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Systems work: basic ideas 1

Chapter 7
Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition
By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

After studying this chapter you should be
able to:
Explain the significance of the layers of
regulation and control.
Define internal control and explain the
significance of the control environment and
related components, and accounting and
quality assurance/control systems.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


Explain the nature and role of systems

development/maintenance controls and
describe the main features of these controls.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


External auditors make a preliminary assessment
of control risk for material financial statement
assertions, and plan and perform tests of control
to support that assessment.
A major objective of company systems is the
reduction of risk.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


Controls are designed to prevent, detect or correct
events the company does not wish to happen, and
to ensure that data and information are as required.
Basic elements of control in the internal environment
(a) control environment and related components;
(b) accounting and quality assurance/control

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

Figure 7.2

Example of a matrix organizational chart

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


Auditors obtain an understanding of accounting
system sufficient to identify and understand:
(a) major classes of transactions;
(b) how transactions are initiated;
(c) significant accounting records, supporting
documents and accounts;
(d) the accounting and financial reporting process.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


There are two broad control classifications:
(1) general controls over the environment in which
the company operates extension of the control
(2) application controls, to ensure an individual
application runs smoothly and accurately.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


General controls include:
(a) systems development/maintenance controls;
(b) organizational controls;
(c) security;
(d) quality assurance.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


If you were responsible for deciding what your

organization expected from new recruits, what
would you be looking for and what would help
you decide?

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

Figure 7.3

Raw data to information

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

KEY POINTS pp.268270

If systems development/maintenance controls are
strong, it is easier to control individual applications.
Important elements are:
organizational structure to ensure high standards
during development.
documentation of development process,
complete enough to allow informed persons to
understand how the system works;
testing at critical stages;
agreement in writing
at each
Use with The Audit
Process 4 Edition
By Iain Gray &Principles,
Stuart Manson ISBN Practice
9781844806782 and Cases
Use with The Audit Process:
2008 Cengage Learning

KEY POINTS pp.268270

parallel developments, including staff training,
preparation of forms and file conversions;
a reliable system for reporting system
malfunctions after implementation;
steps to ensure unauthorized changes are not
made to programs;
critical development
the sameat
apply also topoints,
of process
user interfaces.
but the
is truncated.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

Figure 7.4

Programme for the development of computer

application in a large-scale system

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

Figure 7.4 CONTD

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


Make a note of the kind of controls that might

make it more likely that credit customers will pay
for goods or services received. Remember that
outstanding balances for such customers will be
included in the figure for trade debtors, normally
a material figure in the financial statements.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


The information/audit trail should be maintained,
allowing transactions to be traced forwards and
backwards through the system.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

Figure 7.5

Information trail/audit trail flowchart

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

Figure 7.5 CONTD

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


Suggest how the development programme

shown in Figure 7.4 might be modified for a small
system, using bought-in software. When you are
doing this, remember that a small company will
rarely have qualified computer personnel inhouse.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

Read carefully the description of the system
Horton Limited uses for controlling and recording
cash received from debtors, referring to Figure
7.5 as you do so. When you have done this, ask
yourself the following questions:
Would it be possible in your opinion for anyone
involved with the operation of the system to
misappropriate cash?

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


Consider arrangements for:
receipt of cash
banking of cash
the entry in the cash book
the preparation of the bank reconciliation
the entry in the sales ledger account
the sending of the statement to the debtor (the
statement is a reminder of the amount due to
the company).

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


List the reasons why you think it would or would

not be possible for misappropriation to take
Are there any further questions you would like to
ask as auditor?

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

KEY POINTS pp.276281

Organizational controls include:

(a) organization charts;
(b) segregation of duties;
(c) authorization and approval;
(d) supervision controls.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


How long do you think that the information/audit

trail should be maintained by the organization?

