1. The document discusses the process of odontogenesis, or tooth formation, beginning with the initial thickening of the oral epithelium and development of the primary epithelial bands and dental lamina.
2. It describes the key stages of tooth development - the bud stage, cap stage, and bell stage. During these stages, the enamel organ and dental papilla form and their cells differentiate into ameloblasts and odontoblasts respectively.
3. Concurrently, development of the permanent dentition begins via the successional dental lamina as the primordia for anterior teeth and premolars form lingual to the primary teeth.
1. The document discusses the process of odontogenesis, or tooth formation, beginning with the initial thickening of the oral epithelium and development of the primary epithelial bands and dental lamina.
2. It describes the key stages of tooth development - the bud stage, cap stage, and bell stage. During these stages, the enamel organ and dental papilla form and their cells differentiate into ameloblasts and odontoblasts respectively.
3. Concurrently, development of the permanent dentition begins via the successional dental lamina as the primordia for anterior teeth and premolars form lingual to the primary teeth.
1. The document discusses the process of odontogenesis, or tooth formation, beginning with the initial thickening of the oral epithelium and development of the primary epithelial bands and dental lamina.
2. It describes the key stages of tooth development - the bud stage, cap stage, and bell stage. During these stages, the enamel organ and dental papilla form and their cells differentiate into ameloblasts and odontoblasts respectively.
3. Concurrently, development of the permanent dentition begins via the successional dental lamina as the primordia for anterior teeth and premolars form lingual to the primary teeth.
1. The document discusses the process of odontogenesis, or tooth formation, beginning with the initial thickening of the oral epithelium and development of the primary epithelial bands and dental lamina.
2. It describes the key stages of tooth development - the bud stage, cap stage, and bell stage. During these stages, the enamel organ and dental papilla form and their cells differentiate into ameloblasts and odontoblasts respectively.
3. Concurrently, development of the permanent dentition begins via the successional dental lamina as the primordia for anterior teeth and premolars form lingual to the primary teeth.
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Guided By:- Presented By:-
Dr. SHASHIT SHETTY . Dr. Hitesh Chopra
Dr. VIPIN ARORA . M.D.S. 1 ST Year Dr. MANOJ HANS. Deptt. Of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics INDEX Introduction Odontogenesis Clip of odontogenesis Signaling Molecules that determine Odontoblasts differentiation & Pulp Formation. Techniques to study ODONTOGENESIS Structure of dentin Structure of pulp
INTRODUCTION The interrelationship between pulp & dentin is a major theme/aspect in the field of dentistry In fact interaction of pulp with various tissues including dentin serves as a rationale for specialty of endodontics Also from many perspectives dental health is related to the health of unique tissue, that is dental pulp However, the study of dental pulp, is not restricted to this tissue alone , but extends to its interactions with many other tissues in dental health &disease. For ex as dentin &pulp are anatomically & functionally related they are commonly referred to as pulp dentin complex WHAT IS IT?................... The dentin & pulp tissue remain closely associated during development & throughout life of an adult & hence are referred to as Pulpdentin Complex. ODONTOGENESIS first signs of formation day 11 thickening of the epithelium where tooth formation will occur on the 1 st branchial arch signals earliest mesenchymal markers for tooth formation are the Lim-homeobox genes (Lhx-6 and Lhx-7) expressed as early as day 9 in the neural crest cells of the tooth region positions of the teeth are controlled by signals from the oral epithelium role of FGF-8 and Pax-9 determine the position of the tooth germs more than 90 genes have been identified in the oral epithelium, dental epithelium and dental mesenchyme!! so exact signaling mechanisms remain unclear Tooth formation: Initial stages involves the physiologic process of induction The primitive oral cavity or stomadeum is lined by stratified squamous epithelium called the oral ectoderm The oral ectoderm contacts the endoderm of the foregut to form the buccopharyngeal membrane At about 37 th day /6 th week of gestation this membrane ruptures and the primitive oral cavity establishes a connection with the foregut. Most of the connective tissues cells underlying the oral ectoderm are neural crest or ectomesenchyme in origin which are thought to instruct or induce the overlying epithelium to start tooth development.
the oral ectoderm gives rise to the primary epithelial bands a basement membrane separates the developing oral epithelium and mesenchyme
Primary epithelial bands: Horseshoe-shaped bands that appear approximately around the 37th day of development, one for each jaw. -there are two subdivisions: vestibular lamina and dental lamina 1) the dental lamina -develops a series of epithelial outgrowths - grow deep into the mesenchyme -develops in the future spot for the dental arches -will form the midline for these arches -arches then form posteriorly from this point -the ingrowths represent the future sites for each deciduous tooth - Primary epithelial bands: Horseshoe-shaped bands that appear approximately around the 37th day of development, one for each jaw. -there are two subdivisions: vestibular lamina and dental lamina -the dental lamina develops a series of epithelial outgrowths - grow deep into the mesenchyme -develops in the future spot for the dental arches -will form the midline for these arches -arches then form posteriorly from this point -the ingrowths represent the future sites for each deciduous tooth - 2) the vestibular lamina cells rapidly enlarge and then degenerate forms a cleft that becomes the vestibule of the oral cavity Bud Stage
marked by the incursion of epithelium into the mesenchyme period of extensive proliferation and growth of the dental lamina forms into buds or oral masses that penetrate into the mesenchyme each tooth bud is surrounded by the mesenchyme buds + mesenchyme develop into the tooth germ and the associated tissues of the tooth this developing tooth forms from both the ectoderm and mesenchyme and from neural crest cells that have migrated into the mesenchyme 1. Tooth bud 2. Oral epithelium 3. Mesenchyme Cap Stage characterized by continuation of the ingrowth of the oral epithelium into the mesenchyme. tooth bud of the dental lamina proliferates unequally in different parts of the bud forms a cap shaped tissue attached to the remaining dental lamina looks like a cap sitting on a ball of condensing mesenchyme occurs for the primary dentition (during the fetal period) this stage marks the beginning of histodifferentiation (differentiation of tissues) the tooth germ also begins to take on form start of morphodifferentiation
a depression forms in the deepest part of each tooth bud and forms the cap or enamel organ (or dental organ) produces the future enamel (ectodermal origin) below this cap is a condensing mass of mesenchyme dental papilla produces the future dentin and pulp tissue (mesenchymal origin) the basement membrane separating the dental organ and the dental papilla becomes the future site for the dentinoenamel junction (DEJ) remaining mesenchyme surrounds the dental/enamel organ and condenses to form the dental sac or the dental follicle Hence, -together the enamel organ + dental papilla + dental follicle is considered the developing tooth germ or tooth primordium -these primordium will be housed in the developing dental arches and will develop into the primary dentition Bell Stage Continuation of histodifferentiation and morphodifferentiation cap shape then assumes a more bell-like shape differentiation produces four types of cells within the enamel/dental organ 1. inner enamel epithelium 2. outer enamel epithelium 3. stellate reticulum 4. stratum intermedium
during the bell stage the dental lamina is separated from the dental organ the dental papilla undergoes differentiation and produces two types of cells 1. outer cells of the DP forms the dentin-secreting cells (odontoblasts) 2. central cells of the DP forms the primordium of the pulp dental sac increases its collagen content and differentiates at a later stage than the EO and DP
Differentiation of the Enamel/Dental organ outer enamel epithelium (OEE) cuboidal shape protective barrier during enamel production may also be called the outer dental epithelium very little cytoplasm cells are separated from the dental follicle by a basement membrane cervical loop IEE OEE inner enamel epithelium (IEE) short, columnar cells differentiates into the enamel secreting cells = ameloblasts separated from the dental papilla below it by a basement membrane also cells accumulate large amounts of glycogen may also be called the inner dental epithelium the IEE and OEE are continuous region where they connect curved rim of the EO = cervical loop
IEE stellate reticulum star-shaped cells in many layers center of the enamel organ forms a network = reticulum supports production of enamel stratum intermedium inner layer of compressed flat to cuboidal cells very high levels of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase supports production of enamel Bell Stage -the cells in the center of the enamel organ begin to synthesize and secrete GAGs -this pulls water into the EO
-increasing amount of fluid in the EO forces the central cells apart -however, they remain connected via cellular processes which makes them star shaped = stellate ret. B = inner dental epithelium (inner enamel epithelium) Bell stage early crown formation the dental papilla is separated from the enamel organ by a basement membrane immediately below this BM is a region called the acellular zone this is where the first enamel proteins will be laid down the dental lamina begins to break up into discrete islands of epithelial cells (epithelial pearls) separates the oral epithelium from the developing tooth these pearls may form cysts and delay eruption or they may develop into supernumerary teeth the IEE completes its folding and you can begin to identify the shape of the future crown pattern
Tooth development so far Cap and Bell stages & Permanent teeth during the cap stage the development of the permanent dentition begins anterior teeth the primordia for these teeth appears as an extension off the developing dental lamina penetrates into the mesenchyme lingual to the primary primordium its site of origin is called the succesional dental lamina these permanent teeth are called succedaneous teeth (anterior teeth and the premolars) teeth that form with the primary tooth buds (primary predecessors) permanent molars are non- succedaneous - they are formed by posterior proliferation of the dental lamina.
