Unified Sales
Unified Sales
Unified Sales
Session 3-1
Unified Sales
Sales is one of the
most challenging
jobs in the world
All sales guys do is
play golf, go to
fancy dinners and
entertain clients
Unified Sales
You can take all the credit
you want, but if it wasnt
for all my entertaining,
you wouldnt have
anyone to talk to
If it wasnt for the PMs,
we wouldnt get any sales
Unified Sales
PMs are masters at
shifting the blame,
especially to the
sales guy
The Sales guys are
masters at giving
away the world
Unified Sales
Which ones the
sales guy? The
funny one.
The Ops guy is
that serious Dude
that never smiles.
Unified Sales
A good Salesman
can sell anything
Yeah, and the PMs
constantly have to
clean up their poop
Unified Sales
Sales guys are greedy,
pushy, too much
talking, money hungry,
egotistical, rambling
and annoying risk takers
Operations guys are
anal, linear, detailed,
boring, inflexible, rigid,
calculating and
stubborn conservatives
Its Time to Unify our Sales Force
Bury the stereotypes
Appreciate each others roles
Fulfill your role obligations
Who Were Not Hiring!
Norman Nodecicion
Tommy Talkalot
Igor Inflexible
Barry Bureaucrat
Maury Money
Walter Wuzinit4me
Nancy Norisk
Sally Suckup
Sandy Shifter
Oscar Outascope
Paul Costalot
The New Team!
Gary Geterdone
Andy Didit
Flip Flexible
Johnny Uniter
Monte Moneymaker
Willy Smokedem
Rocky Roadwarrior
Clarence Closer
Nick Nowiner
Wally Wonagain
Unified Sales
The Sales Cycle
Session 3-2
Sales is the most
challenging job in the
Selling is offering to exchange an item of value for a
different item
Selling is an act in completion of a commercial activity
Selling is a process by which one person guides other
people's behavior along a path in a desired direction,
culminating in the purchase of a product or service.
What is Selling
Techniques :
Demonstrate expertise
What is Selling
Types of Selling
Service-Oriented Selling
The sole function of the salesperson is to process sales
Clients make their own decisions about how the product
satisfies their needs.
Solution Selling
The focus is on the customer.
The focus is on the customer's pain(s) and addresses the
issue with offerings (product and services).
Involves much more creativity than service selling.
Requires acquiring knowledge about the market, technical
solutions,economy, client, etc
Complex Sales
A long sales cycle
Significant resources are invested prior to making a decision on
the part of both seller and buyer.
Multi-level contact within the organization.
Buying decisions that have significant impact on the
customer's business.
Complex issues and solutions.
Political dimensions which often supersede all issues.
Complex Sales
There are no guarantees that having the most resources will
provide the decisive competitive edge.
A successful complex sale is as much a result of choosing the
right strategy as it is of having the necessary resources.
The strategy decision is a function of the seller's knowledge of
the situation, the customer and the competition.
Timing is the critical element in implementing a strategy
The Sales Cycle
People buy more from people
they are comfortable with
Current Situation, desired
situation, buying roles, buying
conditions, task motives &
personal motives
Solving the problem
Problem identification Phase
How do I know I can trust you and RJN?
Relationship Tension
Overcoming tension
Gathering information/facts
Discovering the challenges
Multiple sources
Top-down selling
Reading people and body language
Filling the gap
What I have..
What I want..
Finding the champion
Finding the selection team members
Identification of problem
Addressing the problem
Solving the problem
Technical staff
Discussing procurement options
Influencing the solicitation
Was the problem addressed/solved?
Influencing the Sale
Success in selling is primarily a function of
establishing and managing relationships with
Unified Sales
Targeting Sales A Sales
View Point
Session 3-3
What Principals and PMs Think I Do
What I Really Do
My First Lessons
Many Roles
Whats our target?
Who to call?
Background Info
Getting the appointment
First Call/ Speed Date
2 hr drive and a cancel
Follow Up
Responsive / Easy to deal
Building a Project
Building a Client
Solutions for Them
Brown Bags
Professional Lunch Buyer
The best sales questions have
your expertise wrapped into
them. Jill Konrath
Most people think "selling is
the same as "talking". But
the most effective
salespeople know that
listening is the most
important part of their job.
Roy Bartell
Procurement Process
Building a team
Proposal Process
Client Management
Negative Feedback
Adjacent Services
New Work
The way you position
yourself at the beginning
of a relationship has
profound impact on
where you end up. Ron
You don't close a sale;
you open a relationship
if you want to build a
long-term, successful
enterprise. Patricia
Solution Selling
Presentations to
I have always said that
everyone is in sales.
Maybe you dont hold
the title of salesperson
but if the business you
are in requires you to
deal with people, you,
my friend, are in sales.
Zig Ziglar
Solution Selling
Improved, Always Improving
On-Going Lessons
Hard Work
Dont be too comfortable
Be Humble
Get support from good
A no is not the end,
Enjoy your work
Listen More, Talk Less
Unified Sales
Proposal Process, Marketing
Session 3-4
Unified Sales
Marketing Materials
Session 3-5
Unified Sales
Client Relations
Session 3-6
10 Habits of Highly Successful Account Managers
Know your contracted costs
Build friendships
Improve your scope by saving them
Keep client account balance positive
Solve the problem, first
Do their job for them
Outperform everyone
Be on time
Procurement Methods
Annual SOQ
yields SOQ
General to detailed specs
Process - often Interviews
Price-based RFP
Deciding Criteria
Detailed Specs
Low qualified
Value Bid
Most valued low bid
Sole Source
Sales Techniques
Salesman Types
Meeting Objectives
Cold Call
First Meeting
Future Meetings
Trial Close
Selling Value
Sales Tips
Close the relationship, not
the sale
Have an objective for every
Know your business
Ask, ask, ask
Get info before you give it
Use your time with the Client
Leave something, receive
Convey value through
Open-ended questions
Spend time with poor
Waste their time
Cold call before youve
done research
Talk price
Stop at yes dont oversell
Cut them off
Silver platter sell
Closed-ended questions