This document discusses various radiological modalities used in neuropsychiatry including plain skull x-rays, CT scans, MRI, ultrasound, angiography and myelography. It provides examples of abnormalities that can be detected on each imaging type such as tumors, infections, vascular abnormalities and more. Common indications for imaging in neuropsychiatry are also listed.
This document discusses various radiological modalities used in neuropsychiatry including plain skull x-rays, CT scans, MRI, ultrasound, angiography and myelography. It provides examples of abnormalities that can be detected on each imaging type such as tumors, infections, vascular abnormalities and more. Common indications for imaging in neuropsychiatry are also listed.
This document discusses various radiological modalities used in neuropsychiatry including plain skull x-rays, CT scans, MRI, ultrasound, angiography and myelography. It provides examples of abnormalities that can be detected on each imaging type such as tumors, infections, vascular abnormalities and more. Common indications for imaging in neuropsychiatry are also listed.
This document discusses various radiological modalities used in neuropsychiatry including plain skull x-rays, CT scans, MRI, ultrasound, angiography and myelography. It provides examples of abnormalities that can be detected on each imaging type such as tumors, infections, vascular abnormalities and more. Common indications for imaging in neuropsychiatry are also listed.
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Dr. Muh. Ilyas, Sp.Rad
Introduction Radiologic modality for detected the abnormality in Neuropsiciatry are : Plain foto of the skull CT scan MRI Ultrasonography (Intracranial Doppler) Angiography Myelography
Introduction Indication for radiology examination in Neuropsychiatry diseases : Chronic Cephalgia Vertigo Occult edema pupil or combination Dysartr Visus Defect and memory problem Epilepsy SKULL PLAIN FOTO Some intracranial defect cannot detected with this examination Routine position AP & Lateral Skulll foto can give information about : - The shape & the size of the calvaria - Calcification, erosion or local sclerotic. - Shape & size of sella turcica - Suture - Vascularisation
Skull foto, lateral position : Normal Skull Foto AP/lat : Normal Calsification The Abnormality Increase of intracranial pressure make the calvaria change - dyastasis (find in children ) - Erosion of dorsum sella - Local erosion or local hyperostosis - Impressio digitatae (thumb printing)
Primer tumor The characteristic of primer tumor in skull photo are Abnormal Calcification Local erosion/sclerotic Erosion of Sella turcica Dilatation of the vein that effected by abnormal vascularisation of the tumor. Displacement of glandula pinealis. Sign of increase intracranial pressure Lateral skull Foto : Increase of intracranial pressure Skull foto (AP) : Astrocytoma Metastatic Tumor Multiple coin lesion appeareance Sign of Increase intracranial pressure Hydrocephalus Radiology finding in skull photo are : Change of shape & size of the skull Suture Dyastasis Erosion of the calvaria Skull foto AP/Lat : Hydrocephalus Brain CT Scan The Lesion density divided by : High density (hyperdens) if the density of the lesion is more than the normal brain Isodensity if the density of the lesion is same with the normal brain. Low density (hypodens) if the density of the lesion is lower than the normal brain. Abnormality that can find in Head CT Scan : Brain Tumor Abnormality in cerebrovasculer Anomali Infection diseases Cerebral atrophy/degenerative diseases CT Scan Finding of the Brain tumor :
Mass Effect (sign of emphasis, displacement and obstruction ) Perifocal Edema Calcification
a. b. Meningitis Tuberkulosa : a. CT, b. MRI ENCHEPHALITIS Cerebrovasculer Abnormality cerebrovasculer Abnormality is consisted of : Intracerebral Hemorragic hypertension Infark Aneurysm Arteriovenous malformation Miliary Tuberculosis Tuberculoma Alzheimers Disease Encephalitis : a. CT non contast, b. CT contrast a. b. Intracerebral Hemorragic By Hipertension Caused by ruptured of microaneurysma arteriole. In acute fase the blood density is hyperdens or isodens, oval/irrreguler. The lesion is surrounded by perifocal edema, sometimes with mass effect (compression or herniation). In Chronic fase the density of the hematoma is isodens or hypodens , the ventricle syst. and the sulci dilated caused of atrophy CT + contras homogen enhancement or ring enhancement.
Left Intracerebri Hemorragic & Bilateral Intraventricular Hemorragic CLINIC: LEFT LATERALISATION EC HS CLINIC : TRAUMA CAPITIS (GCS = 9) SUBDURAL HEMATOMA with SUB FALK HERNIATION KLINIS : KESADARAN MENURUN PERDARAHAN SUBARACNOID, INTRAVENTRIKULAR BILATERAL DAN PON Infark cerebri Happen by occlusion of cerebral vein that make necrotic of the brain. Necrotic/ischemic of the brain caused by : - Thrombosis - Emboli In acute stage usually there is no abnormality in ct scan. After 4 days There is hypodens area, rounded/oval/irreguler.
