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Human Relations in Nursing

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Human relation is a science of applying principles of
social psychology in improving the working of an
organization and to make it more productive and the
worker happier to improve efficiency and satisfaction
Human relation is motivating people in organizational
setting to develop team work which accomplishes
individual as well as organizational goal effectively

Human relations approach emphasizes on the policies
and techniques designed to improve employee morale
and job satisfaction so as to increase the employee
efficiency and reduce unrest
To increase productivity and efficiency
To promote understanding of the people behaviour in
group or as an individual
Getting people to work effectively


Concept relating to the nature of people
Concept relating to the nature of organization

Concept relating to the nature of

1. Individual differences
The individual differences in attitude, skill etc affects
the job behaviour of people
The principle of individual difference also emphasizes
that a manager or administrator has to deal with human
beings, who differ in feelings, emotions, goal etc.
individual difference has wide application in selection,
placement and designing of training programmes and to
know their motives and behaviours and to supervise
them effectively

2. Whole person concept

The concept of whole person signifies that behaviour of
a person cannot be studied in isolation.
The person comes to the workplace as a complete
He has his own background, emotions, feelings and
sentiments, which cannot be separated from the skill he
is using on the job.
At the place of work the person may carries with him
the problems of his private life and they also influence
his performance of work.

3. Motivational behaviour
An important determinant of individual behaviour and
performance in an organization is motivation.
From the psychological point of view it can be learned that
behaviour of individual has certain causes.
These causes may relate to an individuals need or the
consequences that result from his/her acts.
The concept of motivational behaviour remind that the
supervisor or the manager by his/her own behaviour can
cause an employ behave in a particular way.

4. Human dignity
It tells that every person should be respected simply
because he happens to be an employee of the organization.
The concept of human dignity rejects the old idea of
treating employees simply as economic tools, which has no
sensitivity or dignity.
If a person is not treated with dignity he will not co-operate
with the organization.
He will be dissatisfied because he feels his efficiency will go

Concept relating to the nature of

1. Organizations are social systems:
An organization is a social system, which coordinates
the activities of its members for the achievement of
common goal.
It is the part of society and it consists of people who are
social being.
The behaviour of individual is also related to the group
in which he/she belongs.
A change in the social system is reflected in the
organizational behaviour through the behaviour of its
employees as individual and as group.

2. Mutual interest
An individual join an organization if he feels that his goals will
be served.
The statement that organization needs people and people
need organization represents mutual interest.
People need organization to achieve their goals and
organization need people to help or get the help to reach the
organizational goal.
So human relations broadly implies interaction and cooperation among people in group i.e. school, business,
industry, hospital etc.

Interaction/communication: Whenever two or more
individuals come together and start exchanging
information. This interaction may be of short or longer
Need satisfaction: If the members of a group find that
in the process of interaction some of their needs get
satisfied they continue interaction.
Modification of behaviour: Also through interaction
people develop certain attitudes and perceptions which
modify their mutual behaviour

Group goals: These interacting persons also decide up

on striving together for the achievement of certain
Role differentiation: Different persons contribute
differently in the achievement of the group goals. Or
they play different parts. These are called roles.
Gradually these goals get stabilized

Status: People playing different roles yet have different

importance. This is termed as status. Status also carries
its own level of power.
Group structure: The power distribution gets arranged
in to a hierarchy. This is known as group structure.
Norms: All groups develop regulatory rules known as


Recognition of the dignity of the individual and his/her
Encouragement to independent thinking and self
decision making
Development of professional managers rather than
autocratic managers
Change in work environment

The recognition that the real power centres within an

organization are the interpersonal relationships
established within the work environment
The belief that the organizations developed around
human relationships, including those between leaders
and employees

The human relations movement focuses on human

feelings and attitudes of employees.
In a hospital the producer and the raw material
comprises of human beings and the nurses are mainly
dealing with human beings.

generate trust between nurse and the client
prevent legal problems in practice
solve problems in the working environment
provide nurses with professional satisfaction
vehicle for establishing a therapeutic relation ship and
good professional relationship in the work place
means by which people influence the behaviour of

Communication is the relation ship itself because

without it, therapeutic nurse patient relation ship is
Communication is also a means for nurses to bring
about changes in the work setting.
Failure to communicate can lead to serious problems for
nurse and the client and can threaten nurses
professional credibility

Periodic talks between employer and employee
Sign posts for the patients and for general public
Staff conferences to get suggestions and for decision
Social gathering to remove inter personal relationships
Employees consulting in problem solving
Standing orders and protocols
Hand book to provide general information

Manuals policy & procedure manuals

Bulletin boards
Suggestion systems, complaint books
Hospital magazine, bulletin
Annual reports
Light signalling systems
Alarm systems in accident prone areas

Tele communication systems, intercom, paging system

Public relations officer, inquiry officer
Patient information booklet
Inserts in the pay rolls, attendance register


Know your personnel well, their goals and aspirations.
Understand their functions
Help them to perform their assigned jobs by adopting
positive reinforcement techniques
Praise them in public to the good job done
Admonish them in private for any wrongful practices
Be sincerely interested in them

Set examples for others

Do not be afraid to share responsibility
Deal with the complaints in time and give personal
attention to the problems
Treat subordinates and clients with dignity and respect
Be open and transparent and tell why things need to be
done or changed

Delegate responsibility with authority

Praise, appreciation, awards and letter of thanks should
be liberal
Needs must be satisfied by realizing status positions
Speedy removal of grievances
Keep all the channels of communication open
Develop a positive attitude towards others and life
Do not preach but act
Keep your promises whenever made

Cultivate the qualities to win over the confidence of others by

being truthful, loyal, honest, tolerant, fair firm, broadminded
and full of integrity
Provide an enlightened leadership
Foster a climate for real participation to develop team spirit
among the employee
Using good judgements while dealing with the needs and
feelings of subordinates.
Maintain good interpersonal relationship with co-workers and
members from other department or agency

Contribute to peoples skill building
Help to understand people
Help to predict about people
Help to motivate for effective work
Help to increase the adjustment level of people
Help to promote adjustment mechanisms
Help to understand individual difference
Help to improve interpersonal skill
Help to develop positive attitude
Help to assess needs and desires

Undue emphasis on human relations will do harm more
than good
Mass conformity: Over dependency on human relations
reduce individual efforts and promote group efforts
Manipulation of people: Manipulation of people for
selfish ends
No exact but commonsense: Most of the human
relations practices are not exact and is simply based on
commonsense or humanitarian interest of people

Lack of confidence but liking people: Human relations

approach is considered as a wrapper employed by a
manager, who lacks confidence in his ability.
Unrealistic removal of conflicts: Human relations help to
reduce destructive conflicts only. There may not be a
real solution for the conflicts.
Weakens managerial authority:

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