Advertisement Elasticity of Demand On Sale of Two Wheeler
Advertisement Elasticity of Demand On Sale of Two Wheeler
Advertisement Elasticity of Demand On Sale of Two Wheeler
Calculating Elasticity
Calculating Elasticity cont…
Arc Approach:
Point approach:
% change in demand
% change in advertising expenditure
• Miscellaneous Media
Yellow Pages
Outdoor advertising
Electronic information terminals
Specialty firms
Shopping guides
Types of Promotion
• Sales Promotion involves the use of media and non-media
marketing pressure applied for a predetermined, limited period
of time as the level of consumer, retailer, or wholesaler in order
to stimulate trial, increase consumer demand, or improve
product availability.
• Publicity is non-paid-for communications of information about
the company or product, generally in some media form.
• Personal Selling involves a face-to-face interaction with the
consumer with the goal of selling the consumer merchandise or
DHRU Automobiles
Month 2007 SELL
APR—JUN 150000 1459
DHRU Automobiles
Month 2007 SELL 2008 SELL
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SIDDHI Automobiles
Month 2007 SELL
SIDDHI Automobiles
Month 2007 SELL 2008 SELL
(Rs.) (Rs.)