This document provides information about HIV/AIDS, including:
1. It defines AIDS as a collection of symptoms or illnesses caused by the weakening of the immune system due to infection by the HIV virus.
2. The history of HIV/AIDS is summarized, from initial identification of the virus in the 1950s through developments in isolation, testing, and treatment of the virus.
3. Statistics are presented on the global spread of HIV/AIDS and its impact, with over 40 million people estimated to be infected by 2005, especially in sub-Saharan Africa.
This document provides information about HIV/AIDS, including:
1. It defines AIDS as a collection of symptoms or illnesses caused by the weakening of the immune system due to infection by the HIV virus.
2. The history of HIV/AIDS is summarized, from initial identification of the virus in the 1950s through developments in isolation, testing, and treatment of the virus.
3. Statistics are presented on the global spread of HIV/AIDS and its impact, with over 40 million people estimated to be infected by 2005, especially in sub-Saharan Africa.
This document provides information about HIV/AIDS, including:
1. It defines AIDS as a collection of symptoms or illnesses caused by the weakening of the immune system due to infection by the HIV virus.
2. The history of HIV/AIDS is summarized, from initial identification of the virus in the 1950s through developments in isolation, testing, and treatment of the virus.
3. Statistics are presented on the global spread of HIV/AIDS and its impact, with over 40 million people estimated to be infected by 2005, especially in sub-Saharan Africa.
This document provides information about HIV/AIDS, including:
1. It defines AIDS as a collection of symptoms or illnesses caused by the weakening of the immune system due to infection by the HIV virus.
2. The history of HIV/AIDS is summarized, from initial identification of the virus in the 1950s through developments in isolation, testing, and treatment of the virus.
3. Statistics are presented on the global spread of HIV/AIDS and its impact, with over 40 million people estimated to be infected by 2005, especially in sub-Saharan Africa.
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Dr. Lalu Ahmadi Jaya, SpPD
Definisi AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) Kumpulan gejala atau penyakit Yang disebabkan oleh menurunnya kekebalan tubuh Akibat infeksi oleh virus HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) History 1950s: Blood samples from Africa have HIV antibodies. 1976: First known AIDS patient died. 1980: First human retrovirus isolated (HTLV-1). 1981: First reports of Acquired Immuno- deficiency Syndrome in Los Angeles. 1983: Virus first isolated in France (LAV). 1984: Virus isolated in the U.S. (called HTLV-III and AIDS-Related Virus, ARV). 1985: Development and implementation of antibody test to screen blood donors. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) History (Continued) 1986: Consensus name Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1). Related virus (HIV-2) identified. 1992: AIDS becomes the leading cause of death among adults ages 25-44 in the U.S. 1997: Mortality rates of AIDS starts to decline due to the introduction of new drug cocktails. 2005: World Health Organization predicts up to 40 million infected individuals. More than 25 million have already died.
