The Doctrine of Resurrection 1
The Doctrine of Resurrection 1
The Doctrine of Resurrection 1
D e a t h
o Death makes life
o Death is inescapable reality
o Death is the common
denominator which makes
everyone equal
The Greeks
The Jews
The concept of Resurrection
Not Reincarnation
The concept of Resurrection
• Hos 13:14
• Isa 26:19
• Ezekiel 37:12-14
Messianic Allusions
• Foretold in the Psalms Ps. 16:10, 11; Acts 13:34, 35
He could be
)(Lk 24: 39,40
He could eat
)(Lk 24:40
The nature of Resurrection
• Certifies that the sinners through faith in Christ can now enjoy the peace
of present justification (Rom 4: 25, 3: 21-26; Acts 3: 25-26, 10: 46)
• Signifies that Jesus Christ is Lord of all (I Cor 15: 27-28; Matt 28: 28)
• Signifies that He will be the ultimate Judge of all (Acts 10: 42, 17: 31)
Application of the
• We
can be as
sured tha
t we are
w er av aila ble in Chr ist’s resurrection
• We can overcome sin with the new
• We should co
ntinue steadfastly in the Lo
rd’s work ‘coz everything u do will have
eternal significance.
• Christians have a distinctive purpose in life. Christ is our purpose