Ameloblasts and Odontoblasts ameloblasts the cells of the IEE assume a more columnar shape or they elongate differentiate into pre- ameloblasts this differentiation is characterized by the repolarization of these PAs movement of the nucleus away from the basement membrane this repolarization is critical to the differentiation of the PAs continued differentiation and maturation results in the formation of ameloblasts the pre-ABs induce the cells of the dental papilla to differentiate also odontoblasts differentiation by the mesenchyme of the dental papilla occurs after differentiation of pre-ABs begins results because the pre-ABs induce differentiation of the mesenchymal cells also also undergo repolarization mirror image of the pre-ABs (see Figure 6-12 and 6-13) after differentiation the ODs then start dentinogenesis begin to deposit predentin on the side of their basement membrane forms a layer immediately below the BM and above the cells (figure 6-13) therefore dentin formation begins before enamel synthesis explains why dentin is thicker than enamel
At 1 the epithelium is separated from the dental papilla by an acellular zone. At 2 the cells of the inner dental epithelium have elongated, and the acellular zone begins to be eliminated as odontoblasts differentiate from ectomesenchymal cells in the tooth pulp. At 3 the odontoblasts retreat toward the center of the pulp, leaving behind formed dentin. At 4 the cells of the inner dental epithelium, now ameloblasts, begin to migrate outward and leave behind formed enamel. before dentin forms cells of the EO receive blood supply from vessels of the dental lamina as dentin forms, it cuts of this papillary source of blood/nutrients this causes a drastic reduction in the amount of nutrients that reach the EO but the ABs require extensive nutrients to form enamel stellate reticulum collapses and invagination of the OEE this brings in blood supply from peripheral vessels found outside the tooth
Dentinoenamel junction after OD differentiation and the initiation of dentinogenesis the BM between the pre-ABs and ODs disintegrates this allows direct contact between the pre-ABs and ODs results in the completion of pre-AB differentiation to mature ABs ABs then begin amelogenesis apposition of enamel matrix replaces the disintegrating BM each ameloblast forms a tapered portion that faces the disintegrating BM - called a tome or Tomes process upon contact of the enamel matrix and dentin the disintegrating BM begins to mineralize forms the dentinoenamel junction or DEJ the ODs form cellular process as they retreat toward the dental papilla (figure 6-14) that penetrate the forming predentin = dentinal tubules mineralization of the developing dentin and enamel is distinct for each type of tissue the cell bodies of the ODs remain in the pulp tissue the cell bodies of the ABs participate in tooth eruption and will disappear shortly after Pulp formation
while the cementum is forming - the central cells of the dental papilla form the pulp HISTOLOGICALLY HISTOLOGICALLY STAGES ANOMALIES Initiation Anodontia , Supernumerary teeth Proliferation Histodifferentiation Dentinogenesis imperfecta, Atypical Dentin Morphodifferentiation Abnormality in form & size of tooth, ex peg laterals , hutchinsons incisor , twinning Appoposition Enamel hypoplasia, hypocalcification ,intrinsic staining video Signaling Molecules that determine Odontogenesis or Initiation of tooth Primary epithelial band - FgF- 8 Dental lamina FgF-8 + BMP-4 Tooth bud formation Epith. BMP 4 Epith. FgF8 Msx1 Ectomesen. BMP 4 + activin A
Tooth bud formation Both FGF and BMP activate Msx1 and Dlx2, although Msx2 is only activated by BMP and Dlx1 by FGF (Vainio; Bei and Kettunen).
Jukka Jernvall
, and Irma Thesleff
. Reiterative signaling and patterning during mammalian tooth morphogenesis . Mech Dev2000 ; 92 :19-29 Tucker, A.S., Yamada, G., Grigoriou, M., Pachnis, V. and Sharpe, P., 1999. Fgf-8 determines rostral-caudal polarity in the first branchial arch. Development 126, pp. 5161. Vainio, S., Karavanova, I., Jowett, A. and Thesleff, I., 1993. Identification of BMP-4 as a signal mediating secondary induction between epithelial and mesenchymal tissues during early tooth development. Cell 75, pp. 4558 Bei, M. and Maas, R., 1998. FGFs and BMP4 induce both Msx1-independent and Msx1-dependent signaling pathways in early tooth development. Development 125, pp. 43254333
Ferguson, C.A., Tucker, A.S., Christensen, L., Lau, A.L., Matzuk, M.M. and Sharpe, P.T., 1998. Activin is an essential early mesenchymal signal in tooth development that is required for patterning of the murine dentition. Genes Dev. 12, pp. 2636 2649. Kettunen, P. and Thesleff, I., 1998. Expression and function of FGFs-4, -8, and -9 suggests functional redundancy and repetitive use as epithelial signals during tooth morphogenesis. Dev. Dyn. 211, pp. 256268.
Tooth bud cap stage
enamel knot ( total 10 signals belongs to 4 families BMP,FGF,WnT,HG)
No BMP4 + MSX1 No Enamel knot BMP4 + MSX1 Enamel knot . Restricted expression of altogether 10 signals belonging to the BMP, FGF, Hh and Wnt families has so far been reported in the enamel knot. The enamel knot has been suggested to be an important regulator of tooth shape, and its induction conceivably is the prerequisite for the tooth to develop into the cap stage. Indeed, tooth development is arrested at the bud stage in the knockouts of Lef1, Msx1, and Pax9 (Kratochwil; Bei and Peters As these transcription factors are targets for BMP, FGF, and Wnt signaling, the formation of the tooth cap seems to depend again on these signaling pathways. No enamel knots develop in the arrested tooth buds in the mutant mouse embryos and, interestingly, a common feature in the three mutants is that Bmp4 expression is absent from the dental mesenchyme. BMP4 therefore is a good candidate for a mesenchymal signal inducing the transition from the bud to the cap stage. This is supported by experiments in which the arrested tooth buds from Msx1 mutant embryos continued morphogenesis to the cap stage in vitro when BMP4 protein was added to the culture medium (Chen et al., 1996). A role for BMP4 specifically in the induction of the enamel knot was supported by in vitro studies where BMP4 beads placed on isolated dental epithelium induced the expression of p21 and Msx2, two early markers of the enamel knot (Jernvall et al., 1998).
Jukka Jernvall
, and Irma Thesleff
. Reiterative signaling and patterning during mammalian tooth morphogenesis . Mech Dev2000 ; 92 :19-29 kratochwil, K., Dull, M., Farinas, I., Galceran, J. and Grosschedl, R., 1996. Lef1 expression is activated by BMP-4 and regulates inductive tissue interactions in tooth and hair development. Genes Dev. 10, pp. 13821394. Bei, M. and Maas, R., 1998. FGFs and BMP4 induce both Msx1-independent and Msx1-dependent signaling pathways in early tooth development. Development 125, pp. 43254333 Peters, H. and Balling, R., 1999. Teeth where and how to make them. Trends Genet. 15, pp. 5965. Chen, Y., Bei, M., Woo, I., Satokata, I. and Maas, R., 1996. Msx1 controls inductive signaling in mammalian tooth morphogenesis. Development 122, pp. 30353044. Jernvall, J., berg, T., Kettunen, P., Kernen, S. and Thesleff, I., 1998. The life history of an embryonic signaling center: BMP-4 induces p21 and is associated with apoptosis in the mouse tooth enamel knot. Development 125, pp. 161169.
. Reiterative signaling and patterning during mammalian tooth morphogenesis . Mech Dev2000 ; 92 :19-29 Tucker, A.S., Matthews, K.L. and Sharpe, P., 1998. Transformation of tooth type induced by inhibition of BMP signaling. Science 82, pp. 11361138. Cusp development FgF4 & P 21
Initiation of cusps
FgF4 Related to cusp tips P21 rest Jukka Jernvall
, and Irma Thesleff
. Reiterative signaling and patterning during mammalian tooth morphogenesis . Mech Dev2000 ; 92 :19-29
GENES EXPRESSED DURING TOOTH DEVELOPMENT Gli Glioma associated oncogene homologue (zinc finger protein ) (TF) Lef Lymhoid enhancer-binding factor 1 (TF) Pax Paired box homeotic gene (TF) Fgf Fibroblast growth factor (SP) Msx Msh-like genes in vertebrates (TF) Dlx Distaless omologue in vertebrtes (TF) Wnt Wingless homologue in vertebrates (SP) Lhx lim-homeobox domain gene (TF) Bmp Bone morphogenic proteins (SP) Shh Sonic hedgehog (SP) Hgf Hepatic growth factor (SP) Ptc Patched cell surface receptor for SHH Smo Smoothed PTC co-receptor for SHH Pitx Transcription factor named for its expression in the pituitary gland Slit Homologous to Drosophila slit protein (SP) Barx BarH1 homologue in vertebrates (TF) Otlx Otx-related homeobox gene (TF)
Techniques to study ODONTOGENESIS 1) Tooth organ culture systems 2) Odontoblasts & dental pulp cell cultures 3) Transgenic & knock out mice 4) Laser capture microdissection 1) Tooth organ culture systems
In vitro approaches include;-
1) Tooth organ culture by means of Trowel type system In this either whole mandibular & maxillary implants or individually dissected molar organs can be cultured in enriched serum by means of Trowel type system which involves placing the tooth organ in the correct orientation on a filter that is supported by a metal grid at the gas liquid interface
2) Functional tooth organ recombination assays Dental epithelium is separated from papilla mesenchyme by means of enzymes that degrade the basement membrane at the interface. Isolated epithelium & mesenchyme can be cultured separately or recombined & then transplanted in vivo to study the effects on tooth development
3) Bead implantation assays
Briefly, either heparin or agarose beads that are soaked in known concentration of growth factor are placed on separated dental mesenchyme . After approximately 24 hrs in culture, the mesenchyme is analyzed for changes in gene & protein expressin in the region surrounding the bead.
