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Lidar For Basemaps

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Lidar for Basemaps:

Getting the Most From Your Data

Eddie Bergeron, SVO
June 29, 2010

Lidar Basics Review

An aircraft flies over the terrain sending out laser
pulses, counting the time it takes for the pulse
reflections to bounce off of objects and return
to the plane. The travel time and speed of light
determine the distance to the object, the
location of the plane is known via GPS, and the
direction the laser was pointing allow for the
calculation of the exact location of the reflecting

If only part of the beam hits a surface, there

might be enough leftover energy to continue
past and bounce off a second or even third
object, allowing for multiple returns per-pulse.
This depends on the footprint of the pulse and
the fraction that is blocked.
Typical data has one or two returns per pulse,
and data will often be separated into different
files, one for first-returns and one for lastreturns

Lidar essentially bounces off of anything in its path, so the first step in making a basemap is
to apply a filter to separate bare-earth (hard ground) returns from everything else.
This is usually done by the vendor using special software, and the data is either stored in
separate files (bare-earth and non-bare-earth) or all the data is stored in a single file with a
classification value for each data point indicating what type it is.

In addition, the intensity of the reflected pulse relative

to the intensity of the transmitted pulse is a measure
of the reflectivity of the surface at the wavelength of
the laser being used (usually red to IR). This
reflectivity measure can be used as an image, as if it
were a rectified aerial photo with no terrain-induced

Accuracy and Resolution

Individual lidar points typically have an accuracy in the 10cm range.
The density of the collected points (number of points per unit surface area) affects
the level of detail that can be seen on the ground surface. Lidar is typically collected
with an average point spacing of 0.5 to 4 meters. Collecting more samples costs
more and results in a larger data volume.
Nyquist sampling theory requires at least two samples per resolution element.
To be able to see a feature in the terrain, it must be sampled by at least two lidar
samples. For example, seeing a 2m wide pit in the bare earth lidar requires average
point spacing of 1 sample every meter.
The density and condition of the vegetation covering an area also has an effect, since
some of the samples will be intercepted by vegetation and not reach the ground.
Leaf-on data at 1m average sampling wont be as good as leaf-off. It effectively has a
lower average point spacing.
Lidar is typically better than classical photogrammetry for determining the shape of
the bare-earth surface below evergreen canopy, since it can penetrate to the surface
(even though more of the returns would be intercepted than for leaf-off deciduous
vegetation, so a higher sampling density might be required to achieve this).

Bare-Earth Lidar Small-Scale Detail Comparison

2-meter average point spacing

1-meter average point spacing

Rule of Thumb:
I've found that its possible to make decent contours for 1:10000 orienteering maps
from lidar with an average point spacing of up to 2m, but having 1m or better is
for the additional small details that it provides. I've also made basemaps using 3-4m
sparsely sampled lidardata, but once you get into the 4m range you are at the same
resolution as USGS topo maps. Lidar at this resolution lacks the fine detail required
for orienteering maps, but contours derived from this data is more accurate than the
USGS topos, so its still more desirable in that respect.

The first step in extracting useful basemap

information from a set of lidar data is to
separate the bare-earth ground returns
from the non-ground returns
(i.e.Vegetation, buildings, power-lines,
cars, etc). This is done via special filtering
software, usually by the vendor.

All returns
(earth, and

These two products, combined with the

lidar intensity image are then processed
further to extract the relevant information
for the basemap.
Lidar reflectance (intensity)



Extracted Information from the Three Lidar Sub-products:

Lidar Intensity Image Products
Open Area Features: clearings, roads, singletrees

Bare Earth Products

Contours: smoothing, selecting contour interval, writing to OCAD
Filter for Fine Details: (shaded-relief, gradient, unsharp-mask)
for ditches, pits, cliff, depressions, trails, streams and roads under
canopy, sometimes rootstocks, individual stems in last-returns.

Vegetation Products
Vegetation Height: clearings, old farm field boundaries for wire
fences, holes in canopy for rootstocks
Understory Vegetation: set boundary conditions to select for
vegetation under canopy and make an understory density image.

Marie-Cat Beat Joe Brautigam

Lidar Intensity Image Products:

lakes and ponds

roads, parking areas

and buildings

clearings, powerlines

sometimes fences

although this
is better
from the
filtered bare
earth data

Water absorbs
the lidar pulses,
so wet features
appear black in
the intensity

Basically, all the things you get in a normal aerial orthophoto

Bare Earth Products - Contours:

Software is used to make contours from the bare earth lidar elevation data.
There are several commercial packages to do this (e.g. Global Mapper), and
some are even free. Most of these write contour data as .DXF files which can
then be imported directly into OCAD.

