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Lathe is the
Most basic
Most versatile
Widely used machine tool
lathe is known as the MOTHER OF MACHINE
Why lathe are also known as TURNING MACHINES.
Because the job to be machined is rotated or turned
and the cutting tool is moved relative to the job

Function of the lathe

For producing cylindrical jobs.
Flat surfaces and holes.
With special attachments, it can be used for
producing different types of surfaces, cutting
threads, cutting grooves.
As a whole, a skilled worker can produce any type
of job with a lathe.

Machining operation done in lathe

Straight turning
Taper turning
Counter boring
Taper boring
Internal thread cutting
Parting off
Thread cutting

Main driving
Head stock







Half nut
Feed gear

Lead screw

Apron box bed

Lathe parts
Feed mechanism
Screw cutting mechanism
Assignment for next class is to read
all the parts of a lathe machine

Lathe parts contd.

BedBase of the lathe

Supports all major components of the lathe
Large mass and made from gray cast iron
Three main parts of the lathe headstock,
tailstock and carriage are mounted on the
bed of the lathe.
Top of the bed has two guide ways or slide
ways to provide support and sliding surfaces
for the carriage and for the tailstock.

Secured permanently at the left hand
end of the lathe bed.
It supports the spindle and is equipped
with the power driving mechanism
for the spindle. The spindle speed
can be set through speed selector
knobs. The spindle is hollow to
facilitate holding of long work pieces.
The work holding devices such as
chucks,centres and collets are

Tail stock
Located at the right hand end of the bed Can be
moved along the guide ways and can be clamped
in any position on the bed.
Also called loose headstock
Main purpose is to hold the dead centre and to
support the long work pieces during machining.
It has a quill, into which the
deadcentre,drills,reamers can be fixed.
The quill can move in and out with the help of
hand wheel.

The carriage slides along the guide ways between headstock and
consists of an assembly of the cross-slide ,tool post, the compound
rest and the apron.
Main function is to hold the cutting tool and move it to give
longitudinal and cross feed to it. The cross-slide moves radially in
and out, thus controlling the radial position of the cutting tool.
The compound rest, also called compound slide is mounted on the
top of the cross slide and has circular base graduated in degrees. It
is used for obtaining angular cuts and short tapers. Compound rest
swivels the tool for positioning and adjustment. The tool post is
located at the top of the compound rest to hold the tool and to
enable it to be adjusted to a convenient working position. The
apron is equipped with mechanisms for both manual and
mechanized movements of the carriage and the cross-slide , by
means of a lead screw and feed rod.

Feed rod and lead screw
The feed rod is powered by a set of gears from the head
stock .It rotates during the operation during the operation
of the lathe and provides mechanized movement to the
carriage or the cross-slide by means of gears, a friction
clutch, and a keyways along the length of the feed rod.
The lead screw is also powered by the gears from the
headstock and is used for providing specific accurate
mechanized movement to the carriage for cutting threads
on the work piece. The lead screw has a definite pitch.
A split nut in the apron is used to engage the lead screw
with the carriage. In some lathes, the lead screw
performs the functions of feed rod and there is no
separate feed rod. Similarly a lathe not meant for thread
cutting will not have a lead screw.

Size of a lathe

The size of a lathe is expressed or specified by

the following items.
(1)The height of the centers measured from
the lathe bed.
(2)The swing diameter over bed.(This is the
largest diameter of work that will revolve
without touching the bed and is twice the
height of the centre measured from the bed
of the lathe.)
(3)The length between centers.(This is the
maximum length of work that can be
mounted between the lathe centers.)

(4)The swing diameter over carriage.(This is
the largest diameter of work that will
revolve over the lathe saddle and is always
less than the swing diameter over bed.)
(5)The maximum bar diameter(This is the
maximum diameter of bar stock that will
pass through the hole of the head stock
(6)The length of bed.(This indicates the
approximate floor space occupied by the

Lathe accessories and


Operating condition in a
Cutting speed
Depth of cut
1-Cutting speed
In a lathe, for the turning operation, cutting speed is the
peripheral speed of the work piece past the cutting tool.
Expressed in meters/minute.