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

Figure 7.6

Organization chart

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


Segregation of duties includes the segregation of:
(a) authorization of transactions;
(b) execution of transactions;
(c) custody of assets;
(d) recording of transactions and assets.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


In modern computer systems, segregation includes:
(a) operation of programs segregated from ability to
change them;
(b) alteration of master file data by responsible
Finally, where control is dependent on segregation
of duties within a particular function, management
allocates duties appropriately and instigates rotation
of duties within departments.
Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition
By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


Authorization and approval is closely linked to
segregation of duties to responsible persons, the
limitations on whose authority is specified.
Allocation of authority and responsibility is difficult
in modern computer systems, particularly where
many users share a single database.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

KEY POINTS pp.280281

Supervision controls are direct controls by
authorized officials over day-to-day transactions
and their recording, distinguished from
management controls, concerned with global or
overall supervision of the control environment.
If people work together collude segregation of
duties may be ineffective, making fraud difficult to
detect. Measures to ensure that directors and other
employees act with integrity are important.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

KEY POINTS pp.281282

Security of information system assets is vital,
whether physical assets or software and data. The
company should have a security policy and identify
assets at risk and the likelihood of risks occurring.
Potential threats may be accidental or deliberate.
Security controls include:
(a) physical controls;
(b) controls over data.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


Physical controls include controls to reduce the
impact of:
(a) fire damage;
(b) water damage;
(c) energy variations or power failure;
(d) pollution;
(e) intrusion by unauthorized personnel.
Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition
By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


Controls over security of data include:
(a) restriction of access to data;
(b) information/audit trails;
(c) file and program libraries;
(d) holding data and programs in secure places
outside of the computer complex;
(e) use of grandfather, father, son (GFS) or file
dumping systems.
Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition
By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

Figure 7.7

Organization chart

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


Would you consider that a companys sales

ledger would be vital to the continued existence
of the company?

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


Troston plc manufactures high quality specialist

equipment for use in dental hospitals and
practices. It maintains data for all personnel
employed on a master file held on hard disk. This
master file forms important input to the
companys payroll routine. The master file update
run is shown on the computer systems flowchart
in Figure 7.8.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


The input to the run is as follows:
existing master file
new contracts of employment for joiners
termination notifications for leavers
agreed wage rate listings
agreed bonus rate listings (the bonus is
calculated on the difference between standard
and actual time for batches of components or
equipment assembled).

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


Output from the run is:
updated master file
hard copy of personnel files
hard copy of changes.
Suggest controls to ensure that the master file is
and remains complete and accurate.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

Figure 7.8

Troston payroll master file update

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

Figure 7.8 CONTD

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


Quality of information systems is often critical to an
organizations survival. Poor information systems
and inadequate user interfaces have an adverse
effect on staff morale and on the general
effectiveness of systems. The quality assurance
function is to ensure developed software meets
user needs, is reliable, easy to use, and efficient
in terms of resources and ease of maintenance.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


Suggest general factors that might make a

quality assurance function effective.
How do you think that auditors should satisfy
themselves that the function is effective?

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

KEY POINTS pp.287288

The function is also concerned that documentation
is clear and complete and that staff are effective.
Auditors consider effectiveness factors, including:
(a) support of top management;
(b) high status within the organization;
(c) adequate resources to perform the function
Auditors examine reports of the function, discuss its
work with major users and consider quality of staff.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

This chapter has concerned itself with:
The control environment and general aspects of
accounting and control systems internal to
The struggle to achieve business objectives in the
face of an external environment that is often of
high risk;

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases


Those general controls that have to be in place if
applications are to be, within reason, error-free;
The control environment and its components;
The importance of information/audit trails,
segregation of duties and other important control
General controls over the internal environment.

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

The important ISA in the area is ISA 315,
Understanding the entity and its environment and
assessing the risks of material misstatement. You
may also refer to ISA 330 The auditors procedures
in response to assessed risks.
You may also refer to the revised Turnbull guidance
on internal control: www.frc.org.uk/documents/pagemanager.frc/Revised%20Turnbull%20Guidance

Use with The Audit Process 4th Edition

By Iain Gray & Stuart Manson ISBN 9781844806782
2008 Cengage Learning

Use with The Audit Process: Principles, Practice and Cases

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