use separation maximization heuristic to place all vehicles in the next state

Modify lanes and trajectories of all vehicles

Any general state in graph search Known trajectory for the state for the higher priority vehicles

Overtake Red?, or Follow Red?, or Wait for green to cross obstacle? try all 3 possibilities
Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles


Fuzzy Logic

Angle deviation from road Distance from left, right and front boundary/ obstacle Turn to avoid obstacle/ overtake vehicle in front

Prototype human designed

Later optimized by Genetic Algorithm


Side: distance of vehicle in wrong side

Fuzzy Inference System



Requested turn: turn to enable another vehicle to overtake

Overtake feasibility assessment

Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles

Choose between overtaking and vehicle following

Frame inputs accordingly


Lateral Potentials
Add potential from all sources, each source indicates whether to steer left or right, and by what magnitude

Side Potential:

Diagonal Potential:

turn right, inversely turn right, inversely proportional to distance proportional to distance

Back Potential: right/left

decided by heuristics/ strategy parameter, time to collision

Forward Potential: right/left

decided by heuristics/ strategy parameter, time to collision

Side Potential: turn left,

inversely proportional to distance

Diagonal Potential: turn left,

inversely proportional to distance

In Proc. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Alcal de Henares, Spain, pp. 597-602.
Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles

Elastic Strip
Elastic Strip representing trajectory

Repulsive potentials on strip from vehicles, obstacles, road boundaries

Assign highest safe speed as per current position, trim plan such that it is feasible

Projected position at the time of arrival

On seeing any new vehicle/ obstacle, try both overtaking from left and right and pick the better plan

IEEE Trans. on Intell. Transp. Syst., DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2013.2266355, IF: 3.064

Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles rkala.99k.org

Logic Based Planning

Assess Scenario Find the highest priority applicable behaviour Navigate as per the selected behaviour Cater to in behaviour specifications

Behaviours in decreasing order of priority

Obstacle Avoidance Centring Lane Change Overtake Single lane overtake Slow Down

Cancel single lane overtake

Complete single lane overtake

Be overtaken

Maintain Separation Steer

Discover Conflicting Interests

Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles

Travel Straight

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 26(5-6): 15881601.


Semi-Autonomous Intelligent Transportation System

Lane Booking Booking Specifications Booked? Booked? Speed Lane Module Speed Limit Vehicle Route Planning Lane change, Follow, Stop/Start, Turn Vehicle Vehicle Motion Control Planning Road Booking

Speed of vehicles at lanes Traffic Central Information Info. Scenario System Specification Map/Initial Traffic at roads conditions Signal state Traffic Signal Position/ Module Speed

Vehicle Monitoring

Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles


Congestion Avoidance in City Traffic

Make frequent effective short term plans

(i) Expected travel time (iii) Expected time to wait at crossings


(Re-)Plan at every crossing


Plan for a threshold distance from the source

Assume it is possible to reach the goal from the planned state

(ii) Expected traffic density

Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles

Like human drivers always see the current traffic and take the best route towards the goal, assuming no dead ends

Reaching Destination before Deadline with Intelligent Transportation Systems

Speed assumed for route planning = Learnt Average Speed - .Learnt Deviation
Intelligent Agents Placed at every intersection
More importance of reaching on time = more resistance to risk = earlier start time = high probability of reaching = higher , and vice versa High deviation = vehicles in that road vary largely in speed = road is less reliable and should be avoided = larger resistance to risk, and vice versa

Monitor all incoming vehicles. Learn average speed and variation

Road Network Graph

Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles



Reaching Destination before Deadline with Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems

Vehicle States
Give Up State

Various times at every intersection Times in increasing order

Cancel Time

Cooperative ITS Cooperative Traffic Lights Cooperative Lane Changes

Very Late State

Late Time Expected Time

Late State

Comfortable State

Change lights with a preference to the vehicles running late

Change lane to make way for the vehicle running more late

Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles

Cost of lateness



Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles


Situational assessment Context assessment Algorithm switching Studying the problems in local settings, using regional data sets

The future is unknown and diverse!

Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles


Acknowledgements: Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom British Council

Thank You
Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles rkala.99k.org

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