Cutting speed=


Where D= diameter of the work piece in mm.

N=rpm of the work
To get the speed in m/min conversion factor of 1000mm/m is used.

The material passes the stationary
cutting tool with this peripheral
speed as shown in figure.
Hence V=cutting speed=peripheral

The feed of a cutting tool in a lathe work is the distance
the tool advances for each revolution of the work.
Feed is expressed as mm/revolution.
Increased feed reduces cutting time. But increased
feed greatly reduces the tool life.
The feed depends on factors such as size, shape,
strength and method of holding the component, the
tool shape and its setting as regards overhang, the
rigidity of the machine, depth of cut, power available
etc.Coarser feeds are used for roughing and finer
feeds for finishing cuts.

Depth of cut

The depth of cut(d) is the perpendicular distance

From the machined surface to the uncut surface of
the work piece.
For turning operation, the depth of cut is expressed


Where D1=original diameter of the work piece in mm

D2=final diameter of the work piece in mm
In a turning operation, if the depth of cut is 1mm
then the diameter will be reduced by 2mm.

Machining time

The time required to machine a

component is called MACHINING
Machining time depends upon
Size of the work piece
Amount of material removed and
The operating
condition(speed,feed,depth of cut)
Consider the feed and speed(fN) the
feed rate in mm/min.

It gives the distance that the tool moves

(fN) in mm is one minute.
Hence , for a distance L , the time required
for one complete cut, t in minute is given
If f is the feed of the job per revolution
expressed in mm/revolution and L is the
length of the job in mm , then number of
revolutions of the job required for a
complete cut will be

If the rpm of the work is N , time

taken to revolve the job through
number of revolution for a complete
cut will be:
There fore time taken for a complete

Manufacturing time

Total manufacturing time = machining time +

set up time + moving and waiting time+
inspection time
Time required for setting the tool , work piece
and machine is known as set up time.
Movement time is the time when component
has to move from machine to machine and
may wait before the machines getting
processed, that time is called waiting time
During and after machining , components are
inspected that time is called inspection time

Tapers and taper turning

A taper may be defined as a uniform increase
or decrease in diameter of a piece of work
measured along its length.
In a lathe taper turning means to produce a
conical surface by gradual reduction in
diameter from a cylindrical work piece.
D= larger diameter of taper in mm
d= smaller diameter of tapered in mm
L= length of tapered part in mm
2= full taper angle
=angle of taper or half taper angle

A tapered job showing taper angle


From the geometry

The amount of taper in a work piece is
usually specified by the ratio of the
difference in diameters of the taper
to its length.
This is termed as the CONICITY and it
is designated by the letter K.


1- using a form tool.
2- swiveling the compound rest.
3- using a taper turning attachment.
4- by combining longitudinal and cross
feed in a special lathe.

Taper turning using a form tool

The form tool has a straight cutting

edge set at the desired taper angle.
Form tool is a replica of the taper to
be produced. That is the angle
between the straight cutting edge
and the rotational axis of the job
equals taper angle or one half the
included angle of the taper.
Shape of the tool is reproduced on
the work piece.

LimitationThis method is limited only for

short length taper. Because the
metal is removed by the entire
cutting edge, and only increase in
the length of the taper will
necessitate the use of a wider cutting
edge. This will require excessive
cutting pressure, which may distort
the work due to vibration and spoil
the work piece.

Taper turning by swiveling the

compound rest

The compound rest has a circular

base graduated in degrees, which
can be swiveled at any angle.
While turning a taper, the base of
compound rest is swiveled through
an angle equal to the taper angle.
The tool is then fed by hand.
Once the compound rest is set at the
desired half taper angle, rotation of
the compound slide screw will cause
the tool to be fed at that angle and
generate a corresponding taper.

