Differentiation and Integration in Complex Organizations
Differentiation and Integration in Complex Organizations
Differentiation and Integration in Complex Organizations
La w re n ce & Lo rsch
Synopsis: L&L
E n viro n m e
O rg
Research question
The basic concepts used in this examination of the internal
functioning of large organizations are differentiation and
Differentiation: the state of segmentation of the organizational system
into subsystems, each of which tends to develop particular attributes
in relation to the requirements posed by its relevant external
Integration is defined as the process of achieving unity of effort among
the various subsystems in the accomplishment of the organization‘s
Organizations are complex. Past analysis made simplifying
assumptions or analyzed only limited aspects of the organization
Research question :
W h a t p a tte rn o f d iffe re n tia tio n a n d in te g ra tio n o f th e p a rts o f
a la rg e o rg a n iza tio n a l sy ste m is a sso cia te d w ith th e
o rg a n iza tio n 's co p in g e ffe ctiv e ly w ith a g iv e n e x te rn a l
e n v iro n m e n t?
Unit of analysis and Method
The primary unit of analysis: The organizational system:
organizations and their larger subsystems
An organization = a system of interrelated behaviors of people who are
performing a task that has been differentiated into several distinct
subsystems, each subsystem performing a portion of the task, and the efforts
of each being integrated to achieve effective performance of the system
The unit of analysis is a sociological entity but they do not view individuals in
organizations as passive instruments of organization, but as feeling, reasoning,
and motivated beings.
They conduct a comparative study of six organizations operating in
the same industrial environment (plastics industry), mainly using
They assume that organizations and their subsystems are influenced
by their environment
Each major subsystem is seen as coping with its respective segment
of the total external environment:
Marketing& Sales market subenvironment
Production the technical-economic subenvironment,
research and development the scientific subenvironment.
H1, H2 : Degree of formalized structure and
Subenvironment Formalized
Subenvironment Social vs . Task
Certainty members ’ orientation
High Certainty Task orientation
Moderate Social orientation
Low Certainty Task orientation
H3, H4 : Time Orientation and Goals of Members
time required to The time orientations
definitive of subsystem members
feedback from
the relevant
Subsystem Subenvironment Goal
members’ concern
Marketing & Sales Customers and
members’ concern competitive action
Differentiatio Integration efficiency
n attributes
[In the same org., for a pair of subsystems with similar degree of requisite
Environment Integration devices
n &
H6 : Integration Mechanisms
The fit of both Organization performance
& integration
subsystems with
The contingency theory challenged the assumption that there is
one best way to organize and that it cannot be determined
without considering the org environment
Their insight about the subsystems of the organization and how
they effect their members was new and still poses a
challenges for organizational analysis
Their emphasis on the tension between differentiation and
integration as a prime obstacle to manage is still an unsolved
and important topic in the literature and in the field
It is the first empirical studies of this kind
Rakesh Khurana: Contingency theory had a huge impact of the
organizational field and in a way might have led to the divide
between micro org behavior (teams…) and Macro Ob (the org
and its environment)
Critic and thoughts:
The organization-environment relationship developed was static and
deterministic (as acknowledge by the authors)
Causality is not established from cross sectional data yet they
implicitly assume that environment usually shapes the org
(evident in their recommendation to organizations)
The authors believe they could have done more to recognize the role
of strategic choice in determining what specific environment the
organization encountered
Is contingency theory is the ultimate solution to every important
debate in the literature? Where will that lead us?
Where are we heading?
Is contingency theory is the ultimate solution to every important
debate in the literature? Where will that lead organizational