AIDS: A Leading Cause of Death Among People Aged 25-44 years in U.S. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1982 1986 1990 1994 AIDS Accidents Cancer Homicide Deaths per 100,000 people aged 25-44 years People Living with HIV/AIDS by End of 2005 North America 950,000 (0.6%)* Latin America 1.5 million (0.6%)* Western Europe 560,000 (0.3%)* East Europe & Central Asia 1000,000 (0.6%)* Sub-Saharan Africa 28.5 million (8.8%)*
North Africa & Middle East 500,000 (0.3%)* Australia & New Zealand 15,000 (0.1%)* South/South East Asia 5.6 million (0.6%)* East Asia & Pacific 1000,000 (0.1%)* Total: 40 million people *: Percentage of infected 15-49 year olds per region Caribbean 420,000 (2.4%)* The Structure of HIV Figure 9.19 Structure of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV is a Retrovirus CARA PENULARAN 1. Hubungan seksual 2. Kontak langsung dengan darah/produk darah/jarum suntik 3. Secara vertikal Dari ibu hamil pengidap HIV kepada bayinya Saat hamil, melahirkan, setelah melahirkan HIV Lifecycle 1. Attachment Reverse Transcriptions Act Here 2. Entry 3. Transcription 4. Integration 5. Polyprotein Production 6. Release 7. Maturation Protein Inhibitors Act Here HIV THE AIDS VIRUS Manifestasi klinis Grup I : Infeksi akut Grup II : Infeksi kronik asimtomatik Grup III : Pembesaran kelenjar Limfe Grup IV : Penyakit lain Sub grup A : Penyakit konstitusional Sub grup B : Penyakit Neurologis Sub grup C : Penyakit infeksi sekunder Sub grup D : Kanker sekunder Sub grup E : Kondisi-kondisi lainnya MASA INKUBASI Masa inkubasi : waktu terjadinya unfeksi sampai munculnya gejala Sebagaian besar 5 10 tahun Variasi sangat lebar mulai 6 bulan sampai 10 tahun Stages of HIV Infection INFEKSI AKUT Demam Sakit tenggorok Batuk Myalgia Keringat malam Keluhan GIT INFEKSI KRONIK ASIMTOMATIK Fase akut akan diikuti fase kronik asimtomatik Lamanya bisa bertahun-tahun DIAGNOSIS Gejala mayor Penurunan berat badan lebih dari 10% Diare kronik lebih dari 1 bulan Demam lebih dari 1 bulan Gejala minor Batuk lebih dari 1 bulan Dermatitis pruritik umum Herpes zoster recurrens Kandidiasis orofaring Limfadenopati generalisata Herpes simplek diseminata yang kronik progresif
DIAGNOSIS Pemeriksaan laboratorium Pembuktian adanya antibody atau antigen HIV Tes untuk mengetahui antibodi : ELISA, Western Blot, RIPA, IFA Tes untuk menguji antigen : pembiakan virus, antigen p24 dan PCR Pemeriksaan status imunitas Hb, leukosit, trombosit, limfosit Pemeriksaan terhadap infeksi oportunistik dan keganasan Laboratorium rutin, serologis, radiologis, USG, CT scan
Antibody Levels, T Cell Counts, and HIV Concentration After Infection PENATALAKSANAAN Virus HIV Infeksi oportunistik Kanker sekunder Status kekebalan tubuh Simtomatis dan suportif AIDS Associated Disease Categories 1. Gastrointestinal: Cause most of illness and death of late AIDS. Symptoms: Diarrhea Wasting (extreme weight loss) Abdominal pain Infections of the mouth and esophagus. Pathogens: Candida albicans, cytomegalovirus, Microsporidia, and Cryptosporidia.
African AIDS patient with slim disease Source: Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 1997 Wasting in an AIDS Patient Opportunistic Oral Yeast Infection by Candida albicans in an AIDS Patient Source: Atlas of Clinical Oral Pathology, 1999 AIDS Associated Disease Categories 2. Respiratory: 70% of AIDS patients develop serious respiratory problems. Partial list of respiratory problems associated with AIDS: Bronchitis Pneumonia Tuberculosis Lung cancer Sinusitis Pneumonitis Chest X-Ray of AIDS Patient with Tuberculosis AIDS Associated Disease Categories 3. Neurological: Opportunistic diseases and tumors of central nervous system. Symptoms many include: Headaches, peripheral nerve problems, and AI DS dementia complex (Memory loss, motor problems, difficulty concentration, and paralysis). AIDS Associated Disease Categories 4. Skin Disorders: 90% of AIDS patients develop skin or mucous membrane disorders. Kaposis sarcoma 1/3 male AIDS patients develop KS Most common type of cancer in AIDS patients Herpes zoster (shingles) Herpes simplex Thrush Invasive cervical carcinoma 5. Eye Infections: 50-75% patients develop eye conditions. CMV retinitis Conjunctivitis Dry eye syndrome
Extensive tumor lesions of Kaposiss sarcoma in AIDS patient. Source: AIDS, 1997 Chronic Herpes Simplex infection with lesions on tongue and lips. Source: Atlas of Clinical Oral Pathology, 1999. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma & ascites in AIDS patient Source: Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 1997