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Kala II Memanjang

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Quamila Fahrizani Afdi

Historical guidance for the 2-hour rule of

the second stage of labor to prevent
maternal and neonatal morbidity and
mortality was introduced in the mid1800s by expert opinion and case series
Studies have found increased duration to
be associated with increased risk of
maternal morbidity primarily
hemorrhage, fever or infection, and
perineal trauma...neonatal? still

Recent studies have found an increased risk of Apgar score

< 7, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission, birth
depression and minor trauma, while other studies have
found no differences in neonatal outcomes including more
serious complications such as seizures or sepsis
Rare neonatal morbidities including asphyxia, hypoxicischemic encephalopathy and mortality have been
understudied. Therefore, whether the prolongation of the
second stage of labor beyond the currently accepted
windows to achieve a vaginal delivery (and avoid the risks of
cesarean delivery) results in serious neonatal complications
has remained unclear.
Given the lack of well-powered studies with detailed clinical
data, as well as the common use of epidural, determination
of the optimal length of the second stage is needed.

The aims of this study were to quantitate

the chance of vaginal delivery for
prolonged second stage and to evaluate
both maternal and fetal and neonatal
risks associated with such prolongations.

Materials and Methods

The Consortium on Safe Labor (CSL) was conducted by the Eunice Kennedy
Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National
Institutes of Health to determine the course of labor associated with optimal
maternal and neonatal outcomes.
A retrospective study of 208,695 women with 228,438 deliveries from 12
clinical centers and 19 hospitals representing nine College districts from
20022008Institutional Review Board approval was obtained by all
participating institutions. Detailed information from the patient electronic
medical record was extracted including demographic data, and medical,
prenatal, and antenatal histories.
Labor and delivery information including cervical examinations and timing
were obtained. Postpartum maternal and neonatal outcomes were collected
along with maternal and newborn discharge summaries.
Validation of four key variables was performed, including cesarean for
nonreassuring fetal heart rate tracing, asphyxia, NICU admission for
respiratory conditions, and shoulder dystocia.
The electronic medical records were highly accurate with >91% concordance
for all subgroups and >95% for most (see prior publication for more details).

The objectives of this study were to quantitate

the chance of vaginal delivery once American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (the
College) guidelines for duration of second stage
were exceeded and to compare both maternal
and fetal and neonatal risks for deliveries within
the guidelines to those outside of the
Length of second stage of labor was determined
by subtracting the date and time of delivery
from the date and time of 10cm cervical dilation
as recorded in the maternal medical record.

Duration of second stage outside College guidelines

was designated as prolonged second stage, and
defined as:
nulliparous women > 3 hours with epidural or > 2 hours
multiparous women > 2 hours with epidural or > 1 hour
without. (15)
Otherwise, delivery was designated as within guidelines.

Success of any vaginal delivery (including

nonoperative and operative) was estimated, as well
as operative vaginal delivery (forceps, vacuum,
forceps and vacuum, or unspecified).

Maternal outcomes were explored individually as

well as a composite that included postpartum
hemorrhage, blood transfusion, cesarean
hysterectomy, endometritis, or intensive care unit
admission (ICU).
Postpartum hemorrhage was defined as estimated
blood loss > 500 ml for vaginal delivery and > 1000
ml for cesarean delivery.
Other maternal outcomes included
chorioamnionitis, wound infection, wound
separation, episiotomy, 3rd or 4th degree perineal
laceration, cervical laceration and hospital length of

Neonatal outcomes were explored individually as well

as a composite that included shoulder dystocia, 5
minute Apgar < 4, need for continuous positive airway
pressure (CPAP) resuscitation or higher, neonatal
intensive care unit (NICU) admission, sepsis,
pneumonia, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy/
periventricular leukomalacia (HIE/PVL), seizure,
intracranial hemorrhage/periventricular hemorrhage
(ICH/PVH), asphyxia, or perinatal death as recorded in
the medical record and supplemented with discharge
ICD-9 diagnoses.
Not all sites reported all of the outcomes, soindividual
analyses of secondary outcomes were limited to those
sites where reported.

