MIT Lecture 6 5.07 Biochemistry Lecture
MIT Lecture 6 5.07 Biochemistry Lecture
MIT Lecture 6 5.07 Biochemistry Lecture
07 Lecture 6
Enzyme Kinetics
For enzymatic reactions, the initial rate (v o) of the reaction is directly proportional to [S]o at low substrate co ncentrations, as it is for the non-catalyz ed reaction. How ever, at high [S]o, the enzymatic reaction, in contrast to an uncatalyzed one, becomes zero order in [S] o; i.e ., vo is independent of the [S]o. Since the active sites of the enzymes are fully saturated with S, further increasing its [S] o has no effect on the reactio n rate.
Michaelis-Menten Equation
E + S ES E + P
We need a description of the overall rate of the reaction, i.e., the
concentration of the product formed per unit of time:
v = d[P]/dt = k2[ES]
In general, if a step is irreversible, then choosing this step to describe the
rate of product formation simplifies the algebra. The answer is the same
no matter what step we choose. The [ES] usually is not experimentally
measurable. One, therefore, needs to define [ES] in terms of
experimentally measurable parameters, namely [E]o and [S]o.
Since the enzyme-substrate complex ES is formed in one reaction and
decomposed in two, then
d[ES]/dt = k1[E][S]o k-1[ES] - k2[ES]
To integrate this differential expression with its three variables,
additional simplifications need to be made.
Michaelis-Menten Equation
E + kS ES E + P
the [S]o
2. The reaction is run under conditions were only a few % of substrate (under
~ 10%) is converted to product (initial velocity conditions). Therefore, v =
vo and [S] = [S]o
3. Substrate conservation equation: [S]o = [S] + [ES] [S]o
Michaelis-Menten Equation
Steady-state assumption (generally valid under the conditions outlined
above and greatly facilitating solution to the problem):
d[ES]/dt = 0
Therefore, after a brief time period called the pre-steady state
(milliseconds, see lag phase below), the rate of formation of ES is equal to
the rate of its disappearance:
k1[E][S]o = k-1[ES] + k2[ES]
Michaelis-Menten Equation
We thus have two known variables ([E]o and [S]o) and three unknown rate
constants (k1, k-1, and k2). We cannot solve the equation for the
individual rate constants and need to regroup them into new constants,
Vmax and KM, as shown on the next two slides.
Michaelis-Menten Equation
Vmax = k2[E]o = kcat [E]o
In this case, k2 (or, in general, kcat for more complex enzymatic reactions) is the
substrate and, therefore, the reaction cannot go any faster under given
conditions (e.g., of pH and temperature).
Michaelis-Menten Equation
KM = (k-1 + k2)/k1
KM (Michaelis-Menten constant; alternatively denoted as K m) is the [S]o at which
the vo reaches 1/2 Vmax.
The units of KM are those of concentration, usually M or mM.
If k-1 >> k2, then KM = k-1/k1 = Kd; Kd is the thermodynamic dissociation constant
reflecting the affinity of the substrate to the enzyme. In most cases,
however,the KM is not the measured thermodynamic affinity of the E for the S;
rather, as with kcat, it is also composed of a number of rate constants.
KM is unique for each given enzyme pair under a particular set of conditions (such
as pH and temperature). The smaller the KM value, the lower is the substrate
concentration at which the enzymatic reaction rate reaches the V max, that is, the
maximal catalytic efficiency under given conditions (e.g., of pH and temperature).
Michaelis-Menten Equation
kcat and kcat/KM are the two most important enzyme/substrate kinetic
Michaelis-Menten kinetics
vo = Vmax[S]o/(KM + [S]o)
Initial rate of
product formation
Initial substrate
concentration ([S]o)
[ y = mx + b ]
Since Vmax= kcat[E]o, if [E]o is known,
kcat = Vmax/[E]o
Such bi- (or multi-) substrate reactions typically occur via one of the
following two kinetic mechanisms: (i) sequential (single-displacement)
reactions, and (ii) ping-pong (double-displacement) reactions.