Handout No. 1 For Genetics Students
Handout No. 1 For Genetics Students
Handout No. 1 For Genetics Students
Scope of Genetics
Scope of Genetics
Scope of Genetics
= the chromosome
complement of a cell or
= often represented by
an arrangement of
according to their
lengths and the
position of their
Karyotype level
Scope of Genetics
Karyotype level
Scopeof Genetics
Karyotype level
Scope of Genetics:
Topics studied in genetics overlap directly with
Areas of Genetics
Three general areas:
1. Classical Genetics
2. Molecular Genetics
3. Population and Evolutionary
Areas of Genetics
Areas of Genetics
Molecular Genetics
Areas of Genetics
human beings
Fields of Genetics
16. Conservation Genetics
the application of
population, quantitative,and evolutionary genetic principles to
preserve groups of organisms; it also provides guidance for the
sustainable use of the earths genetic resources to guarantee
food security for present and future generations
Fields of Genetics
18. Genomics the analysis of the DNA content
History of Genetics
Before 1860:
Discovery of the cell
and the nucleus
Hippocratic school of
thought into the 18th
century persisted
offsprings are preformed
inside the gametes
Jan Purkinje (1830) first described the nucleus within the cell
History of Genetics
1860-1900: Mendelian Traits and Observation
of Chromosomes
History of Genetics
1900-1944: Start of modern genetics as a field of
History of Genetics
History of Genetics
molecular genetics
Oswald Avery and colleagues (1944) and Alfred Hershey and
Martha Chase (1952) showed conclusively in their
experiments that DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid was the
genetic material
James Watson and Francis Crick (1953) worked out the DNA
structure based on experimental data
Werner Arber, Hamilton Smith, Daniel Nathans and colleagues
(between 1968 and 1973) discovered and described
restriction endonucleases, the enzymes that can cut DNA at
specific sites
Paul Berg (1972) first to construct a recombinant DNA
molecule containing parts of DNA from different species
Since 1972, many scientists have cloned numerous genes
including genes that correspond to inherited diseases
History of Genetics
Since then, pigs, mules, cattle, cats and dogs are some of the
animals that have been cloned; cloned animals can be used for
the study of specific diseases, the expression of
pharmaceuticals, and the isolation of tissues and organs for
human use.
Applications of Genetics
Plant Breeding
Applications of Genetics
2. Genetic
of animals
- specific
animal breeds
or genotypes
have been
produced for
Animal breeding
Application of genetics
Animal breeding
Applications of Genetics
3. In the field of
Determination or
study of genetic
diseases in
individuals either
for clinical
diagnosis or for
- these are diverse
group of disorders
caused by
mutations and
Genetics in medicine
In Medicine
Applications of Genetics
5. Genotoxicity testing
Genotoxicity refers to the detection of agents
that will damage DNA and hence cause mutations.
Commercial tests can use animal experiments, but
these are largely replaced by in vitro systems utilizing
bacteria or animal cells in tissue culture.
The tests used are Ames test, cell line mutation tests,
and cytogenetic tests.
Applications of Genetics
6. Gene therapy treatment of a genetic disorder
by the introduction of functional copies of the gene
responsible for the disorder/disease into the patient.
Two types:
1. in vivo therapy carried out by introducing functional
copies of the gene into the patient and hoping that the genes
will find an appropriate target cell to cure the disorder/dissease.
2. ex vivo therapy cells are removed from the patient,
manipulated in cell culture, and then returned to the patient.
Applications of Genetics
7. Genetic counseling
- the geneticist studies the genetic
background of couples who want to have
children and then advise them on the
probabilities of their having children with
specific inherited traits; the prospective
parents can then decide whether to proceed
with a pregnancy or not, especially if prenatal
testing of the unborn has also been done.
Genetic counseling
Applications of Genetics
8. Legal applications/court cases
DNA Fingerprinting
DNA Fingerprinting
Applications of Genetics
9. Control of pests
- the sterile-insect-technique or SIT is a method of
producing genetically sterile males then followed by
the release of these genetically sterile males in the
insect population to compete with normal males.
sterile males X fertile females -- nonviable eggs
fertile males X fertile females -- viable eggs
Applications of Genetics
10. Forensic science
Forensic science
Applications of Genetics
11. Analysis of DNA sequences amplified by PCR
- also used in tissue typing to match organ
donors with recipients
- also used in anthropology to study the
origins or races of people
Applications of Genetics
11. Genetic engineering
- this field of research uses gene transfer
techniques to produce recombinant proteins
and genetically modified organisms
- the commercial application of these
techniques has led to the development of
the biotechnology industry
Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering