Book Review On "BUYOLOGY"
Book Review On "BUYOLOGY"
Book Review On "BUYOLOGY"
Group no 4
Rammohan 11
Sougata Roy 52
Jeetan 22
I say a little prayer
faith, religion and brand
What connection, if any, exists between
religion and buying behaviour?
Studies in depth what are the similarities
between the way our brains respond to
religious and spiritual symbols, and the way
they react to products or brands?
Study reveals that importance of religion in
people’s lives, when it found that these
connections were more powerful than we
ever realized
Why did I choose you?
The power of somatic marker
Buyology project reveals that 60 percent of
the products consumer buy in the
supermarket was chosen by spontaneously,
and that 80 percent of these we picked
within just four seconds?
Buyology explain how companies plant instant
shortcuts –or brand bookmarks –in
consumer’s subconscious mind to help
consumer to decide what to (or what not to)
The somatic marker phenomenon led Project
Buyology into an experiment involving one
of the best‐known –and apparently irritating
–sounds in the world, revealing findings that
left the marketing executives at Nokia
A sense of wonder
selling to our sense
Martin Lindstrom conducted a test. He
presented 600 women with an empty
Tiffany’s box each. Monitoring their heart
rates and blood pressure, researchers found
that, when the women received the box,
their heart rates went up 20 percent
Study reveals that consumer emotion is one of
the most powerful forces in driving what the
consumer buy
In a fascinating experiment, Lindstrom and his
team of neuroscientists used fMRItechnology
to examine the influence consumer senses
have on what consumer buy.
And the answer is………………
neuromarketing and predicting the future
Study reveals that blind surveys or
questionnaire or pilot test will not make
exact solution for research
Via neuromarketing, Lindstrom and his team
examined consumer brains to uncover the
hidden motivations, needs and desires that
our conscious minds aren’t aware of.
Using the pilot of a TV game show as the test
product, Lindstrom and the team discovered
that what hundreds of test participants said
they hated they really kind of loved.
Let’s spend the night together
sex in advertising
Does sex sell??????????????????
Lindstrom and his team of neuroscientists take
a look at whether sex in advertising
succeeds in seducing consumer interest in
products, or whether it backfires.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.
brand new day
“Buyology” study reveal a witness to an
historic meeting between science and
marketing and a union of apparent opposites
that throw a new light on why we make
decisions about what we buy…
This methodology is used to understanding of
consumer buying behaviour and send
feedback throughout the marketing and
advertising industries as well as the