2) Odontoblasts & dental pulp cell cultures
Tooth organ culture system facilitates the studies of early tooth development but this facilitates the study of late stage of tooth development that involve cell differentiation & matrix synthesis Two approaches can be used - 1) To utilize hemisectioned human teeth from which dental pulp has been carefully extirpated. The remaining layer of intact odontoblasts then can be cultured with the native pulp chamber , to which nutrient media & various growth factors or cytokines are added. 2) Thick slices of human teeth with the odontoblast layer left intact offer another useful approach to study the behaviour of odontoblasts under conditions that stimulate dentinal caries Cell line of odontoblast resp. MO6 -G3 & MDPC-23 & Pulpal cell lines RPC-C2A &RDP 4-1 have been successfully obtained which are used to study various characteristics. 3) Transgenic & knock out mice The modern era of recombinant DNA technology & genetic engineering has made it possible to alter or mutate a gene of interest in vitro & then inject into the pronucleous of a fertilized mouse egg Transgenic mice generated through conventional technology can be designed to over express the gene of interest in cells or tissues where it is normally expressed When it is study the behavior of gene at an ectopic site , the transgene of interest is placed behind the promoter of another gene that will drive expression in tissues where it is not normally expressed In the case of a gene that is expressed inn multiple tissue or organs its now possible to study activity at one particular site, by driving the expression of a transgene with a tissue or cell specific promoter 4) Laser capture microdissection This is one of the most innovative techniques which is now being used in Cancer Genomic Anatomy Project to catalog the genes that are expressed during solid tumor progression & to construct complementary DNA (C DNA) libraries from normal and premalignant cell populations . Microarray panels containing these index genes are being used to obtain gene expression pattern in human tissue biopsies . The fluctuation of expressed genes that correlate with particular stage of disease is compared within or between individual patients , Such a finger print of gene expression patterns will provide important clue regarding etiology & contribute to diagnostic decisions & therapy Application in this area will be particularly useful for dental pulp research , in which individual cell populations are difficult to access The progress in understanding odontoblast differentiation has been slow because of serious limitations inherent to both in vivo & vitro approaches. Initial studies of dentin ECM gene expression in differentiating odontoblasts have been promising. Data from the future use of laser capture micro dissection will provide a correlation between the morphologic changes and the expression of known ECM genes during odontoblast differentiation. Information generated from this approach will also be valuable in developing a nomenclature that can be consistently used by researchers.
Moreover , known and unknown genes will be identified from the developmentally staged, odontoblast specific cDNA libraries. Genes that are defined for each stage of primary dentin formation will provide important clues about temporal patterns of genes expression and the potential functions of encoded protein products in dentin mineralization . Such fundamental information will be useful in characterizing cells within the cell-rich zone of dental pulp, identification of replacement population of pulpal cells involved in reparative dentin formation , and in development of vital pulp therapies aimed at hastening the healing of the injured pulpo - dentin complex. Dentin STRUCTURE
Dentin consists of microscopic channels, called dentinal tubules, which radiate outward through the dentin from the pulp to the exterior cementum or enamel border. From the outer surface of the dentin to the area nearest the pulp, these tubules follow an S-shaped path. The diameter and density of the tubules are greatest near the pulp. Tapering from the inner to the outermost surface, they have a diameter of 2.5 m near the pulp, 1.2 m in the middle of the dentin, and 0.9 m at the D.E.j. Their density is 65,000 per square millimeter near the pulp, whereas the density is 15,000 at the DEJ.
Changes in dentin structure with depth The area occupied by the lumina of dentinal tubules can be calculated as the product of the cross sectional area of a single tubule ,r2 & N , the no. of tubules per cmsquare . As both the radius of dentinal tubules & their no. per unit area increases as one moves from DEJ to pulp , the area occupied by dentinal tubules also increases. The water content of dentin near the DEJ is about 1% & while that of dentin near the pulp is about 22% , a 22 fold variation. This is important with respect to bonding with composite restorative materials in deed cavities in a vital tooth but not in endodontically treated tooth
STRUCTURE Cont. Made up of CHEMICAL COMPOSITION ;- 70% inorganic materials (mainly hydroxylapatite and some non-crystalline amorphous calcium phosphate), 20% organic materials (90% of which is collagen type 1 and the remaining 10% ground substance, which includes dentine- specific proteins), and10 % water (which is absorbed on the surface of the minerals or between the crystals). Types A) Based on time of formation Mantle Dentin 1) Primary dentin Circumpulpal dentin 2) Secondary dentin 3) Tertiary dentin Reactionary Dentin Reparative Dentin B) Based on age changes 1) Dead tracts 2) Sclerotic dentin 3) Reparative dentin mantle dentin tertiary dentin primary dentin secundary dentin predentin Section of the tooth types of dentin 1) Primary dentin Mantle dentin Its the name of the first formed dentin in the crown underlying D.E.J Its thus the most peripheral part of the primary dentin & is about 20 m thick. Circumpulpal dentin- It forms the remaining primary dentin or bulk of the tooth. Its the Circumpulpal dentin that represents all of dentin before root completion
Mantle dentin Circumpulpal dentin- Collagen fibers large small Lightly packed Tightly packed Less mineralized More mineralized Has fewer defects Has more defects 2) Secondary dentin Secondary dentin is formed after root formation is complete, normally after the tooth has erupted and is functional. It grows much slower than primary dentin, but maintains its incremental aspect of growth. It has a similar structure to primary dentin, although its deposition is not always even around the pulp chamber. It is the growth of this dentin that causes the decrease in the size of the pulp chamber with age; by depositing more on the roof & floor of the coronal pulp chamber. 3) Tertiary dentin Tertiary dentin is dentin formed as a reaction to external insult such as caries. It is of two types, either Reactionary, where dentin is formed from a pre-existing odontoblast or is it Reparative, where newly differented odontoblast-like cells are formed due to the death of the original odontoblasts, from a pulpal progenitor cell. Tertiary dentin is only formed by an odontoblast directly affected by stimulus, therefore the architecture and structure depends on the intensity and duration of the stimulus e.g. if the stimulus is a carious lesion, there would be extensive destruction of dentin and damage to the pulp, due to the differentiation of bacterial metabolites and toxins. Thus tertiary dentin is deposited rapidly, with a sparse and irregular tubular pattern and some cellular inclusions known as osteodentin. However if the stimulus is less active, it would be laid down less rapidly with a more regular tubular pattern and hardly any cellular inclusions.
Reactionary dentinogenesis Its by definition dentin secreted by surviving primary odontoblasts So its a less complex formation as compared to that of reparative dentinogenesis in which dentin is secreted by odontoblasts like cells Factors infleuencing Reactionary dentinogenesis 1) R.D.T 2) Etchant 3) Restorative material
1) R.D.T It was significantly the most important factor in determining the Secretion of reactionary dentin , which is increased in area by 1.187 mm2 for every 1mm decrease in the R.D.T beneath the cavity
2) Etchant A. Time of etching Cavity etching can positively influence the secretion of reactionary dentin . Treatment wit EDTA for 0 sec. ., 60 sec. , & 120 sec. lead to a ranking of 60 sec. > 120 sec. > 0sec. for reactionary dentin secretion Hence reduced reactionary dentinogenesis after 0 & 120 sec. of treatment was associated with decreased odontoblast survival B . Type of etchant Phosphoric acid has less stimulatory effect as compared to EDTA on reactionary dentinogenesis 3) Restorative materials Restorative materials that are capable stimulting reactionary dentinogeneis , such as calcium hydroxide , hv similar action on dentin-matrix releasing growth factors , which then diffuse to the odontoblasts & prompt their upregulation Reparative dentinogenesis Its by definition dentin secreted by odontoblasts like cells In non exposed pulps it may be sequel to reactionary dentinogenesis or it may occur independently in the absence of reactionary dentin if the injury is of sufficient intensity (e.g. an active carious lesion) The reparative response of tertiary dentinogenesis always takes place at sits of pulp exposure because of loss of odontoblasts & need for dentin bridge formation Its a more complex formation as compared to that of reactionary dentinogenesis in that progenitor cells from the pulp must be recruited & induced to differentiate into odontoblasts like cells before their secretions may be up regulated to form the reparative dentin
B) Based on Age changes
1) Dead tracts Disintegration of odontoblastic processes due to various stimuli leads to formation of dead tracts They are called so because tubules get filled with air which appear black in transmitted & white in reflected light
2) Sclerotic dentin Deposition of apatite crystals leads to formation of Sclerotic or transparent dentin They are called so because refractive indices of intertubular dentin after crystal deposition becomes equal to that of peritubular dentin. It appear light or transparent in transmitted & dark in reflected light
3) Reparative dentin
The empty ( normal) dentin tubules Mineral deposits narrow down dentin tubules
Smear layer is debris after instrumentation Its about 1-3m
Smear plug in coronal or radicular dentinal tubules are 1-3m long , smear plugs in instrumented root canals reach upto 40 times longer i.e.. 40m . SMEAR LAYER & SMEAR PLUGS Pulp ANATOMY OF PULP
Each person can have a total of up to 52 pulp organs, 32 in the permanent and 20 in the primary teeth. The total volumes of all the permanent teeth organs is 0.38cc The mean volume of a single adult human pulp is 0.02cc Consists of two parts Coronal Pulp & Radicular Pulp. Apical foramen is the opening of the Radicular Pulp into the periapical connective tissue. The average size is 0.3 to 0.4 mm in diameter. STRUCTURE OF PULP Has three layers (Outerrmost to innermost) 1. Odontoblastic Layer; outermost layer which contains odontoblasts and lies next to the predentin and mature dentin 2. Cell Free Zone (Zone Of Weil ) which is rich in both capillaries and nerve networks. The nerve plexus of Rashkow is located in here
3. Cell Rich Zone; innermost pulp layer which contains fibroblasts and undifferentiated mesenchymal cells
Nerve fibers Pulp and Dentin entering the teeth have been identified histologically as myelinated A- fibers and unmyelinated C-fibers which enter through the apical foramina of the teeth, passing through the radicular to the coronal pulp where they fan out and diverge into smaller bundles.As divergence continues; individuals-fibers within small bundles lose their myelin sheath and divide repeatedly before finally ramifying into a plexus of single axons known as the SUBODONTOBLASTIC PLEXUS OR PLEXUS OF RASCHKOW in Cell Free Zone Neuroanatomy of Pulp and Dentin W E S T E R N
S O C.
