My Child I Want To Know My Child Better
My Child I Want To Know My Child Better
My Child I Want To Know My Child Better
Draw a Tree
Using a sheet of
paper and a pen or
pencil, please take no
more than 3
minutes to draw a
tree, any way you like.
we are going to look at the trunk, the limbs, the
leaves, the roots, and a few other details,
including the general impression.
Like with any other test, please take this
interpretation with a grain of salt!
and dont forget to have fun with it!
The trunk represents the sense of who you are, and
how intact your personality is.
Heavy lines or shadings indicate anxiety.
If the trunk is small, you may feel weak; if it is large,
you have more strength.
If the tree is split in the middle, as if it had been hit by
lightning, you may feel very fragile inside.
They symbolize the efforts you make to get connected to the
world around you and how you support your needs to survive.
Detached limbs can indicate difficulties to reach out and get
help. Small branches show limited skills in reaching out, while
big branches may make you a bit overbearing in your quest to
meet your needs.
Club-shaped or very pointy branches reveal aggressiveness.
Knotted or twisted branches as well as knots or twists in the
bark may represent twisted efforts to reach out.
Dead branches mean hopelessness. When the tree is in the
shape of a ball, and no branches are detailed, you may be
very careful in the experiences and people you choose.
They are what grounds you and show how much
in touch you are with reality.
No roots can mean insecurity and lack of
grounding. Large roots can indicate excessive
concern with testing your reality. You proceed
slowly. Dead roots could be a feeling of being
disconnected from reality, leading to emptiness.
Fruits provide a sense of accomplishment. Apples reveal a
high need for nurturing.
Knotholes could reveal an absence of self-control or even a
trauma, and the height up the tree shows the age of this
Small animals may give an idea of what is happening in your
subconscious mind, depending on the type of animal.
A weeping willow could indicate depression.
2. Visual: Show Me
People with a strength for visual learning tend to process
information by visualizing and seeing it. About 65% of the
population prefers to learn visually.
3. Kinaesthetic: Let Me
People with a strength for kinaesthetic learning process
information best by doing and moving. They prefer hands-on
activities. About 5% of the population favours a kinaesthetic
Strategies that tap into the strengths of kinaesthetic
Be a stage manager.
Make sure your child has a quiet, well-lit place to do
homework. Make sure necessary materials (paper, pencils,
dictionary) are available.
Be a motivator.
Homework provides a great opportunity for you to tell your
child how important school is. Be positive about homework.
The attitude you express will be the attitude your child
Be a role model.
When your child does homework, dont sit and watch TV. If
your child is reading, you read, too. If your child is doing
math, balance your check book. Help your child see that the
skills he is practicing are related to things you do as an
Be a monitor.
Watch your child for signs of failure and
frustration. If your child asks for help, provide
guidance, not answers. If frustration sets in,
suggest a short break.
Be a mentor.
When the teacher asks that you play a role in
homework, do it. If homework is meant to be
done alone, stay away. Homework is a great
way for kids to develop lifelong learning skills.
Over involvement can be a bad thing.