Bare earth lidar image - bright is higher and

dark is lower elevation

0.5m contours of the same area

Ive written my own contour program using a data analysis language called IDL. This
program writes contours directly to an OCAD readable file (unfortunately its OCAD5 - I
wrote it a very long time ago!)
Once nicety is the ability to write a single dataset with 0.5m contours that the end-user can
select to be any desired contour interval (0.5, 1, 2.5 and 5m) with proper index contours
every 5 lines, just by hiding or un-hiding the appropriate contour symbols in OCAD - all
from a single OCAD file.

Select appropriate
contour symbols to
hide/unhide. Here is a
2.5m interval example
from the same 0.5m
contour dataset in the
previous slide.

Bare Earth Products - Filter for Fine Details:

The raw bare-earth data is perfect for making the

contours, but the contrast of sharp features against
the slowly varying terrain is low due to the high
dynamic range.
There are a number of ways to increase the
Contrast of these useful fine details:

Stream bed is barely visible in

the image of bare earth (bright is
high, dark is low elevation)


Shaded relief


Mathematical gradient


Unsharp mask (high-pass filter)

1) Shaded relief - uses lighting angles and shadowing to increase contrast.

Sensitive to lighting angles, so need to use multiple lighting angles and multiple

Stream bed

2) Mathematical gradient. Also directional, so need to use multiple gradient

directions and multiple templates.
X-direction grad

Y-direction grad

Stream bed

Note trail visible in the X-grad is invisible in the Y-grad

3) Unsharp Mask. This is a high-pass filter. It removes the slowly varying terrain
relief, leaving behind a high-contrast image of the sharp features. It is nondirectional, and the contrast can be adjusted by changing the size of the smoothing
kernel and the stretch before writing the .bmp template for use in OCAD.
This technique is borrowed from film astrophotography, where a defocused negative
of an image (say a galaxy) is combined in an enlarger with a positive of the original,
thus performing a subtraction optically. Very useful for identifying small globular
Star clusters hiding under the bright glow of the galactic bulge and disk. For the
Lidar data we do it by digitally smoothing the original
Smoothed out-of-focus
bare earth image

Original bare earth image

Resulting difference image =

The unsharp-masked data

Stream bed

3) Unsharp Mask. This is a high-pass filter. It removes the slowly varying terrain
relief, leaving behind a high-contrast image of the sharp features. It is nondirectional, and the contrast can be adjusted by changing the size of the smoothing
kernel and the stretch before writing the .bmp template for use in OCAD.
This technique is borrowed from film astrophotography, where a defocused negative
of an image (say a galaxy) is combined in an enlarger with a positive of the original,
thus performing a subtraction optically. Very useful for identifying small globular
Star clusters hiding under the bright glow of the galactic bulge and disk. For the
Lidar data we do it by digitally smoothing the original
Smoothed out-of-focus
bare earth image

Original bare earth image

Resulting difference image =

The unsharp-masked data

Stream bed

3) Unsharp Mask. This is a high-pass filter. It removes the slowly varying terrain
relief, leaving behind a high-contrast image of the sharp features. It is nondirectional, and the contrast can be adjusted by changing the size of the smoothing
kernel and the stretch before writing the .bmp template for use in OCAD.
This technique is borrowed from film astrophotography, where a defocused negative
of an image (say a galaxy) is combined in an enlarger with a positive of the original,
thus performing a subtraction optically. Very useful for identifying small globular
Star clusters hiding under the bright glow of the galactic bulge and disk. For the
Lidar data we do it by digitally smoothing the original
Smoothed out-of-focus
bare earth image

Original bare earth image

Resulting difference image =

The unsharp-masked data

Stream bed

3) Unsharp Mask. This is a high-pass filter. It removes the slowly varying terrain
relief, leaving behind a high-contrast image of the sharp features. It is nondirectional, and the contrast can be adjusted by changing the size of the smoothing
kernel and the stretch before writing the .bmp template for use in OCAD.
This technique is borrowed from film astrophotography, where a defocused negative
of an image (say a galaxy) is combined in an enlarger with a positive of the original,
thus performing a subtraction optically. Very useful for identifying small globular
Star clusters hiding under the bright glow of the galactic bulge and disk. For the
Lidar data we do it by digitally smoothing the original
Smoothed out-of-focus
bare earth image