P E R I O Volume Number 2, 1995 ." From this plexus nerve fibers are distributed toward the pulp-dentin border with terminals showing a characteristic bead-like structureThis has been summarized by Trowbridge 1) MARGINAL FIBERS : S.O.P O.L They do not reach the predentin. 2) SIMPLE PREDENTINAL FIBERS S.O.P PREDENTIN They donot branch 3) COMPLEX PREDENTINAL FIBERS S.O.P PREDENTIN multiple branches and multiple ending- like enlargements on each branch. 4) DENTINAL FIBERS S.O.P DENTIN pass through the predentin without branching and enter the dentin through the dentinal tubule. The penetration is limited to approximately 100 um.
Volume Number 2, 1995 W E S T E R N
S O C.
P E R I O 1) 2) 3) 4)
Neurophysiology ( General ) TYPE OF NERVE FIBRE SIZE VELOCITY OF CONDUCTION FUNCTION A ( Myelinated ) 12-20 m 70-120 m/sec proprioception. A ( Myelinated ) 5-12 m 30-70 m/sec transmission of touch and pressure. A ( Myelinated ) 3-6 m 15-30 m/s ec for motor function to the spinal nerves A ( Myelinated ) 2-5 m 12-30 m/sec transmission of pain, temperature, and touch. B ( Myelinated ) 1-3 m 3-15 m/sec preganglionic autonomic function C ( Non- Myelinated ) 0.2-2 m 0.5-2 m/sec postganglionic sympathetic pain and possibly heat, cold, and pressure
Neurophysiology of Pulp and Dentin Dental pulp is innervated by both 1) Myelinated and 2) Nonmyelinated nerve fibers
Recent electrophysiological investigations on intradental nerves of experimental animals confirm histological evidence that two fiber groups exist ;-
1) A 2) C nerve fibres
Volume Number 2, 1995 W E S T E R N
S O C.
P E R I O A Nerve fibres C Nerve fibres Myelinated Non-Myelinated Fast conduction velocity Slow conduction velocity Initial response Late response Periphery Center Heat/Cold sensitive Heat sensitive Sharp localised pain Dull poorly localised pain Get necrosed easily More resistant to necrosis Mechanisms of Stimulus Transmission Across Dentin
Anderson and Naylor proposed two possible explanations: There were no nerve elements in dentin. When pain was evoked it was due to stimulation of receptor mechanisms in the pulp by a disturbance transmitted through the tubules by non-neural means. There are receptor mechanisms in dentin that could be stimulated indirectly, but cannot be reached by direct stimulation from chemical agents because of some barrier to diffusion in the tubules.
3) Newly erupted toot does not have Plexus Of Raschkow & yet its sensitive Conclusion ;- Autoradiography studies have demonstrated that nerve fibers in the dentin is not a necessary prerequisite for its sensitivity, which also supports the evidence of Lilja that root dentin contains no intratubular nerves, but nevertheless is very sensitive.
DISCARDED 1) DIRECT STIMULATION OF NERVE FIBERS Given by - Anderson and co-workers According to this theory dentin was directly innervated by nerve fiber as a result stimuli to exposed dentin would cause pain.
Contraindications ;- 1. a) Application of algogenic (pain-inducing) substances such as potassium chloride, acetylcholine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, and histamine failed to elicit a response; whereas when applied directly to exposed pulpal tissue, an immediate response was elicited. b) Similarly, topical anaesthetic solution when applied to the exposed sensitive dentin did not decrease sensitivity. 2) THE DENTINAL RECEPTOR MECHANISM HYPOTHESIS
Acc. to this hypothesis odontoblast has a special sensory function , the processes of odontoblast in close contact with terminal sensory nerve endings forms so-called specialized junctional complexes reffered to as NEUROSENSITIVE COMPLEX which is than responsible for pain/ sensivity transmission through exposed dentin Points against this theory
Dentinal sensitivity persists following the degeneration of both odontoblasts and intratubular nerve fibers in the inner third of dentin. Such studies appear to contradict the hypothesis that odontoblasts act as a dentinal receptor mechanism. Morphological evidence of a synaptic relationship between odontoblast and sensory nerve endings is lacking. Impulse is too low. Application of local anaesthetics does not remove pain/ sensivity
Points in favour of this theory
Odontoblast is of neural crest origin & it retains an ability to transduce & propogate an impulse.
1. Impulse transmission via Neurotransmitter
Avery and co-workers have shown that odontoblast protoplasmic extensions were cholinesterase positive. Ten-Cate and Shelton demonstrated cholinesterase activity in both myelinated and non-myelinated nerve fibers of the pulp, but not close to, or in, odontoblasts or their processes. They concluded that if the transmission of impulses associated with dentinal sensitivity was via a dentinal receptor mechanism, then there was no evidence to suggest that these impulses were mediated by cholinergic activity
2) Impulse transmission by polypeptides, such as plasma kinins and Substance P (modulation theory). However it also fails to prove nerve transmission.
Proposed by BRAINSTORM Most widely accepted theory. Acc. to this theory- The movement of fluid in dentinal tubules , the functional unit of dentin is responsible for transmission of pain/sensitivity
Hagen Poiseuielle equation - fluid movement - basis of the hydrodynamic theory V=Pr 4 / 8L
Points in favour of this theory 1) Newly erupted toot does not have Plexus Of Raschkow & yet its sensitive 2) Experimental evidence ;-
1) The effect of pressure: Both increase & decrease of pressure results in rapid fluid shift which elicits pain e.g...Following a decrease in pressure, an immediate pain response was elicited which persisted for as long as there was decreased pressure. Histological examination showed odontoblasts nuclei in the tubules. Brainstorm concluded that these effects were probably due to intense evaporation from the dentinal surface. The dislocation is probably due to aspiration of the odontoblasts into the dentinal tubules in connection with the capillary fluid flow. 2) The effect of dehydration: It also elicits painful response because withdrawing of fluid contents of dentinal tubules Hypertonic solutions such as sugar and calcium chloride also elicit pain by the same effect of dehydration of the dentinal surface This effect, too, can be explained by dentin tubule fluid movements, since fluids of a relatively low osmolarity (e.g., dentinal tubule fluid) will tend to flow toward solutions of higher osmolarity. When isosmotic solutions are applied, no stimulus is perceived. 3) The effect of thermal changes
Cold stimulus - causes contraction of tubule contents, which in turn a rapid outward movement of fluid away from the pulp. Hot stimulus- expansion of tubule contents occurred with a subsequent increase in pressure, which resulted in a rapid inward movement of fluid toward the pulp.
4) The effect of mechanical probing
These procedures could cause the removal of dentinal fluid from the exposed dentin surface and by capillary action elicit an outward flow of tubule contents from the pulp, stimulating the odontoblast structure and causing pain.
3) It also explains why application of local anesthetics does not remove pain/ sensitivity
4) ALTERNATIVE MECHANISM (MODIFIED HYDRODYNAMIC THEORY) Desensitization of dentin by blocking nerve activity (direct ionic diffusion)
Several investigators have used a neurophysiological model to evaluate dentin sensitivity. The results from these studies, together with the work of Kim and other Theory) investigators, would suggest that application of various chemical solutions (in particular K+-containing compounds) to dentin resulted in raising the intratubular K+ content which in turn rendered the intradental nerves less excitable to further stimuli by depolarizing the nerve fiber(s) membrane.
On the basis of these studies, Kim and Markowitz and Kim proposed an alternative mechanism, namely desensitization of dentin by blocking nerve activity (direct ionic diffusion).This recent hypothesis has, however, been criticized
. According to Sena, Kim's work was based on deep-cut cavity preparations, with only a very thin slice of dentin between the exposed dentin surface and the pulp. In consequence K+ had only a short distance to traverse the length of the tubule. In the normal clinical situation, however, the incoming K+ (i.e., if applied in a toothpaste on exposed cervical dentin) would have to overcome the opposing pulpal pressure that produces an outward flow of dentinal fluid. Such an outward flow can prevent the inward diffusion of substances from the oral cavity. While the alternative or modified hypothesis of stimulus transmission across dentin as proposed by Kim and Markowitz and Kim appears to be an attractive alternative to the hydrodynamic theory, this hypothesis nevertheless requires further investigation.
Reference 3) Western Society of Periodontics Abstract Index, Volume Number 2, 1995, D.G. GILLAM Mechanisms of Stimulus Transmission Across Dentin
Dentin is the only innervated hard tissue of the tooth.
As dentin is basically made of dentinal tubules exposure to oral environment invariably results in fluid shift.
These fluid shift can directly stimulate odontoblasts , pulpal nerves and subodontogenic blood vessels by applying large shear forces on their surfaces as the fluid streams through narrow spaces .
Fluid shift in dentinal tubules
Physiological changes in blood vessels
Increased flow of plasma fluid & plasma proteins from vessels into pulpal tissue spaces & out into dentinal tubules
Extravasation leads to of plasma causes increase in local pulpal tissue pressure
Increased firing of sensitized neurons
Increased sensitivity & pain Increase of outward fluid movements from the pulp during inflammation DYNAMICS OF THE PULP DENTIN COMPLEX D.H. Pashley Department of Oral Biology, School of Dentistry, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia 30912-1129, USA Introduction
The purpose of this review is to integrate a great deal of recent information from a wide variety of fields on how the pulpo-dentin complex responds during nonphysiologic conditions. Indeed, it is during pathologic stresses that the full range of biologic responses of the pulp to changes that occur in dentin can be expressed. These are the conditions with which most dental clinicians must contend. It is hoped that insights gained by the study of pulpal pathobiology will provide new therapies that will be of use to dentistry in the future.
