Mini Clinical Examination (Mini-CEX)
Mini Clinical Examination (Mini-CEX)
Mini Clinical Examination (Mini-CEX)
Workshops on Clinical Teaching and
Clerkship program
Medical School of Universitas Padjadjaran
Direct observation of residents clinical skill by faculty
is essential to ensure that students have achieved a
satisfactory level of competence to practice
Medical students are rarely observed by attending
physicians performing history & physical examination
in realistic clinical encounters
What is needed ?
A snapshot clinical performance, optimally taking
between 15-20 minutes
To provide valid, reliable measures of performance,
interaction is needed with
- a range different patients
- in a variety setting
Settings :
- inpatients ward
- outpatients clinic
- emergency dept
Evaluators :
Supervising physicians
Chief residents
Senior residents
Communications :
4. Clinical judgment :
- selectively orders/performs
appropriate diagnostic studies
- considers risks, benefits
5. Counseling skills :
- explains rationale for test/treatment
- obtains patients consent
- educates/counsels regarding
6. Organization/efficiency :
- prioritizes
- is timely
- succinct
Mini-CEX forms
Conclusion :
The benefits of the mini-CEX :
- skills are evaluated in a short time
- the students will receive a feedback
- could be used for observing the student at
the bedside, hear the students assessment
- low cost