This method is limited to turn a short but

steep taper owing to the limited movement of
the cross slide.
But a small taper may also be turned. The
compound rest may be swiveled at 45 degree
on turn a steep taper.
The movement of the tool in this method
being purely controlled by hand, this gives a
low production capacity and poorer surface
finish. The setting of the compound rest is
done by swiveling the rest at the half taper
angle, if this is already known. If the
diameter of the small and large end and
length of taper are known, the half taper
angle can be calculated.

Taper turning by a taper


The principle of turning taper by a taper

attachment is to guide the tool in a straight
path set at an angle to the axis of rotation of
the work piece, while the work is being
revolved between centers or by a chuck
aligned to the lathe axis.
A taper turning attachment consists
essentially of a bracket or frame which is
attached to the rear end of the lathe bed and
supports a guide bar pivoted at the centers.
The bar having graduations in degrees may
be swiveled on either side of the zero
graduation and is set at the desired angle with
the lathe axis.

When the taper turning attachment is used,

the cross slide is first made free from the lead
screw by removing the binder screw. The rear
end the cross slide is then tightened with the
guide block by means of a bolt.
When the longitudinal feed is engaged, the
tool mounted on the cross slide will follow the
angular path, as the guide block will slide on
the gear bar at an angle to the lathe axis.
The required depth of cut is given by the
compound slide which is placed at right angles
to the lathe axis.

The guide bar must be set at half

taper angle and the taper on the
work must be converted in degrees.
The maximum angle through which
the guide bar may be swiveled is 10
degree to 12 degree on either side of
the centre line.
If the diameters D,d and the length L
of the taper are specified, the angle
of swiveling the guide bar can be
determined from equation

The advantage of using a taper turning

attachment are1-The alignment of live and dead centers being not
disturbed, both straight and taper turning may be
performed on a work piece in one setting without
much loss of time.
2-once the taper is set, any length of a piece of work
may be turned with in its limit.
3-very steep taper on a long work piece may be
turned, which cannot be done by any other
4-accurate taper on a large number of work pieces
may be turned.
5-internal tapers can be turned with ease.

Taper turning by combining


Taper turning by combining feeds is a

more specialized method of turning
In certain lathes both longitudinal
and cross feeds may be engaged
simultaneously causing the tool to
follow a diagonal path which is the
resultant of the magnitude of the two
The direction of the resultant may be
changed by varying the rate of feeds

Fig for combining feed

Extra- Tail stock off-set

By offsetting the tailstock, the axis of

rotation of the job is inclined by the
half angle of taper
S=AB sin =L sin

Thread cutting
There are a large number of thread
forms that can be machined in lathe
such as Whitworth, Acme, ISO metric,
Thread cutting can be considered as
turning only since the path to be
travelled by the cutting tool is helical

Lathe is the most important and common machine
tool found in practically all machine shops.
A large variety of lathes have been developed to
cater for different processing requirements.
A lathe consists of a bed, headstock, tailstock and
a carriage as major components along with a few
other items that provide the necessary support
and motions.

A variety of chucks such as universal 3-jaw, independent
4-jaw, and faceplate, are used to locate and support work
pieces in a lathe for common machining applications.
There are a variety of tools available depending upon the
type of surface that needs to be generated.
There are a large variety of operations such as turning,
facing, knurling, contouring, etc. that can be carried out
in a lathe. In fact practically all types of surfaces can be
generated in a lathe.

Taper turning is a special type of operation that
requires the tool to be moved in two different
direction simultaneously to generate the surface.
For this purpose, a variety of methods are used in
a lathe such as compound slide, tailstock offset or
a special attachment.
Precision threads can be cut in a lathe using the
lead screw and special methods

There are various special attachments such
as milling attachment, grinding attachment,
etc. have been developed that enhance the
range of surfaces that can be generated in
a lathe.
Machining time for different operations can
be estimated using the cutting process
parameters and the geometry of the part

3 jaw

Four jaw chuck

Holding jobs in centre lathe by

three jaw chuck

Holding jobs in centre lathe by

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