The Indian Dental Academy is the Leader in continuing dental education , training dentists in all aspects of dentistry and offering a wide range of dental certified courses in different formats.
Indian dental academy provides dental crown & Bridge,rotary endodontics,fixed orthodontics,
Dental implants courses. For details pls visit ,or call
The Indian Dental Academy is the Leader in continuing dental education , training dentists in all aspects of dentistry and offering a wide range of dental certified courses in different formats.
Indian dental academy provides dental crown & Bridge,rotary endodontics,fixed orthodontics,
Dental implants courses. For details pls visit ,or call
Original Title
Modern Begg – / orthodontic courses by Indian dental academy
The Indian Dental Academy is the Leader in continuing dental education , training dentists in all aspects of dentistry and offering a wide range of dental certified courses in different formats.
Indian dental academy provides dental crown & Bridge,rotary endodontics,fixed orthodontics,
Dental implants courses. For details pls visit ,or call
The Indian Dental Academy is the Leader in continuing dental education , training dentists in all aspects of dentistry and offering a wide range of dental certified courses in different formats.
Indian dental academy provides dental crown & Bridge,rotary endodontics,fixed orthodontics,
Dental implants courses. For details pls visit ,or call
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Modern Begg
Beddtiot & CAT Techniques.
Leader in continuing dental education Introduction Conventional Begg empirical and cook book trt. Begg operators limitations - need to diverge from orthodox trt. Contemporary trt. goals & strategies incorporated into Begg practice. Modern Begg. Refined Begg. Modern Begg. Follows Begg principles large extent. Brackets modified ( other than Ribbon arch type used in conventional Begg) BEDDTIOT. (Begg Edgewise Diagnosis Determined Totally Individualised Orthodontic Technique.) Offers capacity to employ selected principles and features of Begg and Edgewise mechanisms specific situations most advantageous. Primary Goal Facility to treat each patients needs most efficient for that individual. Strong points in Begg Technique: Proficiency in bite opening.( with elastics ) Differential response to force. pitting limited tipping x translation. optimal ant. movement, anchorage conservation. Edgewise appl. Precise control. Facilitates anch. Expenditure. Foundations: Light wire. Gentle, long range force systems Min. bracket size max. interbracket span. Light undersized wires. Differential response to force. Simple horizontal force Tooth tip. Crestal bone exp. 3x times more force than apical bone. Crestal region force sufficient rapid tooth movement. Apical region insufficient force. Less bone around the neck of the tooth than apex.
strain near the alveolar crest. Stress in apical region. Above factors multiply each other. powerful adv. very light simple tipping forces. Retraction tipping + uprighting Adv. anchorage conserved. Effective translatory retraction greater force greater anchorage loss. Repositioning roots after tipping reaction strain insufficient for anchor loss Modern orthodontic system concerned: Interdental relationships. Facial str. & appearance. Orientation of the dentition in the face. Oral function. Best approach determined by diagnosis. Appliance versatile. Brackets. Dimensions: Narrow, single width edgewise br. ( 0.050 inch or 1.3 mm). Horizontal slot 0.022 ( height ) x 0.028 (faciolingual depth). Vertical slot 0.020 x 0.020. Archwire slots torqued. .
Original Recent Original. Helix farther from archwire. Hook arm no extra offset reqd. Recent More hygienic. irritation on gingiva. Appearance less conspicuous Buccal Tubes: Dimensions: 4.5 mm long, 0.022 x 0.028 edgewise.
