Genetic Engineering: Aliyu, Habibu
Genetic Engineering: Aliyu, Habibu
Genetic Engineering: Aliyu, Habibu
Aliyu, Habibu
All inclusive term for several technologies
including but not limited to recombinant DNA.
Refers to the use of technology in applications
for solving fundamental problems in biology.
the application of organisms/Biological
systems/ processes in the manufacturing and
Service industries.
oGenetic Engineering
Use of techniques involving recombinant DNA
technology to produce molecules and/or
organisms with new properties/heritable,
directed alteration of an organisms DNA.
Needles in Haystacks
How to find one gene in large genome?
A gene might be 1/1,000,000 of the
genome. Three basic approaches:
1. cell-based molecular cloning: create
and isolate a bacterial strain that
replicates a copy of gene.
2. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Make many copies of a specific region
of the DNA.
3. hybridization: make DNA single
stranded, allow double strands to reform using a labeled (e.g. radioactive)
oRestriction endonucleases
Also called restriction enzymes: digest
DNA at specific sequences
Example of a Plasmid
oDNA ligase
DNA ligase joins 5'-phosphate and 3'hydroxyl ends of DNA
Two fragments formed by EcoRI can
be rejoined by ligase.
Similarly, Eco RI fragments from two
different pieces of DNA can be joined
when the cloning vector used has
aspects of a virus, the host cell can be
infected (transfected) to insert the
recombinant molecule
the cell is placed in an electric field
such that small pores are temporarily
opened in the membrane. Added DNA
can enter through these pores.
Antibotic resistance
Plasmid vector contains an ampicillin
resistance gene making the cell
Growth of transformed cells (cells
receiving the plasmid) can be identified
on agar medium containing (e.g.)
oFurther selection
The plasmid vector contains another identifiable gene (e.g.,
a second drug resistance or an enzyme activity), with the
coding sequence of this gene containing the restriction site
for insertion.
Insertion of the foreign DNA at this site interrupts the
reading frame of the gene and result in insertional
In the following example, the -galactosidase gene is
inactivated. The substrate "X-gal" turns blue if the gene is
intact, ie. makes active enzyme. White colonies in X-gal
imply the presence of recombinant DNA in the plasmid.
X-gal selection
Gene products- using GMOs ie
microbes to produce chemicals used for
medical or industrial purposes
New phenotypes- using gene
technology to alter the characteristic of
an organism ie farm animals or crops
Gene therapy- using gene technology on
humans to treat disease
Safety of food
Adverse effect on human health or
Decreased nutritional value
Antibiotic resistant bacteria