Chapter 1: The Study of Accounting Information Systems
Chapter 1: The Study of Accounting Information Systems
Chapter 1: The Study of Accounting Information Systems
What Is Accounting?
It is the principal way of organizing and reporting
financial information. It has been called the
language of business.
Accounting and information systems comprise
the functional area of business responsible for
providing information to the other areas to
enable them to do their jobs and for reporting
the results to interested parties.
To that end, an accounting system is used to
identify, analyze, measure, record, summarize,
and communicate relevant economic information
to interested parties.
What Is Accounting?
Ini adalah cara utama mengatur dan pelaporan informasi
keuangan. Telah disebut sebagai "bahasa bisnis."
Akuntansi dan sistem informasi terdiri dari area fungsional
bisnis bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan informasi ke
daerah-daerah lain yang memungkinkan mereka untuk
melakukan pekerjaan mereka dan untuk melaporkan hasilnya
kepada pihak yang berkepentingan.
Untuk itu, sistem akuntansi yang digunakan untuk
mengidentifikasi, menganalisis, mengukur, mencatat,
meringkas, dan mengkomunikasikan informasi ekonomi yang
relevan kepada pihak yang berkepentingan.
What Is a System?
A System is an entity consisting of interacting parts
that are coordinated to achieve one or more common
objectives. Systems must possess
Transactions-Journals-Ledgers-Financial Statements
The relationship between Subsidiary ledgers and the
General Ledger
Individual transactions to Financial Statements
Central Objectives:
Financial Reports, Budgets, Management Reports
Functional Steps in
Transforming Data into
Data collection - capturing, recording, validating
What Is an Information
An Information system is a framework in
which data is collected, processed, controlled
and managed through stages in order to provide
information to users
It evolves over time and becomes more
formalized as a firm grows and becomes more
complex. It can be a manual or computerized
Firms depend on information systems in order to
survive and stay competitive
Exchange Events
Internal Events
Environmental Events
Accounting Information
An Accounting Information
System is a unified structure
that employs physical resources
and components to transform
economic data into accounting
information for external and
internal users.
Data Base(s): Data Repositories
Procedures: Manual or
Input/Output Devices
Miscellaneous Resources
Order entry/Sales
Billing/A.Rec./Cash receipts
Purchasing/A. Pay./Cash disb.
General ledger
An array of professionally trained persons from
different fields of study have focused on
providing information to users
These professionals include system and
managerial accountants and auditors,
system analysts and industrial engineers
Professional certifications are increasing.
These include Certified Computing
Professional, Certified Information
Systems Auditor, Certified Managerial
Accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner, etc.
Array orang terlatih secara profesional dari
berbagai bidang studi telah berfokus pada
penyediaan informasi kepada pengguna
Para profesional ini meliputi sistem dan
manajerial akuntan dan auditor, analis sistem
dan insinyur industri
Sertifikasi profesional meningkat. Ini
termasuk Bersertifikat Komputasi Profesional,
Sistem Informasi Bersertifikat Auditor,
Bersertifikat Akuntan Manajerial, Bersertifikat
Penipuan Examiner, dll
Roles of Accountants
With Respect to an AIS
Financial accountants
prepare financial information
for external decision-making
in accordance with GAAP
Managerial accountants
prepare financial information
for internal decision-making
Roles of Accountants
With Respect to an AIS
Akuntan keuangan,
mempersiapkan informasi
keuangan untuk pengambilan
keputusan eksternal sesuai
dengan GAAP
Manajerial akuntan,
mempersiapkan informasi
keuangan untuk pengambilan
keputusan internal
Roles of Accountants
With Respect to an AIS
Auditors - evaluate
controls and attest to the
fairness of the financial
Accounting managers control all accounting
activities of a firm.
Tax specialists - develop
information that reflects tax
obligations of the firm.
Consultants - devise
specifications for the AIS.
Roles of Accountants
With Respect to an AIS
Auditor - mengevaluasi
pengendalian dan
membuktikan kewajaran
laporan keuangan.
Manajer Akuntansi mengendalikan semua kegiatan
akuntansi perusahaan.
Spesialis pajak mengembangkan informasi
yang mencerminkan kewajiban
pajak perusahaan.
Konsultan - menyusun
spesifikasi untuk AIS.
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