Original bare earth image

Resulting difference image =

The unsharp-masked data

Stream bed

3) Unsharp Mask. This is a high-pass filter. It removes the slowly varying terrain
relief, leaving behind a high-contrast image of the sharp features. It is nondirectional, and the contrast can be adjusted by changing the size of the smoothing
kernel and the stretch before writing the .bmp template for use in OCAD.
This technique is borrowed from film astrophotography, where a defocused negative
of an image (say a galaxy) is combined in an enlarger with a positive of the original,
thus performing a subtraction optically. Very useful for identifying small globular
Star clusters hiding under the bright glow of the galactic bulge and disk. For the
Lidar data we do it by digitally smoothing the original
Smoothed out-of-focus
bare earth image

Original bare earth image

Resulting difference image =

The unsharp-masked data

Stream bed

3) Unsharp Mask. This is a high-pass filter. It removes the slowly varying terrain
relief, leaving behind a high-contrast image of the sharp features. It is nondirectional, and the contrast can be adjusted by changing the size of the smoothing
kernel and the stretch before writing the .bmp template for use in OCAD.
This technique is borrowed from film astrophotography, where a defocused negative
of an image (say a galaxy) is combined in an enlarger with a positive of the original,
thus performing a subtraction optically. Very useful for identifying small globular
Star clusters hiding under the bright glow of the galactic bulge and disk. For the
Lidar data we do it by digitally smoothing the original
Smoothed out-of-focus
bare earth image

Original bare earth image

Resulting difference image =

The unsharp-masked data

Stream bed

A closer look at the detail in the unsharp-masked image:

Small hill - tailings from pond
parking lots


Dry ditch or

Small stream

Earth bank
or cliff - high side
Is bright, low side
Is dark

Small or indistinct

Likely just a
Large stream

Large trails


Small pits - most likely

holes behind rootstocks

Very low earth wall - edge of Old

farm field - too small for an O-map

In the Sprint

Vegetation Products - Vegetation Height:

old fields growing in possibly medium green

with openings


sometimes fences

small clearings
with rough open


rough edging
on powerlines saplings

powerlines and towers

small clean
openings possible rootstocks

Vegetation Products - Understory Vegetation:

Ive been experimenting with a new product that
takes advantage of the vegetation height data. By
selecting all non-earth returns (i.e. vegetation) that
are a certain distance above the ground and then
counting how many of those returns occur per
unit area, one can make a map of the density of
the understory vegetation.
The image on the right shows just such a density
map of an area covering the existing Mont Alto
orienteering map in southern PA. I selected all
vegetation returns between 1 foot and 8 feet
above the ground, and counted how many of
these returns occurred in each 6x6m bin, then
applied a small amount of smoothing to the final
image, which is scaled from white for low density
to dark green for high vegetation density. I tuned
the above selection parameters to get a good
match with the mapped shades of green on the
existing O-map. These parameters may vary with
the lidar point spacing for other datasets.

Lidar Basics Review

An aircraft flies over the terrain sending out laser
pulses, counting the time it takes for the pulse
reflections to bounce off of objects and return
to the plane. The travel time and speed of light
determine the distance to the object, the
location of the plane is known via GPS, and the
direction the laser was pointing allow for the
calculation of the exact location of the reflecting

If only part of the beam hits a surface, there

might be enough leftover energy to continue
past and bounce off a second or even third
object, allowing for multiple returns per-pulse.
This depends on the footprint of the pulse and
the fraction that is blocked.
Typical data has one or two returns per pulse,
and data will often be separated into different
files, one for first-returns and one for lastreturns

By over 2 minutes

Finally, each of the above products is written as a .bmp template (usually in

multiple tiles to make them manageable), and these tiles are loaded into
OCAD under the contours. Then all features are drawn in by hand.
This is by NO MEANS a completed orienteering map! This basemap must be
taken into the field by a fieldchecker, who can then correct features that have
been mis-identified. The features have been drawn in the correct locations with
the correct shape, but the fieldchecker must make the decision of what should
and should not remain on the final map. Also contour shapes, while physically
correct, may need to be adjusted to better represent the terrain to an orienteer
running a course.

Unsharp bare-earth lidar tile

Final fieldchecked orienteering map

Plug for US Team benefit Basemaps

Ive started making basemaps - mostly from Lidar - for clubs and AR groups, with
all proceeds donated directly to the US Orienteering Team. That is, the cost of
my labor is donated to the team, and you get a fieldchecker-ready basemap in
If you or your club might be interested in making a lidar basemap for your next
mapping project, please contact me and we can discuss the options.
Eddie Bergeron, US Orienteering Team

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