This review will cover the 1) physiology of dentin, the mechanical properties of dentin, 2) how dentin structure can be modified for therapy, 3) changes in pulpal innervation in response to exposure of dentin, 4) dentin sensitivity, the inter-relationships among pulpal nerves, dentin, and 5) pulpal inflammation, and the reactions of the pulp to wound healing.
(I) The Concept of the Pulpo-Dentin Complex
The physiologic concept of the "pulp-dentin complex has recently been challenged as an oversimplication (Goldberg and Lasfargues, 1995). These authors correctly point out that there are a number of differences between the chemistry of dentin and that of pulp. For instance, the collagen matrix of dentin is composed primarily of type I collagen, while that of the pulp contains collagen types I, III, and V, among others. Type III collagen is associated with three-dimensional fibrillar networks, while type IV collagen is found in basement membranes. Since peripheral dentin has no basement membrane,it is not surprising to find that it has no type IV collagen. The distribution of noncollagenous proteins is also different. Ex. Phosphophoryn is found in mineralized dentin and seems to modulate mineralization, but it is not located in non- mineralizing pulpal soft tissue (Butler, 1995; Linde and Lundgren, 1995). These differences led Linde and Goldberg (1993) to conclude that although pulp and dentin tissues share a common ancestry, the dental papilla, and although the development of the two is closely interrelated, there are no direct chemical similarities between the pulp and dentin. There is a great deal of evidence that dentin and pulp are functionally coupled and hence are integrated as a tissue. 1) When normal intact teeth are stimulated thermally, dentinal fluid expands or contracts faster than does the volume of the tubules that contain the fluid. This causes hydrodynamic activation of intradental nerves and is an example of the functional coupling of pulp and dentin in an intact tooth. 2) As soon as the external tissues that seal dentin peripherally (e.g., enamel and cementum) are lost for any reason, the normal compartmentalization between the two tissues is lost, and they become functionally continuous. Under these pathologic conditions, there is a fluid-filled continuum from the dentin surface to the pulp. It is through this medium that external stimuli are transduced to physical disturbances in the pulp.
It is through this fluid medium that bacterial substances can diffuse across dentin to produce pulpal reaction(Bergenholtz, 1977, 1981, 1996; Bergenholtz and Warfvinge, 1982)
The pulp responds to these insults in the 1) short-term by mounting an inflammatory response which produces an outward movement of fluid (Vongsavan and Matthews, 1991, 1992a,b, 1994; Matthews, 1996) and macromolecules (Raab, 1989; Maita etal, 1991; Byers, 1996). 2) In the long term, pulpal tissues produce tertiary dentin as a biologic response to reduce the permeability of the pulpo- dentin complex and to restore it to its original sequestration. Radioactive tracer experiments clearly demonstrate the continuity of the dentinal fluid-pulpal fluid-circulation in exposed dentin and the importance of pulpal blood flow in clearing pulpal interstitial fluids of exogenous material (Pashley, 1979, 1985; Potts et al, 1985).
Dentin can be regarded as a porous biologic composite made up of apatite crystal filler particles in a collagen matrix (Fig. 1). This mineralized matrix was formed developmentally by odontoblasts which began secreting collagen at the DEJ and then grew centripetally while trailing odontoblast processes.
The presence of these cellular processes makes primary and secondary dentin tubular in nature.
Since the circumference of the most peripheral part of the crown or root of a tooth is much larger than the circumference of the final pulp chamber or root canal space, the odontoblasts are forced closer together as they continue to lay down dentin, ending up in a columnar layer in parts of the coronal pulp, especially over pulp horns (Couve, 1986). They are more cuboidal in the root canal and become flat near the apex. The convergence of dentinal tubules toward the pulp creates a unique structural organization to dentin which has profound functional consequences, as will be discussed below. This convergence has been estimated to be a) 5:1 (HoppeandStiiben, 1965), b) 4:1 (Walton et a!., 1976), or c) 3:1 (Fosse et al, 1992) in coronal dentin. Each individual dentinal tubule is an inverted cone with the smallest dimensions at the DEJ and the largest dimensions at the pulp. Originally, each tubule had a diameter of nearly 3 m. However, within each tubule is a collagen-poor, hypermineralized cuff of intertubular dentin which is called "peritubular dentin" in many texts. It is really periluminal dentin or, more accurately, intratubular dentin (Linde and Goldberg, 1993). Its formation narrows the lumen of the tubule from its original 3 m to as little as 0.6- 0.8 m in superficial dentin. This larger amount of peritubular dentin in superficial dentin near the DEJ is due, in part, to the fact that it is "older than middle or deep dentin, which was more recently secreted and mineralized. Thus, the width of intratubular (peritubular) dentin decreases as tubules are followed inward toward the pulp, with the exception that there is no peritubular dentin in intraglobular dentin (Blake,1958). Very close to the pulp, there is no intratubular or peritubular dentin, and the tubule (luminal) diameter is about 3 m (Garberoglio and Brannstrom, 1976). Thus, most of the narrowing of the tubule lumen as one observes dentin more peripherally is due to deposition of peritubular dentin (Frank and Nalbandian, 1989). The composition of this dentin is different from that of intertubular dentin, being collagen-poor and mineral-rich. The mineral is in the form of small calcium-deficient carbonate- rich hydroxyapatite crystals which have a higher crystallinity and is almost 5 times harder than intertubular dentin (Kinney et al, 1996). Little is known about the biologic control of peritubular dentin apposition. Presumably, it is a very slow process, slower than the incremental formation of secondary dentin in the pulp chamber. This process can be accelerated by occlusal abrasion (Mendis and Darling, 1979) and other forms of pulpal irritation and may be more rapid in deciduous (Hirayama et al, 1985) than in permanent teeth. When dentin is exposed by attrition, there is a net outward movement of dentinal fluid for the first time. Although the complete composition of dentinal fluid is unknown, it presumably has an ion product of calcium and phosphate which is near or above the solubility product constants for a number of forms of calcium phosphate. This would tend to form mineral deposits in dentinal tubules which can take on many forms (Mjor, 1985), since the outward movement of dentinal fluid would present a larger amount of mineral ions to the walls of the tubules than could occur by diffusion in sealed tubules. This principle has been used experimentally to slow thedepth of demineralization of dentin in vivo under simulated caries- forming conditions (Shellis, 1994).
(A) The extent of the odontoblast process
Controversy continues regarding the extent of the odontoblast process. Developmentally, odontoblast processes do indeed extend from the odontoblast cell body, through mineralized dentin matrix, to the dentin-enamel junction at the bell stage of tooth development. However, as dentin thickens, the cellular processes must elongate Since there are no supporting cells or blood vessels, the ability of the odontoblast cell body to support a long cytoplasmic process is in question. In human teeth, the thickness of dentin is about 3-3.5 mm or 3000- 3500. If the diameter of the process is (on average) 1 m, then the volume of such a process would be (v =wr2 x length, or 3.14 [0.5 m x 3000 m = 2356 m). The cell body of a columnar odontoblast is about 5 m in diameter and 30 m long, or a volume of 589 m Thus, the volume of the cellular process would be fourfold larger than that of its cell body. This difference is even larger in cuboidal or flattened odontoblasts. It is not so much the disparity between the volumes of the cell body and the cell process that matters, but rather the diffusion distances involved. An odontoblast process at the DEJ or CD) would be 3 mm or 3000 m from the nearest capillary, which is a very long diffusion distance. Although nerve axons are that long or longer, they are not 3 mm from supporting cells or capillaries. In the absence of any evidence for cytoplasmic streaming analogous to axon transport, it seems unlikely that the odontoblast could maintain such a long process. The length of the odontoblast processes of most odontoblasts, regardless of dentin thickness, is between 0.1 and 1.0 mm (Holland, 1976; Byers and Sugaya, 1995). The extent varies somewhat with species and position within the tooth ( Holland, 1976, 1985). The extent of the odontoblast process is important for a number of reasons 1) If odontoblasts participate directly in the mechanism of dentin sensitivity to surface stimuli, then these stimuli must interact with a cytoplasmic process. If the process does not extend to the surface, then the odontoblast cannot be directly involved in dentin sensitivity. 2) When cavities are prepared in deep dentin in restorative procedures,the odontoblast processes are amputated, thereby irritating the cell body residing in the pulp. The fact that many odontoblast processes are found to extend only about one-third the distance from the tubule has been explained as being due to a retraction of the process during extraction (LaFleche et al, 1985). Others have shown that the process does not extend more than
Others have shown that the process does not extend more than one-third the length of the tubule under normal Conditions (Holland, 1976; Thomas, 1985; Weber and Zaki, 1986) and that LeFleche et al (1985) may have been confused by fixation and tissue preparation artefacts. (B) Changes in dentin structure with depth
The area occupied by the lumina of dentinal tubules can be calculated as the product of the cross-sectional area of a single tubule, r, and N, the number of tubules/cm2. The term "r" is the radius of the tubule. Since both the radius of dentinal tubules and their number per unit area increase as one examines (Mjor and Fejerskov, 1979; Fosse et al, 1992;Olsson and 0ilo, 1993; Dourda et al, 1994) dentin from the DE) to the pulp, the area occupied by tubule lumina also increases. Garberoglio and Brannstrom (1976) measured the tubule radius and number very carefully. They were the only authors to correct for shrinkage artifact. Using their experimental data, Pashley (1984) calculated the area occupied by tubule lumina at the DEJ to be approximately 1% of the total surface area at the DE] and 22% at the pulp (Fig. 2) (Table1). Since this area is occupied by dentinal fluid, which is 95% water, these areas are also approximately equal to the tubular water content of these areas. That is, the water content of dentin near the DEI is about 1% (volume percent), while that of dentin near the pulp is about 22%. Textbooks list the water content of dentin at approximately 10% by weight or 20% by volume (LeGeros, 1991), but that is an average value.
