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Sofia Yogi Rahmani Xii Ipa 1/13

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Sofia Yogi Rahmani

Xii Ipa 1/13

When a handsome man married to a beautiful

woman and their children look like this


Plastic Surgery

History of Plastic Surgery
Steps of Face Shape Correction
Results of Plastic Surgery
Advantages and Disadvantages of Plastic Surgery


Egyptian Surgery (2000 BC)

The Rhinoplasties (nose job) was started in Egypt. In a document

known as Edwin Smith Papyrus, Egyptian were shown to prepare
the dead body with a surgical method.

In example, the mummy of

Ramses II were altered by
inserted a little bone and a
handful seeds into his nose.

Indian Surgery (600 BC)

An Indian doctor, Acharaya
Sushrut published Sushruti
Samitha, a compilation of
medical text about plastic
surgery. These texts describe
procedures to repair noses
and ears that were lost either
as punishment for crimes
(such as adultery) or in battle.
The method was well known
as The Indian Rhinoplasty

Roman Surgery (100 BC)

Romans were the first to
use plastic surgery to
improve self-image. Roman,
Aulus Cornelius Celsus,
wrote De Medicina which
was the plastic surgeons
reference guide for more
than 1700 years.

European Surgery (1500 AC)

Heinrich von Pfolspeundt described
a process to make a new nose for
one who lacks it entirely, and the
dogs have devoured it by
removing skin from the back of the
arm and suturing it in place.
Although this process created less
scaring, it did require the patients
forearm to be awkwardly attached
to the nose for 21 days.

Tagliacozzi was hindered by the

church influence. Moreover, the
technology used in general
In 1597, Italian Gasparo Tagliacozzi, anesthesia was in its earliest stage
known as the father of modern
which made any surgical process
plastic surgery wrote the first
attempts extremely painful.
plastic surgery textbook, De
curtorum chirugiau .

World War I
Because of trench warfare, thousand soldiers suffered
from wounds trauma on faces, necks, and arms. Thus,
plastic surgery became a good solution and began to be
acceptable. Since that time, plastic surgery grow rapidly
across the nation

The Advantages of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is such a healer for poor self-esteem
Hair restoration
Face correction
Breast augmentation for women with breast cancer
Remove scars and disfigurements
Correct gynecomastia, excess fat build-up in the breast
because of hormonal incorrection

Disadvantages of Plastic Surgery

Medical risk : infection, severe bleeding, nerve damage
that may lead to numbness, tissue death (necrosis),
fluid collecting around the site (seroma), bruising in the
area (hematoma), blood clots and deep vein thrombosis
Appearance: hyper trophic scars, bruising and felling for
a period of time after the surgery are often difficult to
hide, ptosis/dropping and sagging in the surgical area,
results of procedure are often out of expectation, slow
healing, addiction

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