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The Secret of Happiness Is Good Judgment. From Experience, Bad Judgment.

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´The secret of happiness is good judgment.µ ´Ah,µ ´But

how do we attain good judgment? ´From experience,µ
´Yes,µ ´But how do we attain experience?· ´Bad
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Sn our culture, it is commonly believed that happiness is
achieved when you become rich, powerful, or
popular. The young want to be that popular pop idol,
the old dream of winning the jackpot.
We often seek happiness by removing all stress, sadness,
and irritations. For some, happiness lies in mood-
altering therapies.





An Sslamic tale illustrates the relationship of judgment
with happiness.
´Oh, great sage, Nasrudin,µ said the eager student, ´S must ask you a very
important question, the answer to which we all seek: What is the secret to
attaining happiness?µ Nasrudin thought for a time, then responded. ´The
secret of happiness is good judgment.µ ´Ah,µ said the student. ´But how
do we attain good judgment? ´From experience,µ answered Nasrudin.
´Yes,µ said the student. ´But how do we attain experience?· ´Bad


|aving reached that conclusion by our good judgment, we do
not retreat into our comforts. We continue to crave a
happiness that seems out of reach. We make more money
thinking that is the way to become happy, and in the process
neglect our family. Most big events we dream of yield less
sustained happiness than we hoped for. Sn addition to
getting less happiness than we expected or hoped for, we
frequently do not know exactly what we want, what will
make us happy or how to get it. We misjudge.
Smagine someone could snap their fingers and give you fame,
fortune, and leisure. Would you be happy? You would be
euphoric, but in the short run. Gradually you would adapt to
your new circumstance and life would return to its normal
mix of emotions.
Studies show that big lottery winners after a few months are
no happier than the average person! To recover the joy, you
would now need an even higher high.
God·s Prophet of Mercy said:
´True enrichment does not come through possessing a lot of
wealth, but true enrichment is the enrichment of the soul.µ
(Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

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