This document summarizes a presentation about reverse osmosis systems. It begins with an agenda that includes an overview of reverse osmosis, monitoring reverse osmosis systems, common membrane problems, profiling and probing membranes, and membrane cleaning activities. It then provides details on the reverse osmosis process, types of membranes, monitoring key performance metrics like salt rejection and pressure, common issues like scaling and fouling, techniques for profiling and probing membranes, and steps for cleaning membrane systems.
This document summarizes a presentation about reverse osmosis systems. It begins with an agenda that includes an overview of reverse osmosis, monitoring reverse osmosis systems, common membrane problems, profiling and probing membranes, and membrane cleaning activities. It then provides details on the reverse osmosis process, types of membranes, monitoring key performance metrics like salt rejection and pressure, common issues like scaling and fouling, techniques for profiling and probing membranes, and steps for cleaning membrane systems.
This document summarizes a presentation about reverse osmosis systems. It begins with an agenda that includes an overview of reverse osmosis, monitoring reverse osmosis systems, common membrane problems, profiling and probing membranes, and membrane cleaning activities. It then provides details on the reverse osmosis process, types of membranes, monitoring key performance metrics like salt rejection and pressure, common issues like scaling and fouling, techniques for profiling and probing membranes, and steps for cleaning membrane systems.
This document summarizes a presentation about reverse osmosis systems. It begins with an agenda that includes an overview of reverse osmosis, monitoring reverse osmosis systems, common membrane problems, profiling and probing membranes, and membrane cleaning activities. It then provides details on the reverse osmosis process, types of membranes, monitoring key performance metrics like salt rejection and pressure, common issues like scaling and fouling, techniques for profiling and probing membranes, and steps for cleaning membrane systems.
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Reverse Osmosis System
Presented by : Ach Farid Wadjdi
3P Purpose :
To share & discuss Reverse Osmosis (RO) application
Process :
Presentation & discussion
Pay Off :
Better understanding for RO system, Monitoring, Control, and Services.
2 AGENDA Reverse Osmosis Overview Reverse Osmosis Monitoring Membrane Problem Profiling and Probing Membrane Cleaning Activity
3 Reverse Osmosis Overview
5 Ultrafiltration Microfiltration Clarification Filtration Chlorination SuspendedParticles Collodial matter Organics, Fe&Mn Bioforms Electrodialysis Evaporation ActivatedCarbon ReverseOsmosis IonExchange Dissolvedions Hardness alkalinity Organics &Res.Cl2 Decarbonation Chemical Scavenging Deaeration DissolvedGases CO2 O2 H2S, NH3 Contaminants Contaminant in Water RO OVERVIEW 6 Osmotic Pressure High Low Semi- permeable membrane OSMOSIS Applied Pressure REVERSE OSMOSIS High Low 7 Microfiltration Ultrafiltration Nanofiltration Reverse Osmosis Range Macro molecular Molecular Sub molecular Ionic Particle size 1.0 - 0.1 mm 0.1 - 0.01 mm 0.01 - 0.001 mm <0.001 mm Removes Suspended solids, Large colloids, Bacteria Proteins, Colloids, Organics Pyrogens, Divalent ions Virus Small Organics, Metals, Salts Molecular Weight >100,000 10,000 - 100,000 200 - 20,000 <300 Operating Pressure 10 psig 10 - 100 psig 200 -250 psig 200 - 800 psig Pretreatment Needs Medium Medium High High Capital Cost Medium Medium High High Membrane Filtration Semipermiable Membrane Thin Film Composite (98% of Industrial market) Cellulose Acetate Polysulfone 9 Cellulose acetate Thin film composite Typical pH range 5.0-6.5 2.0-11.0 Average % rejection 95% 99% Microbio susceptibility Yes No Temperature limit 35