We included singleton births (n=223,394) delivering

36 weeks of gestation (n=206,920).
The following were then excluded: nonvertex
presentation (n=26,382), antepartum stillbirth prior
to the onset of labor (n=238), prior uterine scar (n=
21,604) and congenital anomalies (n=8901).
Cervical exams prior to vaginal delivery were < 10cm
for 22,291 and missing for 3461 deliveries, and
cervical examinations prior to cesarean delivery were
< 10 cm for 13,772 and missing for 6779 deliveries
leaving a total of 103,492 deliveries with a cervical
dilation of 10 cm recorded in the medical record.

We excluded 77 (0.2%) deliveries with a 2nd

stage 12 hours as these were considered
most likely to be an error
The final analysis included 43,810 nulliparous
and 59,605 multiparous deliveries
Maternal, obstetric, and neonatal characteristics
and outcomes were compared using either
linear (continuous or categorical variables) or
logistic (binary variables) regression with
generalized estimating equations to account for
multiple pregnancies contributed by the same

Results are presented as P values or odds

ratios (ORs). Adjusted odds ratios (AOR)
for outcomes were also calculated
controlling for maternal race, BMI,
insurance, and region.
All statistical analyses were performed
using SAS 9.3 software


Specific morbidities were increased for

nulliparous women who delivered after a
prolonged second stage with an
approximately 3-fold higher rate of
chorioamnionitis as well as increased
odds of episiotomy, 3rd or 4th degree
perineal laceration, and a one day longer
median hospital stay (Table 3).

Neonates born after a prolonged second stage were also

1.35 to 1.85-fold more likely to be admitted to the NICU
(Tables 3 and 4).
Rates of neonatal sepsis were approximately double for
nulliparous women with prolonged second stage
regardless of epidural.
Additionally, for deliveries with prolonged second stage,
neonates had an approximately 2.5-fold increased odds
of 5 minute Apgar score < 4 for nulliparous women and
multiparous women with an epidural (Tables 34).
In multiparous women without an epidural, shoulder
dystocia was higher (2.2% versus 1.7%, AOR 1.78
(95%CI 1.023.09).

The rates of ICH/PVH were increased for nulliparous

women who delivered after prolonged second stage
without an epidural (0.3% versus 0.1%, P=.044; OR
4.67 (95% CI 1.0420.90), although the outcome
was too rare for an adjusted analysis.
Asphyxia rates were increased for nulliparous
women who delivered after prolonged second stage
with an epidural [0.3% versus 0.1%, P=.024; AOR
2.39 (95%CI 1.224.66)].
Asphyxia rates were not different for multiparous
women who delivered outside the guidelines,
regardless of epidural status.

Perinatal mortality was a rare outcome

and for deliveries with an epidural was
not different for women after prolonged
second stage for either parity.
For deliveries without an epidural,
perinatal mortality was increased for
women after prolonged second stage in
both nulliparous women [0.18% versus
0.04%, AOR 5.92 (95%CI 1.4324.51)]
and multiparous women [0.21% versus
0.03%, AOR 6.34 (95%CI 1.3230.34)].

In an analysis limited to nulliparous women with an epidural with a

non-operative vaginal delivery, for women who delivered with
prolonged second stage we observed results in the same direction
although not all associations remained significant in this subset of

maternal composite outcome AOR 1.23 (95%CI 0.991.46,

endometritis AOR 2.30 (95%CI 1.274.15),
postpartum hemorrhage AOR 1.45 (95%CI 1.151.83),
chorioamnionitis AOR 2.63 (95%CI 2.193.15), 3rd/4th degree laceration
AOR 1.97 (95CI% 1.642.37), as well as

As well as neonatal composite outcome AOR 1.39 (95%CI 1.17

1.65), shoulder dystocia (1.62 (95%CI 1.171.65), 5 minute Apgar <
4 AOR 2.58 (95%CI 1.076.17), NICU admission AOR 1.25 (95%CI
1.021.53) and neonatal sepsis AOR 2.01 (95%CI 1.392.91).
These results suggest that increased morbidity with prolonged
second stage was not fully explained by the mode of delivery.