It is clear that the water content or wetness of dentin is not uniform, but varies 20- fold from superficial to deep dentin. The high water content of deep dentin is responsible, in part, for the difficulty in bonding to deep dentin (Prati and Pashley, 1992), where water competes with resin monomers for the surfaces of collagen fibrils (Pashley and Carvalho, 1997; Eick et al, 1996). The true water content of various dentin regions can be masked by the presence of a smear layer and smear plugs (Pashley, 1984; Prati et al, 1991). They physically occupy a significant fraction of the luminal area that could be occupied by water in their absence (Pashley et al, 1978). It has been calculated that the presence of smear plugs and the smear layer occupy 78.5% of the area that would normally be occupied by water (Pashley,1984).
This means that these structures decrease the water content of those surfaces by 78.5%. The presence of grinding debris in the tubule orifices and on the dentin surface also lowers the permeability of dentin (Pashley et al, 1978). (C) Physical characteristics of dentin
Dentin has been described as a heterogeneous composite material that contains micrometer-diameter tubules surrounded by highly mineralized (ca. 95 vol% mineral phase) peritubular dentin embedded within a partially mineralized (ca. 30 vol% mineral phase) collagen matrix (intertubular dentin) (Marshall, 1993; Marshall et al,1996) The bulk of tooth structure is made up of dentin, which is the vital part of the tooth. Dentin is much softer (Knoop hardness number, KHN = 68) than enamel (KHN = 343; Craig, 1993) and exhibits much faster wear. The modulus of elasticity of enamel is about 84 GPa (Craig, 1993) compared with dentin, which has a modulus of about 13-17 GPa (Table 2). Due to its more elastic nature, dentin is tougher than enamel and serves as a stress-breaker or shock absorber for the overlying enamel. Regional differences in the shear strength of dentin were reported by Smith and Cooper (1971). They made thin ground sections of teeth and then, using 100 m diameter punches, measured the shear strength of enamel, the dentino-enamel junction (DEJ), and dentin fromthe DE J to the pulp. The shear strengths of these very small dentin specimens varied from about 132 MPa in superficial dentin to 45 MPa near the pulp. Watanabe et al. (1996), 72.4 and 86.9 MPa, which is intermediate between the extremes reported by Smith and Cooper (1971). Early measurements of the ultimate tensile stress (UTS) and modulus of elasticity (E) of normal human dentin by Bowen and Rodriguez (1962) gave values of 52 MPa and 19.3 GPa, respectively . Lehman (1967) of 36.6 MPa and 11.0 GPa, respectively. Recently, Sano et al. (1994), using smaller specimens, obtained ultimate tensile strengths and E for human dentin of 100 MPa and 14 GPa, respectively. In that study, they also measured these same tensile properties in demineralized dentin, and reported values of 26 MPa and 0.26 GPa, respectively. In that study, they also measured these same tensile properties in demineralized dentin, and reported values of 26 MPa and 0.26 GPa, respectively. This means that dentin collagen is responsible for 26%of the ultimate tensile strength of dentin but only 1.6% of its stiffness. The tensile strength of dentin collagen reported by Sano et al. (1994) was similar for either human or bovine demineralized dentin, which confirmed report by Akimoto (1991) that demineralized bovine dentin had a tensile strength of 28 MP a
Many D.B.A use acid conditioning agents to demineralize the dentin surface and uncover collagen fibrils. Adhesive resins are then applied to the demineralized surface in an attempt to envelop the collagen fibrils, which then provide micromechanical retention for the resins. If the resin-dentin bond is stressed to failure, presumably the weakest link in the adhesive assembly will break first. Many investigators had thought that the weakest link was the collagen fibrils. However, if collagen fibrils can withstand a stress of 26-28 MPa, they may be stronger than many dentin bonds . It has been argued that since the cross-sectional area of demineralized dentin that is occupied by collagen fibrils is only 1/3 of the measured physical cross-sectional area, the true modulus of elasticity and the yield stress of collagen should be multiplied by 3 .This would give values of about 80 MPa. The infiltration of adhesive resins may reinforce the strength of the demineralized dentin to, make it even stronger. Sano et al. (1995) reported that resin-infiltrated demineralized dentin had an ultimate tensile strength of between 60 and 120 MPa, depending upon the bonding system, indicating that, in terms of tensile strength, resins can increase the strength of demineralized dentin from 26 MPa to 120 MPa, which is not statistically significantly different from the ultimate tensile strength of mineralized dentin .
Sano et al.(1995) proposed this as a model for the strength of the resin-infiltrated hybrid layer that couplesstrength of mineralized dentin strength of the resin-infiltrated hybrid layer that couples many adhesive resins to dentin (Nakabayashi, 1992). When they measured the modulus of resin-infiltrated dentin, they found that it increased from 0.26 GPa to about 3-5 GPa, which is far below that of mineralized dentin, 13-17 Gpa. Recently, modifications have been made to an atomic force microscope (AFM) by use of a stainless steel cantilever and a diamond stylus to permit an AFM to be used for measurement of both nanohardness and the modulus of elasticity of intertubular and peritubular dentin (Kinney et al, 1996). Peritubular dentin had a Knoop hardness of 250, while that of intertubular dentin was only 52 (KHN).
(D) Dentin permeability
It is the tubular structure of dentin which provides the channels for the permeation of solutes and solvents across dentin. The number of dentinal tubules per mm2 varies from 15,000 at the DEJ to 65,000 at the pulp (Garberoglio and Brannstrom, 1976; Fosse et al, 1992; Dourda et al, 1994). Since both the density and diameter of the tubules increase with dentin depth from the DEI, the permeability of dentin is lowest at the DEI and highest at the pulp. However, at any depth, the permeability of dentin in vitro is far below what would be predicted by the tubule density and diameters (Koutsi etal., 1994), due to the presence of intratubular material such as collagen fibrils, mineralized constrictions of the tubules, etc.
Dentin permeability can be divided into two broad categories:
(1) transdentinal movement of substances through dentinal tubules (such as fluid shifts in response to hydrodynamic stimuli), or (2) intradentinal movement of exogenous substances into intertubular dentin, as occurs during infiltration of hydrophilic adhesive resins into demineralized dentin surfaces during resin bonding or demineralization of intertubular dentin by bacterially derived acids (Kinney et a\., 1995).
The easiest method of measuring transdentinal permeability is to quantitate its hydraulic conductance This measures the ease with which fluid can filter across a unit surface area of dentin in a unit time under a unit pressure gradient (Pashley, 1990). The hydraulic conductance of dentin is responsive to a number of variables, the most important of which is the fourth power of the radius (Pashley, 1990). The presence of smear debris in tubules (or any intratubular material) lowers the fluid conductance of dentin and hence its permeability. The hydraulic conductance of dentin increases as dentin thickness decreases (Fogel et al, 1988; Koutsi et al, 1994) in unobstructed dentin. However, the presence of a smear layer is more important than dentin thickness in reducing hydraulic conductance. When smear layers are removed to facilitate dentin bonding the hydraulic conductance increases, and the etched dentin tends to become wet with pulpal/dentinal fluid, making it more difficult for resin monomers to infiltrate wet dentin (Tao and Pashley, 1989). The severity of pulpal reactions to restorative procedures is more severe when smear layers are removed and dentin is made thinner (Fujitani etal., 1996). Dentin can be regarded as both a barrier or a permeable structure, depending upon its thickness, age, and other variables (Pashley and Pashley, 1991). Due to its tubular structure, dentin is very porous. The minimum porosity of normal peripheral coronal dentin is about 15,000 tubules per mm2. Once uncovered by trauma or tooth preparation, these tubules provide diffusion channels from the surface to the pulp. The rate of diffusional flux of exogenous material across the dentin to the pulp is highly dependent upon dentin thickness and upon the hydraulic conductance of dentin (Pashley, 1985, 1990). Thin dentin permits much more diffusional flux than does thick dentin. However, there is a competition between the inward diffusional flux of materials and the rinsing action of outward convective fluid transport (Pashley and Matthews, 1993) This may serve a protective role in mitigating the inward flux of potentially irritating bacterial products into exposed, sensitive dentin. The permeability of dentin is not uniform but varies widely, especially on occlusal surfaces, where perhaps only 30% of the tubules are in free communication with the pulp (Pashley et al, 1987). Scanning electron microscopic examination of acid-etched occlusal dentin reveals that all the tubules are exposed, but functional studies of the distribution of fluid movement across the occlusal dentin reveal that the tubules that communicate with the pulp are located over pulp horns and that the central region is relatively impermeable. Apparently, there are intratubular materials such as collagen fibrils (Dai et ai, 1991) and mineralized deposits that restrict fluid movement, even though the peripheral and central ends of the tubules are patent. Even microscopically, within any 100 x 100 m field, only a few tubules are open (Hughes etal, 1996). Axial dentin is much more permeable than occlusal dentin (Richardson etal., 1991). The gingival floor of proximal boxes or the gingival extension of finish lines in crown preparations often ends in regions of high dentin permeability (Garberoglio, 1994). In a full-crown preparation on a posterior tooth with a surface area of approximately 1 cm2, there are as many as 3-4 million exposed dentinal tubules (Pashley, 1991). Although the tubules are occluded by smear layers and/or cement following placement of castings, both cement and smear layers have finite solubilities and may permit some tubules to become exposed over time. This is most likely to occur at the most peripheral extensions of restorations, where diffusion distances to the external environment are closest The permeability of sclerotic dentin is very low (Tagami et ai, 1992), regardless of whether the sclerosis was due to caries or was physiologic or pathologic, because the tubules become filled with mineral deposits.