C 45 C Chlorine tolerance Excellent Poor Typical operating pressure 400 psig 200 psig Membrane Comparisons RO System Train Pressure Vessel Stage 2 Stage 1 Reverse Osmosis Monitoring
12 Point of Monitoring RO MEMBRANE PERMEATE REJECT HIGH PRESSURE PUMP FEEDWATER SDI, Feed Pressure Feed Flow Rate, pH, Conductivity, Turbidity, Temperature, Oxydants, and Biocide (TFC elements) Reject Pressure Reject Flow Rate, Conductivity Permeate Flow Rate, Conductivity, Permeate Pressure, and Biocide (CA and TFC elements) 1. Percent salt rejection & Percent salt passage
2. Normalized permeate flowrate
3. Differential pressure
4. % Recovery
Performance monitoring 1. % Salt Rejection & % Salt Passage % Rejection = (TDS feed - TDS Product ) x 100 TDS feed % Salt Passage = TDS Product x 100 TDS feed Conductivity Factor TDS feed = 0.6 x Conductivity feed
TDS permeate = 0.5 x Conductivity permeate
TDS reject = 0.7 x Conductivity reject
2. Normalized Permeate Flow The formula used to calculate Normalized Permeate flow is :
Qnorm = Qi * (NDPstart / NDPi) * (TCstart/TCi)
Qnorm = Normalized permeate flow Qi = Permeate flow at point i NDPstart = Net Driving Pressure at startup or reference condition NDPi = Net Driving Pressure at point i. TCstart = Temperature Correction Factor at startup or reference condition TCi = Temperature Correction Factor at point i. 17 = Feed Pressure - Reject Pressure 3. DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE (P) 18 4. % RECOVERY % Recovery = (Permeate Flow) x 100 % Feed/Inlet Flow
Membrane Problem
20 Scaling The major scalants are calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, barium sulfate, silica, and Calcium/magnesium silicate
Cause: change in pH, salt concentration, dan temperature.
The best precaution against scaling are optimizing the pre-treatment, maintaining design flow rate & continuously injecting scale inhibitor 21 Fouling Foulants are normally formed from suspended matter found in the feed water.
To RO membrane manufacturers, fouling is considered a normal occurrence that can be controlled with effective monitoring, maintenance and cleaning programs
22 Degradation or hydrolysis RO membranes can degrade or hydrolyze when exposed to oxidants (chlorine; etc.), pH changes, biodegradation, or temperature extremes.
CA membranes are very sensitive to biodegradation, pH ranges outside of 5.0 to 6.5, and temperature higher than 40 0 C.
TFC membranes are very sensitive to oxidizers, pH ranges outside of 2.0 to 11.0 and temperature higher than 45 0 C.
Profiling and Probing PROFILLING 24 Determined which pressure vessel, has high contribution to increase permeate conductivity. 25 Probing : Determines which membrane or interconnector that has high contribution to conductivity Using : 1/4 Polypropylene Tubing PROBING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reverse Osmosis Cleaning When to clean the membranes ? Decreasing normalized permeate flow 10 15 % from the last cleaning Decreasing % Salt Rejection 10 15 % from the last cleaning Increasing P 10 15 % from the last cleaning After 3 month operation 27 CLEANING - OPERATIONAL Alkaline Cleaning Remove organic & inorganic fouling Chemical : PC 98, PC 40 & NaOH for pH adjustment (10,5 12) Please loading PC 40 first for dilution Circulate and soak every 15 minutes in interval 4 hours Record flow, pressure & temperature and maintain within the range Acid Cleaning Remove scaling Chemical : PC 77 & HCl for pH adjustment Circulate for 2 hours, soak for 30 minutes and then circulate for 1 hour (Pressure max. 4 bar) Maintain pH during acid cleaning Record flow, pressure & temperature and maintain within the range Sanitation Remove microbiological Chemical PC 11 Circulate the solution for 60 minutes 28 Before cleaning, please do flushing RO (15 minutes) & circulate (30 minutes) to cleaning tank with permeate water. Cleaning Skid Volume Cleaning : 40-55 m3/membrane THANK YOU