White Phenyle
White Phenyl is manufactured by using Pine
Oil. Pine Oil is antioxidant which helps in
cleaning the air and cleans off the bacteria's
spreading bad odor and cleans the stains.
This benefit of the White phenyle is the
limitation itself. To clean bacterias from the
floor we recommend to add Preventol KMX. It
will help to prevent coming off Cockroaches and
Preventol KMXQTY 2%
Pine Oil
Emulsifier OP-95
Preventol KMX
Pine Oil
Natural Oil
Chemical classification : Mixture of Terpineols,
Terpineolene and other noncyclic terpines
Appearance : Pale Yellow Clear Liquid.
Terpene Alchol % w/w : 30 % ~ 32 % (By Dehydration
Ash content : Nil
Miscibility : Miscible in all preparation of chloroform
petroleum ether, benzene and glacial acetic acid.
Partly miscible in alcohol. Immiscible in water.
Cleans air from the bacterias spreading bad odor
It contains powerful disinfecting properties while
being non-toxic and ecologically safe
Used in Fertilizers also
Emulsifier OP-95
Preventol KMX
Yellow Liquid
Phenolic Odour
:- 200+
Boiling Point 195 C ~ 230C
Melting Point 3C
Density 1.17~1.19
Slightly soluble in water
Stable under normal conditions
White Phenyl
Pine Oil: Rs. 135 / liters
Emulsifier OP-95: Rs. 90/kg
Preventol KMX: Rs. 140/kg
Costing for one liter compound:
Pine Oil: 680ml
Rs. 91.80
OP-95: 300ml Rs. 27.00
Pre. KMX: 20ml Rs. 2.70
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