Customer Relationship Management
Customer Relationship Management
Customer Relationship Management
You should be able to:
Discuss the strategic importance of CRM
Describe the components of a CRM initiative
Calculate customer lifetime value
Discuss the implementation procedures used for CRM
Describe how information is used to create customer
satisfaction & greater profits for the firm
Describe importance of data security
Describe how social media and cloud computing have
impacted CRM
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Customer Relationship Management Defined
CRMs Role in Supply Chain Management
Key Tools & Components of CRM
Designing & Implementing a Successful CRM Program
Trends in CRM
2012 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.
Finding a new customer costs five times
as much as keeping an old customer
CRM means focusing on customer requirements, then
delivering products and services in a manner resulting in
high levels of customer satisfaction
Also refers to automated transaction and communication
applications, however this can cause problems for some
CRM must still include talking to customers,
understanding their behavior and their requirements, and
then building a system to satisfy those requirements
Customer Relationship
Management (CRM)
The infrastructure
that enables the delineation of and increase in
sales staff.
Call Centers
Can categorize calls, determine average resolution
time, forecast future demand, improve the overall
productivity of the staff, increasing customer
satisfaction levels
Website Self-Service
Web sites act as support mechanisms for call centers. Customers
can access their account information & operating hours, contact
information, etc.
Designing &
Implementing a
Step 1. Creating
the CRM Plan:
of the CRM program
Designing &
Implementing a
Step 2 - Successful
Involve CRM usersCRM
from Outset Employees should understand how it affects their jobs
Create a project team with members from all affected
organizational areas.
Test with a pilot application
Designing &
Implementing a
Step 4 -Successful
Integrate Existing CRM
Applications CRM is aProgram
collection of various applications
implemented over time.
Designing &
Implementing a
Step 5 -Successful
Establish Performance
Measures This
allows theProgram
firm to
Designing &
Implementing a
Step 6 - Successful
Providing CRM Training
for All
Users - Program
Trends in CRM
Customer data privacy
Rules & laws regarding invasion of privacy include Patriot
Act in the US and Internet Privacy Law in the EU
Social Media
Creating and cultivating virtual communities around
product or brand is a powerful way to engage consumers