Infark Cerebri KLINIS : KESADARAN MENURUN INFARK CEREBRI KANAN Infark Haemorrhagic : a. CT, b. MRI T1Wi a. b. Aneurysm Angiography is the best modality for diagnose because aneurysm is a vascular abnormality. CT Scan good for detected the complication of aneurysm ,like : Intracerebral hematoma, infark & edema Coronal Axial Arteriovenous Malformation AVM blood flow from artery to venous without passing the capillary. In CT without contras there is calcification, sometimes hyperdens lesion and hydrocephalus. CT scan + contrast there is tubular enhancement/tortuous. Central Nerve System Anomaly CNS Anomaly : Congenital Hydrocephalus Agenesis Corpus Callosum Sturge-weber synd. Sclerosis tuberous (Bourneville diseases) Congenital Hydrocephalus Caused of aquaduct stenosis or stenosis os fomanen magendi & Luscka and anomaly of fossa posterior structure. CT scan dilated of ventricle lateralis & 3 rd
ventricle in aquaduct stenosis but the 4 th
ventricle still normal. Dandy Walker synd dilated of ventricle lateralis , 3 rd ventricle & 4 th ventricle. Hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus KLINIS ; HIDROCHEPHALUS HYDRANENCHEPALY Agenesis Corpus Callosum Caused of corpus callosum not growth , maybe caused by a trauma in first semester of the pregnancy. CT scan finding agenesis of corpus callosum, agenesis septum pellucidum, with position of 3 rd ventricle is higher , the right & left lateral ventricle are separate. Cerebral Abcess Caused by sprending infection of otitis media/ mastoiditis. soliter or multiple CT scan finding hypodens area in the cortex or corticomedullar junction CT + contras ring enhancement surrounding the hypodens area. There is perifocal edema out of the ring enhancment .
a. b. Abces Cerebri : a. CT non contrast, b. CT contrast Cerebral atrophy CT scan finding The space between tabula interna & the outer margin of the cortex cerebri more wider. Sulci, Silvii fissure & cistern basalis are wider too. Atrofi Cerebri M R I One of Radiology modality produced picture of human body scan without X ray but used magnetic.
1. Isointens 2. Hypointens 3. Hiperintens There is 3 intensity in MRI : Example : Water : hypointens in T1 & become hyperintens in T2 Fat or blood : hyperintens in T1 & T2 Calsification : hypointens in T1 & T2 T1 : longitudinal relaxation time (TR short dan TE short) T2 : transversal relaxation time (TR long dan TE long) Pesawat MRI The Advantage of MRI 1. No X ray 2. No damage to body if the use is right 3. Many examination can do without contrast, not invasif and not used iodium contrast 4. MR can show biologic parameter (spectroscopy), for example ; can show the different of solid mass, fat/non fat, fluid, & the age of the hemorragic. 5. Can produce 3 D scan/direct multi planar without change the patient position . 6. Very sensitive for soft tissue morphology The Loss of MRI 1. Expensive 2. Take more time for examination 3. Cannot use to Patient with metal (pacemaker, ferromagnetic) 4. Klaustrophoby 5. Need more cooperation from the patient, sometimes need general anesthetic for unstable patient & children.
MRI : Lacunar Infark Indication for Brain MRI 1. Tumor 2. Hemorrhagic Infark /non hemorrhagic perdarahan. 3. Demyelinisation diseases ( multiple sclerotic) 4. Vascular abnormality. 5. Infection 6. Metastasis. Brain MRI : normal MRI : Subdural Hemorrhage, pre & post kontras MRI : Hydrocephalus MRI : Partial Agenesis of Corpus Callosum Myelography Myelography radiology modality which can show the structure of canalis spinalis with inject contras in to the canalis spinalis. Contras can divede in to 2 group : - Contras negatif : air - Contras positif : - water soluble - oil soluble The abnormality in myelography: Hernia nucleus pulpous (HNP) Tumor, : - Extradural tumor - Intradural tumor , divided into : - intramedular - extramedular Congenital abnormality (malformasi) : - meningochele - meningomyelochele Arachnoiditis
Hernia Nucleus Pulposus HNP : protrusion of the disc to posterior which can compress the nerve, medulla spinalis neurological sign. HNP can find in younger or older patient In younger patient usually caused by trauma or gravitation of column vertebra which receive more weight barring In older patient usually caused by degenerative disc process, starting with disc inertia and then loss of elasticity of nucleus and degenerative of chondral joint MRI : Nucleus Pulposus
Grading of Hernia :
- Protruded intervertebral disc Protrution of Nucleus menonjol to one direction without annulus fibrous damage - Prolaps intervertebral disc Displacement of Nucleus but still in annulus ring. - Extruded intervertebral disc Nucleus out from the annulus and residing below the lig. longitudinal post. - Sequestrated intervertebral disc Nucleus penetrate the lig.longitudinal post.
Hubungan Hipertensi Dan Glycohemoglobin (Hba1c) Dengan Kejadian Retinopati Diabetik Pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Di Rsud Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto