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What We Will Cover

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Before going to Blue Eyes…
1. Animal survival depends on highly developed
sensory abilities. Likewise, human cognition
depends on highly developed abilities to perceive,
integrate, and interpret visual, auditory, and
touch information.

2. Without a doubt, computers would be much more

powerful if they had even a small fraction of the
perceptual ability of animals or humans. Adding
such perceptual abilities to computers would
enable computers and humans to work together
more as partners.

3. Toward this end, the Blue Eyes technology aims at

creating computational devices with the sort of
perceptual abilities that people take for granted.
 About BLUE EYES technology

1. The BLUE EYES technology aims at creating computational machines that have perceptual and sensory
ability like those of human beings.

2. It uses non-obtrusige sensing method, employing most modern video cameras and microphones to
identifies the users actions through the use of imparted sensory abilities .

3. Blue Eyes is the winner CSIDC2001 project developed by the Team of Poznan University of Technology.
The 2001 year's edition focused on Personal Area Networks created using Bluetooth technology in the

 What does this technology do?

1. The machine can understand what a user wants, where he is looking at, and even realize his physical or
emotional states.

2. It has the ability to gather information about user and interact with user through special techniques like
facial recognition, speech recognition, etc.

3. It can even understand user emotions at the touch of the mouse.

4. It verifies user’s identity, feels uesr’s presents, and starts interacting with user .
 What does this technology do?

1. The machine can understand what a user wants, where he is looking

at, and even realize his physical or emotional states.

2. It has the ability to gather information about user and interact with
user through special techniques like facial recognition, speech
recognition, etc.

3. It can even understand user emotions at the touch of the mouse.

4. It verifies user’s identity, feels uesr’s presents, and starts interacting

with user .
 The six first-year industrial design (ID) students created the conceptual
design of the “Blue Eye” system .
 Industrial designers who use mood boards in their design practice.
 The students were asked to individually create three types of mood
boards: traditional, digital and in augmented reality.
 During the first week of the project, students created traditional mood
boards by cutting out pictures from magazines and gluing them onto
mounting boards.
 During the second week, they created digital mood board by retrieving
images from the Internet and by using “Photoshop” for editing the
pictures into a one-page composition.
 In the third week students created a mood board in augmented reality
by using the Electronic Paper prototype (EPP) which was implemented
on an existing augmented reality system called the Visual Interaction
Platform .
 This EPP was designed to simulate, within a digital environment, early
design activities such as sketching with pen on paper and arranging
images. Its aim is to combine the naturalness of physical media with the
flexibility of digital media.
 Using “digital” technology for creating mood boards
provided access to a very large database of pictures (the
Internet) and a wealth of editing functionalities.
 The EPP offered a large workspace which provided
overview and in which (digital) pictures could be
manipulatedin a natural way.
 The fact that images were projected from the top onto the
workspace was experienced as a drawback, since the
hands were sometimes casting unwanted shadows.
 The functionality offered by the EPP was in no way
comparable to Photoshop, and some features , such as the
ability to create layers, were duly missed.
Design Requirements
After analysis of the gathered experiences, it was decided to base
the concept of a new mood board creation system on the following

• It should be possible to introduce physical pictures of arbitrary shapes, and

pictures of actual objects, next to Internet pictures and digital photographs,
into the digitally-stored and displayed mood board.
• The interaction should feel natural, in the sense that there should be a one-
to-one correspondence between where the actions are performed and where
the visual feedback is provided. This is inspired by the intuitive look and feel of
the current augmented reality system.
• Instead of using external interaction elements, (two-handed) gestures
should be used to control all operations. This would create a digital tool with
an affordance that comes close to that of physical tools.
• The mood board prototype should provide functionality that can motivate
the migration from analogue to digital media. Within the proposed prototype
this was translated into the possibility of creating motion within the mood
boards in a natural way.
Other extensions such as adding sound were considered.
The key features of the system are:

 visual attention monitoring (eye motility analysis)

 physiological condition monitoring (pulse rate, blood
 operator's position detection (standing, lying)
 wireless data acquisition using Bluetooth technology
 real-time user-defined alarm triggering
 physiological data, operator's voice and overall view of
the control room recording
 recorded data playback
System Description
 The hardware components of the system are a
table with a large display surface, and two
cameras that are mounted above the table.
 A low-resolution video camera for tracking
hand gestures.
 A high resolution digital camera for capturing
still images.
 Both camera functionalities might be
integrated into one camera to be form newer
digital camera.
 We currently use a video projector and a mirror
underneath the table to create an image on a
transparent plate, but other means for creating
a large display surface might also serve the
 The table has a height of 90 cm in
order to allow for easy operation
while standing up.
 Several people can easily gather
around the table and cooperate in
the mood board creating activity and
associated discussion.
The Blue Eye system with the
camera(s) mounted on top and the
display integrated into the table
 While a high-resolution image is captured,
the projected background is changed into
a uniform colour, so that the actual
physical object can be easily segmented
from the background .
 In case automatic segmentation is not to
the user’s liking, or the user wants to
extract a part of a digitally imported
image, hand gestures may be used to cut
out a (non-rectangular) region of an
Images are captured in-place and a
digital footprint remains after the
physical object is taken away.
 The Blue Eye system has a second mode of
image capture that is set by a toggled button.
 The images that are captured while this button
is active are considered to form a sequence and
are interpolated to create a smooth and circular
motion sequence.
 Most frequently, the sequence is created by
capturing the same physical object in a number
of positions.
Image translating with one hand (left),
and image resizing and rotating with
two hands (right)
 A video camera is used to track the gestures that are
needed for operating the system.
 An obvious advantage of optical tracking is amongst
others, that several users can interact at the same time,
using both hands.
 The interaction gestures could either be executed by
means of tagged interaction elements, which allows for a
robust and easy solution from a technology perspective,
or using human hands, which is obviously the most
flexible solution from the point of view of the end user.
 The mood board output is an image that
can at any stage be retrieved from a
designated “output” folder and imported
into other applications.
 The idea of capturing information from the real world in an
intuitive and compelling way has also been expressed in
other recent designs.
 The “I/O Brush” is a paintbrush with an integrated camera,
light source and touch sensors that can pick up colors,
textures and short motion sequences from its environment.
 The physical size of the I/O brush limits the physical
elements that can be “picked” to object details rather than
complete objects. These picked elements are used as
brushes for drawing, hence creating interesting and
compelling pictures.
 A similar functionality is feasible within the proposed
system. An important difference is that both larger objects
and object details can easily be captured in the Blue Eye
 The possibility of creating motion sequences from a series
of captured still images is another obvious extension.
 The “Cabinet” prototype is an augmented reality
system for managing photo collections.
 It can photograph physical objects on the table surface
and replace them by a digital footprint in place. The
captured picture however represents the entire
workspace and only a rectangular region of interest can
be specified by the user to crop the image.
 Interactions within the Cabinet system are performed
by means of a pen on a digital tablet, which has the
consequence that images need to be projected from
the front, rather than from the back, as is done in our
 It does not possess the natural and seamless
interaction with physical objects that is proposed in the
Blue Eye system.
 The next step is to actually implement and test the system.
 The picture capturing requires a computer-controlled digital
 Motion tweening, i.e., creating image frames in between
specified key-frames, is available, for instance in
commercial packages such as Flash.
 The biggest obstacle to the system realization is most likely
the hand tracking and gesture recognition. As an
intermediate solution, the available tracking technology
within our VIP system, based on using an infrared-sensitive
camera and infrared-tagged objects, can be used.
 This might be implemented by mounting infrared-
reflecting dots on both hands of the user.
 Using this technology, we can start gathering end user
experiences before we have gesture recognition available.
Let us take an example
 Blue Eyes-enabled television could become active when
the user makes eye contact, at which point the user
could then tell the television to "turn on CNN".
 The television would respond to the user's request by
changing the channel to CNN.
 If the television then "sees" the user smile or nod, it
would know that it had satisfied the request. If the
television "sees" the user frown and complain, it would
explain that it didn't understand the request and ask for
clarification in which you could explain you meant CNN
Headline News.
 Blue Eyes technology can be implemented in computer
training or education programs, enabling computers to
observe students' emotional state and just as any good
instructor, adjust information delivery accordingly.
Blue Eyes system can be applied in
every working environment
requiring permanent operator's

 at power plant control rooms

 at captain bridges

 at flight control centers

 professional drivers
 In the future, ordinary household devices --
such as televisions, refrigerators, and ovens
-- may be able to do their jobs when we look
at them and speak to them.
 Future applications of Blue Eyes technology are
limitless -- from designing cars and developing
presentations, to interactive entertainment and

 Many researchers are trying to implement this

technology in healthcare IT system.
 Keller, I. (2005) For Inspiration Only: Designer
Interaction with Informal Collections of Visual
Material, Ph.D.thesis, Technische Universiteit Delft.

 Muller, W. (2001) Order and Meaning in Design,

Lemma Publisher, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

 Garner, S. and McDonagh-Philp, D. (2001) Problem

Interpretation and Resolution via Visual Stimuli: The
Use of Mood Boards, The Journal of Art and Design
Education, 57-64.

 http://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S09535438050

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