In this large, U.S. multicenter cohort study, we

found that maternal morbidity was increased for
deliveries with prolonged second stage.
Given the large sample size in our study with
detailed clinical detail, we were also able to
demonstrate an increased risk in neonatal
morbidity in all deliveries, most concerning for a
0.2% absolute increased risk of neonatal
asphyxia in nulliparous women with an epidural,
and a 0.14% for nulliparous women and 0.18%
for multiparous women increased risk in perinatal
mortality for deliveries without an epidural.

The vaginal delivery rates that we observed in

deliveries for prolonged second stage duration were
similar to previously reported success rates from
single institutions of 83% and 93% of nulliparous
women delivered vaginally within 3 hours and 90%
of multiparous women delivered vaginally within 1
2 hours, although were not directly comparable as
those studies did not stratify by epidural status.
Our vaginal delivery rates were also similar to a
secondary analysis of a clinical trial of fetal pulse
oximetry trial where 88% of nulliparous women
delivered within 3 hours, regardless of epidural

Increased maternal morbidities were generally consistent with reports from previous studies
including postpartum hemorrhage, maternal febrile morbidity/infection and perineal trauma.
(410) It was reassuring that we did not observe significantly increased risks for other
serious maternal complications including need for blood transfusion, cesarean hysterectomy,
or ICU admission. Specific neonatal risks associated with a prolonged second stage similar
to previously reported included an increased risk of 5 minute Apgar score < 4 (except
nulliparous women without an epidural; note Apgar score < 7 in the literature) and neonatal
intensive care unit (NICU) admission (912). In contrast to studies that found no differences
in neonatal outcomes including more serious complications such as seizures or sepsis (48),
we observed a doubling of the rates of neonatal sepsis (except in multiparous women
without an epidural. Novel findings included an increased risk of neonatal asphyxia for
second stage of labor that exceeded College guidelines in nulliparous women, and a 6-fold increase
in perinatal mortality for deliveries without an epidural even though overall
absolute rates for both outcomes were low (<0.5%).

The mechanism for increased morbidity cannot necessarily be attributed to the duration
2nd stage, as the underlying reasons for longer duration may also contribute to
For example, chorioamnionitis and increased fetal size are associated with both longer
duration and increased maternal and neonatal morbidity. (1719) Complications may
have been partly due to the increased in operative vaginal delivery, but our findings in
sensitivity analysis that morbidity was increased even among nulliparous women with a
non-operative delivery indicates that prolonged duration of 2nd stage may be an
risk for morbidity. (15) The reason that perinatal mortality was increased only in
without an epidural is also unknown, but perhaps prolonged second stage attributed to
epidural use is associated with less risk than prolonged second stage due to other

Our study was limited by lack of data on delayed versus active pushing which has been
shown to have a mean increase of 57 minutes in the second stage in a meta-analysis;
however, delayed pushing has been associated with increased maternal febrile morbidity
decreased umbilical cord pH in some studies indicating that duration itself may be
important. (20) A randomized control trial of delayed versus active pushing would be
to study the impact on duration of second stage on maternal and neonatal outcomes
There is
also the possibility that some of our findings were false positives given the large number
comparisons. Caution is also warranted given the retrospective data and lack of
on long term maternal outcomes including incontinence and childhood neurologic
impairment. Nonetheless, the major strength of our study was the large numbers from
multiple institutions across the U.S. with rich patient level data allowing us to investigate
rare neonatal morbidities at term.

We found that prolonged second stage was associated with

highly successful vaginal
delivery rates, but with small increases in maternal and
serious neonatal morbidity, as well
as perinatal mortality in deliveries without an epidural.
However, it was reassuring that for
mothers with an epidural who comprised the large majority of
our cohort, there was no
increased risk of perinatal death or HIE in association with
prolonged second stage. Benefits
of vaginal delivery need to be weighed against increased
maternal and neonatal risks when
considering duration of second stage outside College

Thank You

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