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TQM in Education

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-Rupinder Dhamija 1527026
-Aakriti Rupal 1527037
-Pranati Sudha Misra 1527049
-Rashmi Ionna Fernandes 1527052
-Anirudh Goel 1527302
Harshil Gupta

Stakeholders Involved in Educational


Teachers/ Professors- First level management

Administrators- Upper level management
Students Employees and Internal Customers
Society and Parents- Customers

Products of an Educational

Acquisition and application of knowledge and

skills by students
Development of the student's overall
capabilities, interests, and character
Achievement of student in the institution and

Indicators of Quality in
Curriculum (Well Balanced and Challenging

Learning and Teaching- Competence of
teachers, pedagogy approach
Achievement (As evaluated by external,
independent agencies)
Resources and Infrastructure
Support for students overall growth
School ethos - policies and environment
Quality of students output in the institution
and future
Management and leadership of the institution

Eg - Quality Objectives in a
To provide modern, industry and academia

relevant courses
Improvement of existing amenities
Invite well qualified professors to join the
college or organise seminars for the students
To achieve good results in university level
To upgrade the skills of teaching staf
To develop the library to facilitate self learning
To improve the research paper output by staf
and student members
To improve the employability of students once
they graduate

TQM Principles Salient to

Educational Reform
1) Synergistic relationships
)In a classroom, teacher- student teams are

equivalent of industrys frontline workers.

Collaboration and interaction are imperative
for success
)The teacher and the school are suppliers of
efective learning tools, environment and
system to students.
)The work of teachers and students together
leads to development of the student's

2) Continuous Improvement and self

Total dedication to continuous improvement

personally and collectively

Within a total Quality school/college setting,
administrators should work collaboratively with
the students and teachers.
TQM emphasizes on self evaluation as a part
of continuous improvement process, and
abolition of grading system in formative years
The principle also focuses on students
strength, individual learning styles and
diferent types of intelligences.

3) System Of Ongoing Process

Talks about recognition of the organisation as

a system and the work done in an organisation

must be seen as an ongoing process.
The system must be examined to identify and
eliminate the flawed processes that allows its
participants to fail.
Since system are made up of processes , the
improvements made in the quality of those
processes largely determine the overall quality.

4) Leadership
Success of TQM is the responsibility of Top

The teachers must establish the context in
which the students can best achieve their
potential through continuous improvement
that results from teachers and students
working together.
Teachers who emphasize content, area
provide the leadership, framework, and tools
necessary for continuous improvement in the
learning process.

Outcomes of TQM
Redefine the role, purpose and responsibilities

of educational institutes.
Improve education as a way of life.
Plan comprehensive leadership training for
educators at all levels.
Create staf development that addresses the
attitudes and beliefs of staf.
Use research and practice based information
to guide both policy and practice.
Design comprehensive student - development

Application of Demings 14 points in

Constancy of Purpose
i) Across all stakeholders (staf, administrators,
parents, students)
ii) Making money should not be the primary
purpose. Neither should be Raising test scores
iii) Focus should be on Improving the product
(quality of knowledge and life skills imparted to help
students become productive citizens)
Adopt the new Philosophy

i) Transformation of management styles from

authoritarian to leadership, to improve studentteacher relationships

ii) Teachers and administrators must become familiar

with control theory and reality therapy to implement
lead management
Cease Dependence on Mass Inspection


Reduce dependence on tests and conventional

evaluations administered by the system
ii) Student should be involved to evaluate the quality
of their own work or outcome. Self- evaluation
process greatly increases the quality of work
End the practice of awarding businesses on

the basis of price alone

i) Focus on other metrics of quality - Example - cost of
a student repeating a class due to lack of close

Improve Constantly and Forever

i) Examining and improvement of short range and

long range goals to improve the systems- For eg,
toughening the academics standards, improving the
library services, lengthening the school day
ii) Should be an ongoing efort
Institute Training/ Retraining of educators

Three types of training

i) Training in new learning processes and teaching
ii) Use of new assessment strategies
iii) Continuous professional development activities for
teachers and administrators

Institute Leadership

Lead management- Educating without coercion

a)The teacher is a facilitator whose job is to provide
the student with a non-coercive environment with
adequate tools and instructions
b) Engage students in a dialogue about what needs to
be done
c) Committed to the concept of self evaluation - with
the help of mentoring and one on one meetings
Drive out fear

i) Teachers and principals who operate from a

coercive environment will not engender respect or
loyalty from the students
ii) Fear come from the formulation of excessive rules
and regulations which dont serve a purpose, and a

Break down barriers among staff areas

i) Breaking barriers between departments so that

everyone works as a team
ii) Students should have the leeway to have open
conversations with teachers without feeling
iii) Encourage cooperation, and discourage cut-throat
competition among students
iv) Encourage forming cross functional teams to
address the problems and process improvements.
Eliminate slogans/ exhortations

i) Exhorting students/ staf for perfect performance

creates adversarial relationships
ii) The problem may lay with the system and not with

Eliminate Numerical Quotas

i) Numerical Quotas create an atmosphere of fear

ii) For example, 10% improvement in grades for a
particular student or a 10% increase in test scores
for a teachers classroom- put pressure and lead to
unethical practices
Remove barriers to pride of workmanship


Creating an atmosphere where students are

encouraged to do their best
ii) Empower students to manage themselves and take
responsibility for their actions- removal of demotivators such as punishment, humiliation in front
of peers

Institute a vigorous program of education

and retraining for everyone

i) Retrain in new methods of school based
Eg: Group dynamics, consensus building, and
collaborative styles of decision making
ii) Realize that improvements in student achievement
creates high levels of responsibility
Put everyone in the organization to work to

accomplish the transformation

i) A clear plan of action to carry out the quality
mission by the board
ii) The quality mission must be internalized by all
members of the school organization (school board
members, administrators, teachers, support staf,
students, parents, community)

Success Factors of the 14

Successful application of TQM is result of a careful
study of each point with clear determination to
Factors- size of the institution, private or public,
strengths of the people involved
Most important variables - the maturity of the
students & the involvement of the staf
The principles of TQM can be applied to - high
educational processes , colleges as well as to
training situations.
The principle diferences in the implementation of
TQM will be the result of - relative weight assigned
to each of the stakeholders at the diferent levels

The key elements to successfully implement

TQM in education involves leadership & focus

on refining the processes and systems.
Deming's Points sets a basis for achieving
excellence in educational institutions such as
schools and colleges
The synergy between all the stakeholders
involved leads to development of the
students capabilitues, interests and character,
the ultimate product of an educational


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