lingual crown torque, 25 lower. 10 - Upper. Distal end of max. tube - 10 outward angulation. ( toe- in). Headgear tube 0.051 occlusal & buccal. In cases with deep bite/ moderate - severe anchorage req Addnl. Rect. Tube diagonally across buccal surface of basic tube mesial end pointing gingivally. Dimensions. 4.5mm long, 0.022 x 0.028. Outer tube ( Addnl. Tube ) - 15 angulation to inner tube. Bite Opening: Outer tubes main arch wire bite opening & retraction phases. Gingival angulation effective built in anchor bends.( actual bend - - 25 ). Inner tubes Rect. sectional wires lock PM & Molar. single large tooth C.R mesial than - C.R of Molar Bite opening more potent check elastics. Intrusive force - - less tendency to tip anchor units distally. Rotations: Early belief rotation control difficult. Offset bracket side of tooth disp. lingually. Overcorrection thickwalled elastomeric lig.- placed on wire before insertion. Bayonet bends. Torque control: Disadv. Of larger slot 0.022 x 0.028 large wires used precise control Rigid. Overcome resilient rect. Wires ribbon mode. Sizes used:
Square wires. 0.019 0.020 0.021 0.022 0.020 x 0.016 0.021 x 0.016 0.022 x 0.016 Newer non steel alloy archwires Extremely resilient gentle forces Approp. size precise bracket engagement. Esthetic & Hygienic. ( eliminate aux.) Torqued brackets build trt. into the appl. Facial root torque lower incisors augment anchorage. 0.022 x 0.016 , 5 torque. Limit tipping of upper incisors - palatal torque. Important adv. - BEDDTIOT Facility for both 3 dimensional control & simple bracket Limited tipping light forces
Facilitate application of the best modality in every situation. Combined Anchorage Technique Variable Anchorage systems. Design of the attachment provides optimum light wire & straight wire trt. capabilities. Four stage light wire appliance successful collaboration b/w Begg practitioners & Unitek Beneficial design features adv. of Begg & St. wire. Advantages & Disadv. of the two tech. Begg light wire appl. Advantages: Light optimum force ( 60 90 g ) Continuous force. Min. friction. Rapid alignment, leveling , rotation of ant. teeth. Rapid overbite correction. Simultaneous crown tipping. Continuous paralleling of roots at extn. sites. Continuous torquing. Extra oral force unnecessary. Disadvantages. Diff. co-ordinating max. & mand. arch Diff. bilateral symmetry. Premolar & molar torque control diff. Diff. in stabilizing teeth final artistic positioning. Straight wire appliance. Advantages: Precise control PM & M torque. Bilateral symmetry BL inclinations readily attained. Bilateral symetry of arch form. bends in archwires. Finishing Self limitation of movmt. & stabilization of teeth- final detailing. Disadvantages. force levels wider bracket, interbracket span. Rapid ant. alignment diff. Overbite correction diff. Addnl. anchorage necessary- friction. Extra oral force reqd. Alignment incisors & canines in sequence. Dynamic & Static anchorage. Dynamic anchorage It comprises physical forces generated by the appl. in a complex interrelationship equally effective forces biologic environment.
Light wire force sys. Biologic force sys. Unipoint contacts Muscle action Anchor bend Tooth morph & mass. Archwire Cuspal interlock. Aux. wire Freeway & fnl. Paths. Tipping force Occl. Force & migr. Intr forces Bone density Extrusive forces Growth Rot. Forces Habits Static Anchorage. Increasing the forces within the appl. Less effect of the biologic force sys. CAT dynamic & static anchorage resistance dev. - applied certain stages trt. program. Stage I & II Dynamic. Stage III Dynamic / Static. Stage IV Static. Four Stage Light wire Appliance: Appl. vehicle transmitting force teeth &indirectly bone & soft tissue. Design of appl. Elements, positioning, adjustments & manipulations imp. max. trt. efforts. Caution: Prudent to use conventional approach each trt. stage as long as progress is good. Brackets. Gingival or Ribbon arch slot free tipping, no binding. Edgewise slot precise final detailing. Three bracket types optimal rotations, tipping & torque.