Indeed, this is a fortuitous reaction that slows the caries process and tends to protect the pulp. Most pulpal reactions to cavity preparations or restorative materials used on carious dentin are due to changes that occur across adjacent normal dentin rather than the almost-impermeable caries-affected dentin. (E) Balance between the permeation of noxious substances across dentin and their clearance by the pulpal circulation
There is a balance between the rate at which materials permeate across exposed dentin to the pulp and the rate at which they are cleared from interstitial fluid by the pulpal microcirculation (Pashley, 1979). Procedures which cause reductions in pulpal blood flow (activation of pulp sympathetic nerves, administration of vasoconstrictor agents with local anesthetics) upset this balance, permitting higher interstitial fluid concentrations of extrinsic material to exist than could occur at normal levels of capillary flow (Pashley and Pashley,1991) Electrical stimulation of the inferior alveolar nerve in cats causes an increase in pulpal blood flow and an increase in outward dentinal fluid movement (Vongsavan and Matthews, 1994). This response is interpreted as being due to axon reflex activity. That is, antidromic stimulation of the inferior alveolar nerve causes simultaneous depolarization of all of the nerve terminals providing sensory innervation of the teeth. This release of neuropeptides from the terminals causes both increased pulpal blood flow and extravasation of plasma proteins from the microcirculation (Raab, 1989, 1992; Olgart and Kerezoudis, 1994). Vongsavan and Matthews (1994) speculated that exposed dentin that was stimulated hydro dynamically (for instance mechanically) causes release of neuropeptides, increased local blood flow, increased tissuepressure, and increased outward fluid flow. This outward fluid flow might rinse the tubules free of inward-diffusing noxious substances by "solvent drag". Indeed, Vongsavan and Matthews (1991) demonstrated that Evans blue dye would not diffuse into exposed dentin in vivo but would do so in vitro.
They speculated that, in vivo, the outward fluid flow blocked inward diffusion. This notion was tested in vitro by quantitation of the decrease in the inward flux of radioactive iodide when a simulated outwardly directed 15 cm H2O pulpal pressure was applied to dentin disks. This outward fluid movement produced a 50-60% reduction in the inward diffusion of radioactive iodide across acid-etched dentin, in vitro (Pashley and Matthews, 1993) Thus, stimulated dentin with open tubules (i.e., hypersensitive dentin) should have higher rates of outward fluid flow and less inward diffusion of bacterial toxins than nonstimulated dentin This protective effect is diminished in the presence of a smear layer (Pashley and Matthews, 1993).
Pashley (1992) speculated that bacterial invasion of tubules or formation of crystalline precipitates in tubules would interfere more with outward fluid flow than with inward diffusion of noxious materials, due to the higher sensitivity of bulk fluid movement to changes in tubule radius, r (which varies with r4), compared with diffusion (which varies with r2). Under these conditions, the inward flux of noxious substances may increase and permit higher interstitial fluid concentrations to be achieved (Pashley, 1979, 1985) than would occur if there were more outward fluid movement.
In exposed dentin, the outward fluid flow through tubules is a first line of defense against the inward diffusion of noxious substances. Dentinal fluid also contains plasma proteins (albumin, globulins) which can bind or agglutinate some materials which may also serve a protective role. A second defensive reaction occurs in freshly exposed dentin that causes the permeability of dentin to fall following cavity preparation in vital dog teeth but not in nonvital teeth (Pashley, 1985). Further, in experiments in which there was a continuous inward-directed bulk fluid movement, the rate of decrease in dentin permeability was delayed, suggesting that the reductions in permeability were due to the slow outward movement of some unidentified substance. These experiments were repeated on dogs which were treated with an enzyme which depleted fibrinogen from their blood. Under these conditions, cavity preparation produced a much smaller reduction in dentin permeability. Apparently, the outward movement of fluid is associated with an outward flux of plasma proteins (Maita et ai, 1991), including fib- rinogen. Attempts to recover fibrinogen in dentinal fluid have been unsuccessful (Pashley, unpublished observation), although labeled fibrinogen has been seen in the dentin of rat molars (Chiego, 1992) This may be because the dentin thickness in rat molars following cavity preparation is only about 100 m . (Bergenholtz et al. (1993, 1996) found fibrinogen only in very deep cavities prepared in monkey or human teeth. Pashley et al. (1984) reported that dentin removed 61% of fibrinogen as it passed through a 1.0-mm disk. Presumably, in vivo, even larger amounts of fibrinogen would be removed, because, the tubules contain odontoblast processes at their terminations, which further reduces the sizes of the channels through which this high-molecular-weight molecule must move. In Summary, This molecule may be responsible for reducing dentin permeability, especially at the pulpal terminations of the tubules, where it may polymerize into fibrin.
The permeability properties of dentinal tubules indicate that, functionally, they have much smaller dimensions than their actual microscopic dimensions (Pashley, 1990). Although the microscopic diameter of dentinal tubules at the DE) has been reported to be 0.5 to 0.9 m, they function as if they are 0.1 m in diameter. Dentin can remove 99.8% of a bacterial suspension of streptococci that are approximately 0.5 m in diameter(Pashley, 1985). This tends to prevent infection of the pulp, even when patients masticate on infected carious dentin. Fluid shifts across dentin can occur and can cause sharp, brief pain, but the fluid is virtually sterile.This is because of the presence of intratubular deposits of mineral and collagen that form multiple constrictions within the tubule to dimensions less than those of most micro-organisms. Ten Cate's group recently reported that 65% of the dentinal tubules in occlusal coronal dentin contain large collagen fibrils (Dai et al., 1991). If we understand the biologic mechanisms controlling this reaction, we may be able to reduce the permeability of all exposed dentinal tubules by collagen secretion into tubules, thereby decreasing dentin sensitivity and the potential for pulpal irritation.
(F) Control of dentin permeability
(1) Peripheral Reductions in Dentin Permeability Whenever dentin is exposed, the pulp is placed at risk because of the relatively high permeability of normal dentin. Depending on the magnitude of the permeability of the exposed dentin (which varies with location, depth,age, and time (Pashley and Pashley, 1991] and with whether it is sclerotic, infected with bacteria, etc.), the types of pulpal irritation would range from hydrodynamic (e.g., fluid shifts in either direction in response to evaporation, thermal stimuli, etc.) to immunologic (bacterial products). The junctional complexes of the odontoblast layer are disrupted (Turner et al, 1989; Ohshima,1990; Turner, 1992), permitting relatively large molecules (e.g., albumin, globulins, fibrinogen) to exit pulpal blood vessels, gain access to extracellular spaces, and reach the dentinal tubules, where they can be detected in dentinal fluid (Bergenholtz et al, 1993, 1996). While it may be difficult to prevent these changes during restorative dental procedures, they can be minimized by avoidance of air drying of dentin. The subsequent pulpal irritation due to the diffusion of bacterial products across dentin (Bergenholtz, 1981) could be avoided if the relatively high permeability of freshly exposed dentin could be reduced. Dentinal tubules can be occluded with various crystalline materials following topical application (Pashley and Galloway, 1985; Suge et al, 1995). The use of adhesive resins to occlude tubules continues to improve in terms of their sealing ability (Pashley et al, 1992b; Tay et al, 1994). Ideally, the rapid formation of peritubular dentin would lower dentin permeability to near zero. Similar low degrees of dentin permeability have been shown by Tagami et al (1992) in both aged and caries-affected dentin, but it took years for sclerosis to develop by accretion of peritubular dentin formation. However, the biologic regulation and control of peritubular dentin formation are unknown. (2) Internal Reductions in Dentin Permeability An alternative approach is to apply a biologic growth factor(s) to the exposed dentin, allowing it to diffuse across the dentin to reach the pulp, where it could either stimulate fully differentiated, normal odontoblasts to secrete additional dentin matrix more rapidly than normal, or promote the migration and differentiation of mesenchymal cells into odontoblasts if the original odontoblasts had been destroyed.
