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The Cross of Christ' Looking at The Need For The Remnant of God To Sense Their Total Dependence Upon What Christ Accomplished On The Cross .'

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Prophecy Seminar

‘The Cross of Christ’ looking at the need

for the remnant of God to sense their total
dependence upon what Christ
accomplished on the Cross .’
The Centrality of
the Cross

1. What prophecy did Daniel give about

the Messiah? Daniel 9:25
Daniel 9:25

“Know therefore and

understand, that from the
going forth of the
commandment to restore and
to build Jerusalem unto the
Messiah the Prince shall be
seven weeks, and threescore
and two weeks: the street
shall be built again, and the
wall, even in troublous
The Centrality of
the Cross

2. What was to happen in the midst of the

seventieth week of this prophecy?
Daniel 9:27
Daniel 9:27

“And he shall confirm the covenant

with many for one week: and in the
midst of the week he shall cause
the sacrifice and the oblation to
cease, and for the overspreading of
abominations he shall make it
desolate, even until the
consummation, and that determined
shall be poured upon the desolate.”
The Centrality of
the Cross

3. How central was the cross to the

writers of the New Testament?
Galatians 6:14
Galatians 6:14

“But God forbid that I

should glory, save in
the cross of our Lord
Jesus Christ, by whom
the world is crucified
unto me, and I unto the
God’s System that
Uplifts the Cross

4. Which of these teachings uplifts the

cross of Christ?
God’s System that
Uplifts the Cross

5. Which of these teachings uplifts the

cross of Christ?
---“Life sustained
independent of God

---Life only through a

relationship with Jesus
God’s System that
Uplifts the Cross

6. Which of these teachings uplifts the

cross of Christ?
---Law done away with.

---Law eternal, a
reflection of God’s
God’s System that
Uplifts the Cross

7. Which of these teachings uplifts the

cross of Christ?
---God’s seventh day
Bible Sabbath.

---Substituting another
day for the Sabbath.
The Cross of Christ

8. What prayer did Jesus pray in the

Garden of Gethsemane?
Matthew 26:39,42
Matthew 26:39,42

“And he went a little farther,

and fell on his face, and
prayed, saying, O my Father,
if it be possible, let this cup
pass from me: nevertheless not
as I will, but as thou wilt…He
went away again the second
time, and prayed, saying, O
my Father, if this cup may not
pass away from me, except I
drink it, thy will be done.”
The Cross of Christ

9. How then did Judas betray the Son of

God? Matthew 26:48
Matthew 27:48-49

“Now he that betrayed him

gave them a sign, saying,
Whomsoever I shall kiss,
that same is he: hold him
fast. And forthwith he
came to Jesus, and said,
Hail, master; and kissed
The Cross of Christ

10. How did Jesus respond when

standing before Pilate?
Matthew 27:12-14
Matthew 27:12-14

“And when he was accused of

the chief priests and elders, he
answered nothing. Then said
Pilate unto him, Hearest thou
not how many things they
witness against thee? And he
answered him to never a
word; insomuch that the
governor marvelled greatly.”
The Cross of Christ

11. How did Pilate react to Christ in

perfect control? Matthew 27:12-14
Matthew 27:12-14

“And he answered him

to never a word;
insomuch that the
governor marvelled
The Cross of Christ

12. What choice did Pilate offer the

multitude? Matthew 27:15-18
Matthew 15-18

“Therefore when they

were gathered together,
Pilate said unto them,
Whom will ye that I
release unto you?
Barabbas, or Jesus
which is called Christ?
For he knew that for
envy they had delivered
The Cross of Christ

13. Whom did the people ask to be

released? Matthew 27:20-22
Matthew 27:20-22

“But the chief priests

and elders persuaded
the multitude that they
should ask Barabbas,
and destroy Jesus.”
The Cross of Christ

14. What was Pilate’s response to the call

to crucify Jesus? Matthew 27:24-26
Matthew 27:23-24

“And the governor said,

Why, what evil hath he
done? But they cried out the
more, saying, Let him be
crucified…he took water,
and washed his hands
before the multitude,
saying, I am innocent of the
blood of this just person:
see ye to it.”
The Cross of Christ

15. After washing his hands, what did

Pilate do? Matthew 27:24-26
Matthew 27:26

“Then released he
Barabbas unto them:
and when he had
scourged Jesus, he
delivered him to be
The Cross of Christ

16. Before crucifying Jesus, what did

Pilate order? Matthew 27:26
Matthew 27:26

.and when
when hehe had
scourged Jesus,
Jesus, he
delivered him
him to
to be
The Cross of Christ

17. What did Pilate say to the multitude

when he brought Jesus forth again?
John 19:5
John 19:5

“….wearing the crown

of thorns, and the
purple robe. And Pilate
saith unto them,
Behold the man!”
The Cross of Christ

18. What did Jesus cry while on the

cross? Luke 23:34
Luke 23:34

“Then said Jesus,

Father, forgive them;
for they know not
what they do….”
The Cross of Christ

19. What despairing cry did Jesus utter

on the cross? Mark 15:34
Mark 15:34

“And at the ninth hour

Jesus cried with a loud
voice, saying,
Eloi, Eloi, lama
sabachthani? which is,
being interpreted, My
God, my God, why
hast thou forsaken
“Prophecy Seminar

Next weeks study is

‘Daniels Final Inheritance’
Looking at the final home
of the redeemed

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