Base beveled friction or binding with archwire. Torque, tip, in out sp. vary for each tooth. Molar tube: 0.036 round tube gingivally.( Begg ) 0.018 x 0.025 or 0.022 x 0.028. Tubes - 7 offset addnl. molar control Stage II. 0.018 x 0.025 slot recommended. Conventional tubes preferred to convertible tubes. Placement of brackets & tubes: All teeth except 2 nd molars receive attachment as soon as practical: increase force control. Mandibular 1 st molar tubes placed first. 0.036 tube gingival margin. rect. Tube middle third of crown. edgewise tube 3.5 mm tip of buccal cusp of 1 st molar. 3.5 mm std. for all brackets, EXCEPT, Canines & upper LI br. canine br. 0.5 mm gingivally, LI br - 0.5 mm incisally. Treatment technique: Trt. divided into 4 stages. Stage I - Organization. Overbite correction. Cl. II or Cl. III correction. Alignment, levelling, elimination of rotations- incisors. Correction of crossbite & archwidth problems. Overcorrection Stage II. Consolidation. Closure of remaining spaces. Retraction of incisors. Maintenance of overbite, rotations, antero-post. corrections. Overcorrection. Stage III. Correction of crown & root inclination. Uprighting & paralleling of roots. Torquing of ant. teeth. Maintenance of corrections. Stage IV. Final detailing. Attainment ideal arch form & co-ordination of archwidth. Attainment desired torque. Precise intercuspation & fnl. harmony. Optimal facial & dental esthetics. Commencement of retention. Stage I. Archwires: Initiated 0.016 round wires Begg slot. Cl II elastic force lingual rolling lower molar. Mild exp. reqd. 45 anchor bend 1-2 mm mesial molar tube. In severe crowding Multiloop deep bite/ max. anchorage cases. Niti shallow bites / min. anchorage req. Anchor bends- Intrusive + labial movement. Extrudes & tips molars distally. Class II elastic force: Combination of intrusive + retractive forces Center of rotn.- more apical max. lingual crown tipping. Elastics: Very light elastic forces. 2 -3 oz. 24 hrs a day. Stage II. End of stage I occl. organized appearance. St. II begins consolidation of the dentition. Goals in Stage I not reduced. Elastics: Intrarch elastics max. ant. retrcn. & gen. space consolidation. 2-3 oz. Six elastics used. Elastics eliminated space closed. Arch wire bent distal to molar tube. Archwire: 0.018 round wire. 25 anchorage bend, 5 toe in bend. Toe in bend counter act rotational moment inter arch elastics. Stage III. Crown & root coordination/ torquing & paralleling stage. All spaces closed. Crown tipping may be considerable. All corrections maintained. Molars & canine Class I reln. post. occlsn. inter locked min. anchor loss- subsequent torquing & uprighting. Pre stage III reqd. occasionally. Reevaluation of br. ht & posn. recommended.
Archwires: Maxillary: 0.020 dia. Constr. To Omega shape. Anchor bend 0 - 5. Inset bend into molar tube. Vertical bend premolar slot. V bend distal to canines. Cinched . Overcorrected. Mandibular: 0.018 or 0.020 dia. Exp. bilaterally. Inset bend molar tube. Vertical bend into premolar. V bend distal to canines. Anchor bend of 5 - 10. Cinched. Overcorrected. Auxiliaries: Uprighting springs. Two forms. Safety ligature hold tooth archwire. Safety lock spring safety extension holds wire in gingival slot. Wire size used 0.014 or 0.016. Torquing Aux. 0.016 wire four spur/ two spur. Stage III complicated. Constant monitoring reqd. In CAT absolute determination final uprighting, B-L placement, torque not reqd. Straight wire slot final artistic finishing - teeth. Stage IV. Trt. done in edgewise slot. Preangulated,pretorqued, in out features precise crown & root posn. Stage IV not a substitute Stage III Begg. Excellent bite opening. Enmasse retrcn. of incisors Stage I & II. Rapid uprighting canine & PM roots. Torque of incisors Stage III. All these adv. to be used to greatest extent Begg mech. Stage IV: Primarily to increase effectiveness & precision- final detailing. hygiene problems auxiliary springs. Lingual crown torque of post. teeth. Establish bilateral symmetry uprighting. Achieve proper paralleling & torque. Coordinate arch form & width. Second molars: More optimal occlusal reln. To obtain best arch form. Coordinate crown & root torque of post. teeth. To get levelling - two preliminary round wires 0.016 or 0.018 Nitinol wire. Edge wise slot mech. alignment adequate. Wires used. 0.017 x 0.025 NiTi. 0.016 x 0.022 , 0,018 x 0.025 SS. Max. torque benefit 0.018 x 0.025 ss. Post. teeth good axial incl. reduce force levels 0.018 round . Final Detailing. Adjustments / modifications archwires - Discrepancies size, symmetry, fn. of teeth. Repositioning br. / 1 st order or 2 nd order bends. Settling 0.014 wire + vertical elastics. Finishing & Retention: Bonded canine to canine lower. Hawleys Appliance Upper. Advantages of CAT. Enhances trt. potentials. Accumulates trt. advantages. Reduces response time. Enhances muscular effects. Simplifies co-operation. Variable anchorage effects. Reduced energy losses. Diversity of three slots. Controlled tipping & translation. Goal oriented trt. Establishes positive profile control Conclusion. CAT system is a biomechanical approach to treatment which enables the clinician to vary the treatment technique, vary the type of movements and vary the resistance anchorage to simplify co-operation and to definitely expand the opportunity to overcome problems and enhance success of trt.
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