As dentin matrix is synthesized, secreted, and mineralized, dentin formation appears to trap a number of growth factors into its structure (Finkelman et al, 1990; Magloire et al, 1992). That is, growth factors such as BMP-2, FGF, EGF, IGF-1, and TGF-p may be incorporated into mineralized dentin matrix. Magloire and his colleagues believe that this occurs during carious invasion of dentin. The release of these preformed growth factors may permit their diffusion into them, pulp, where they can activate appropriate genes to initiate repair processes. The goal of being able to stimulate dentinogenesis through intact dentin has recently been accomplished. Smith et al. (1994) created class V cavities in ferret canines using an atraumatic technique. Control cavities were treated with either nothing or with rabbit serum albumin. Experimental cavities were treated with either lyophilized EDTA-extracted rabbit dentin matrix or with collagenase-treated insoluble residue remaining after EDTA extraction. These crude fractions were covered with a Teflon film and restored with ZOE. In as few as 14 days, there was significant deposition of reactionary dentin by normal odontoblasts In contrast, control cavities lacking treatment with dentin matrix components showed no evidence of reactionary dentin deposition. Presumably, the production of reactionary dentin by normal, fully differentiated odontoblasts was due to one or more soluble growth factors from the dentin matrix They speculated that the combination of TGF-p and BMP-2, plus some unknown factors in the crude extract, might have been,responsible for the reactionary dentinogenesis. Smith et al. (1990) reported that EDTA-soluble matrix proteins from rabbit dentin induced dentinogenic activity in vivo in pulp exposures in ferret canine teeth. In young adult ferrets, the reparative dentin resembled normal primary tubular dentin, while in older animals it resembled osteodentin in that it was atubular and included cellular inclusions Smith et al. (1994) referred to the dentinogenesis that they simulated in fully differentiated odontoblasts as "reactionary dentinogenesis", to distinguish it from dentin formation that occurs following destruction of the original odontoblasts, which they termed "reparative dentinogenesis". The response was less in cavities with thicker dentin between the cavity floor and the pulp chamber than if the dentin was thinner. Dentin matrix formation was sometimes so rapid that cells became trapped within the matrix. The rate of dentinogenesis seemed to become slower as more dentin was formed. As more dentin is formed, the amount of growth factors diffusing from the floor of the cavity to the pulp would be expected to decrease, which, in turn, should slow matrix secretion. It would be advantageous to induce odontoblast-like cells to produce atubular dentin following the topical application of growth factors to dentin. This would seal the pulp from hydrodynamic and bacteriologic insult. It would also interfere with further diffusion of growth factors to the pulp and would, therefore, be self-limiting. However, this may not be possible if the odontoblasts are normal, since the odontoblast process phenotype requires the production of tubular dentin. Apparently, only less-differentiated odontoblastoid cells without processes can form atubular dentin (Ill) Dynamics of Dentin
Whenever dentin is exposed to the oral environment, it is subjected to large chemical and mechanical stimuli, in addition to thermal stimuli and smaller mechanical stimuli which are effective even in intact teeth. Fluid shift in dentinal tubules
Physiological changes in blood vessels
Increased flow of plasma fluid & plasma proteins from vessels into pulpal tissue spaces & out into dentinal tubules
Extravasation leads to of plasma causes increase in local pulpal tissue pressure
Increased firing of sensitized neurons ( Narhi 1978)
Increased sensitivity & pain The outward fluid flow may have a protective, flushing action which may reduce the inward diffusion of noxious bacterial products in both exposed cervical dentin (Pashley and Matthews, 1993) and perhaps even in leaking restorations (Pashley and Pashley, 1991)
(A) REACTIONS TO CAVITY PREPARATIONS: FLUID SHIFTS Although most dentists regard cavity preparation as a minor, routine restorative procedure, from the perspective of the pulp ,its a crisis . The use of cutting burs in handpieces produces vibrations, inward fluid shifts (because of frictional heat generation on the end of a poorly irrigated cutting bur), outward fluid shifts due to evaporative water loss (if only air cooling is used), and slight inward fluid shifts due to osmotic movement of cooling water into dentin (Horiuchi and Matthews, 1973). These fluid shifts occur in both directions at various stages of cavity preparation. Further outward fluid shifts accompany the application of hypertonic conditioners,primers, varnishes, or bonding agents (Pashley et al,1992b), and then, during light-curing of adhesive resins, additional inward fluid shifts would occur due to heat generated during polymerization of adhesive resins and resin composites (Hussey etal., 1995) All of these fluid shifts create a barrage of hydrodynamic stimuli across dentin into the pulp. These will obviously cause pain if the patient is unanesthetized, and will release sufficient neurotransmitters to cause local pulpal neurogenic inflammation under the irritated tubules (Olgart, 1992, 1996) and changes in pulpal blood flow (Kim and Dorscher-Kim, 1996). (B) DISRUPTION OF ODONTOBLAST LAYER Deep cavity preparation in rat molars causes aspiration of odontoblasts (Byers et al, 1988), while more shallow cavity preparation causes disruption of junctional complexes between odontoblasts (Ohsima, 1990), which decreases their barrier properties (Bishop, 1987, 1992), allowing large molecules (horseradish peroxidase) from the blood stream to penetrate dentin (Turner, 1989; Turner et al, 1992). The loss of gap junctions may interfere with the ability of the odontoblasts to secrete a collagen matrix in a synchronous, coordinated manner, due to the loss of cell signaling between adjacent cells. The proteins that make up gap junctions are called connexins (Pinero et al, 1994) How long it takes odontoblasts to reestablish the continuity of gap junctions and to revert to tissue rather than cellular function is unknown and remains a fruitful area for research. The commercial availability of antibodies to connexins provides the opportunity for the study of their importance in reparative dentin formation and in pulpal healing followingcavity preparation. Presumably, bacterial substances in plaque and saliva could easily move from the oral cavity into the pulp after such operative procedures (Warfvinge and Bergenholtz, 1986; Pissiotis and Spangberg, 1994; Bergenholtz, 1996). The mechanism(s) responsible for the disruption of rat odontoblasts during cavity preparation has not been studied but is probably due to rapid, outward movement of dentinal fluid in response to evaporative water loss from dentin during cavity preparation. As sub-odontoblastic capillaries "loop up" into the odontoblast layer, disruption of the layer will also cause microhemorrhages and direct irritation to capillaries that sustain the odontoblasts. They can leak plasma proteins (Chiego, 1992) such as fibrinogen out into tissue spaces which are in communication with dentinal fluid. The permeability of dog dentin fell in a time-dependent manner following cavity preparation (Pashley, 1985). When the animals were depleted of their plasma fibrinogen, this reaction was greatly attenuated (Pashley, 1985). Several investigators have measured the flux of plasma proteins across dentin following cavity preparations (Pashley et al, 1981; Maita et al, 1991; Knutsson et al, 1994). They reported that several plasma proteins, including albumin, could be detected in relatively high concentrations immediately after cavity preparations in monkeys and humans (Knutsson et al, 1994) rjut that their concentration fell over the next few hours to days. These plasma proteins contain immunoglobulins which may inactivate some bacterial products. There is the possibility that bacterial or salivary products may activate complement, which would also contribute to pulpal inflammation. Many of these reactions to cavity preparation would be immediate and short-term. Displacement of odontoblasts up into tubules disrupts their internal cytoskeleton and causes cell death (Eda and Saito, 1978; Ohsima, 1990). These cells undergo autolysis over the next few days and are replaced by mesenchymal reserve cells which begin to differentiate into new odontoblasts The cell signals that are responsible for this process are beginning to be understood (D'Souza and Litz, 1996). Displacement of odontoblasts and their replacement by new cells (Fitzgerald, 1979) are associated with very little pulpal inflammation if the environment is sterile and if the dentin is well-sealed. It is possible for cavities in teeth to be prepared with no pulpal inflammation or formation of reparative dentin (Smith et al, 1994). This is done with copious air-water spray, light, intermittent cutting forces, and the use of sharp burs. However, if the dentin is not sealed (i.e., cervical abrasion) or if the restored cavity exhibits microleakage, the pulpo-dentin complex will undergo long-term reactions which are the result of continual leakage and permeation of bacterialsubstances around gaps in restorations (Pashley and Pashley, 1991) and through unsealed dentinal tubules into the pulp. SUMMARY There is abundant evidence that dentin and pulp function as an integrated unit which is generally termed as pulpo-dentin complex. While dentin or pulp can be discussed separately for purposes of instruction or to simplify issues, it should be stressed that the two function together as a unit.
The pulpo-dentin complex is an important concept in understanding the pathobiology of dentin & pulp .
Although dentin & pulp have different structures & compositions , once formed they react to stimuli as a functional unit
Toooften , for technical or experimental reasons .,the individual components of the pulpo dentin complex are studied independently.
However ,it is becoming clear that the individual components are very interactive & that each modifies the activity of other. Articles
1) Signaling Molecules that determine Odontogenesis
Jukka Jernvall
, and Irma Thesleff
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contSignaling Molecules that determine Odontogenesis
Bei, M. and Maas, R., 1998. FGFs and BMP4 induce both Msx1-independent and Msx1-dependent signaling pathways in early tooth development. Development 125, pp. 43254333 Ferguson, C.A., Tucker, A.S., Christensen, L., Lau, A.L., Matzuk, M.M. and Sharpe, P.T., 1998. Activin is an essential early mesenchymal signal in tooth development that is required for patterning of the murine dentition. Genes Dev. 12, pp. 2636 2649. Kettunen, P. and Thesleff, I., 1998. Expression and function of FGFs-4, -8, and -9 suggests functional redundancy and repetitive use as epithelial signals during tooth morphogenesis. Dev. Dyn. 211, pp. 256268.
contSignaling Molecules that determine Odontogenesis
kratochwil, K., Dull, M., Farinas, I., Galceran, J. and Grosschedl, R., 1996. Lef1 expression is activated by BMP-4 and regulates inductive tissue interactions in tooth and hair development. Genes Dev. 10, pp. 13821394. Bei, M. and Maas, R., 1998. FGFs and BMP4 induce both Msx1-independent and Msx1-dependent signaling pathways in early tooth development. Development 125, pp. 43254333 Peters, H. and Balling, R., 1999. Teeth where and how to make them. Trends Genet. 15, pp. 5965 .
contSignaling Molecules that determine Odontogenesis
Chen, Y., Bei, M., Woo, I., Satokata, I. and Maas, R., 1996. Msx1 controls inductive signaling in mammalian tooth morphogenesis. Development 122, pp. 30353044. Jernvall, J., berg, T., Kettunen, P., Kernen, S. and Thesleff, I., 1998. The life history of an embryonic signaling center: BMP-4 induces p21 and is associated with apoptosis in the mouse tooth enamel knot. Development 125, pp. 161169. Tucker, A.S., Matthews, K.L. and Sharpe, P., 1998. Transformation of tooth type induced by inhibition of BMP signaling. Science 82, pp. 11361138.
2) Mechanisms of Stimulus Transmission Across Dentin
D.G. GILLAM, Mechanisms of Stimulus Transmission Across Dentin,Western Society of Periodontics,Volume Number 2, 1995.
3) Pulp Dentin Complex
D.H. Pashley Department of Oral Biology, School of Dentistry, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia 30912-1129, USA
ORBANS Oral histology & Embryology S.N.Bhaskar ORAL HISTOLOGY- Development , Structure & Function Ten Cate DENTAL PULP-Seltzer & Benders
Occlusal Adjustment Technique Made Simple: Masticatory System and Occlusion As It Relates to Function and How Occlusal Adjustment Can Help Treat Primary and Secondary Occlusal Trauma