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M Commerce

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M Commerce


The phrase mobile commerce was originally coined in 1997 by Kevin Duffey at
the launch of the Global Mobile Commerce Forum.

Mobile commerce services were first delivered in 1997, when the first two
mobile-phone enabled coca cola vending machines were installed in the
Helsinki area in Finland.

M commerce is a type of e commerce conducted through mobile devices ,

personal digital assistants (PDAs) and other devices with wireless connection.

Mobile commerce is the use of wireless handheld devices such as cellular

phones and laptops to conduct commercialtransactionsonline.

Mobilecommercetransactions continues to grow, and the term includes the

purchase and sale of a wide range of goods and services,online banking, bill
payment, information delivery and so on. Also known as m-commerce.


Buying and
selling of goods
and services

Features of M-commerce

Personalization: preparation of information for individual


Localization of products and services: knowing where the user is

located at any given time and match service to them.

Fast processing: it allows the users to process a transaction fast

.the business owner receives the payment for his product or
service more quickly compare to traditional methods.

Reduced business costs :m commerce also reduce business

cost for the seller. The seller can monitor sales online or by
receiving statements from a processing service.


users carry cell phones easily


reach : people can be reached at any time and

anywhere .


: information accessed is very easier and is real

time information.(state of being everywhere, all the time)


: devices store data and have internet

,intranet, extranet connections.


connectivity: easy and quick connections to

internet ,intranets and other mobile devices, data bases.

Advantages of m-commerce


wide distance: mobile is the only technology which is now become

necessary for any person in social and business life than computers.so ,it
is easy to reach users through m-commerce .


deals : as more users use m-commerce, there are lots of

companies use m-commerce site to reach them by giving different and
better deals in comparison of there competitors.


: companies try to reach to the consumers directly through m-

commerce so users have no need to go far to the store physically and at

the end its saves users time and money.

Easy to use : there is no need of skilled consumer. Buyer

can have look thousands of items on their cell phones
and there is no need of online check out process.

Cellular gadgets are current everywhere: it have much

wider attain than computers. consequently, it is simpler
for customers to use a m-commerce software to carry out

Types of Apps

1) Basic functionality App

2) Data Driven App

3) Games

4) Modification of in-built features

5) Completely dynamic app

6) Custom utilities

Geographical Pricing:

A Simple, Table-Based App Would Cost Around$1,000 to $4,000to Develop.

A Database or Native App Would Cost Around$8,000 to $50,000to Develop.

A Game App Could Cost as Little as$10,000 to as much as $250,000.

Disadvantages of m-commerce


phone limitation : smartphones does not have big screen

like laptops and desktops, so sometimes tries to navigate
more.it affects the shopping rate.


: every technology has a problem in starting phase, so

people avoid to change which are rapidly changing.


factor : each business has its own risk factor same in mcommerce is the growing field and a lot of investment in this
field and is risky.

Mobile Network Generations

1G: 1979-1992 wireless technology
2G : current wireless technology; mainly accommodates text
2.5G: interim technology accommodates graphics
3G: 3rd generation technology (2001-2005) supports rich media (video
4G: provides faster multimedia display.

Connectivity :m-commerce needs 3G and now 4G

,otherwise it will become hectic for users to go through
entire product purchase processes.

Developing a m-commerce software is more expensive:

m-commerce software is more expensive than an ecommerce app, consequently not all retailers go for it.



stands for electronic commerce.

In E-Commerce, transaction or
trading is done via computer
networks such as internet.
In E-Commerce, computer is
In E-Commerce, credit cards are
used for payment.
E-Commerce services are not as
simpler as M-Commerce services.

It stands for mobile commerce.

In M-Commerce, trading is done via

mobile devices or cellular phone.
M-Commerce is very easy-to-use as it is
user friendly and doesnt require
computer or laptop.

In M-Commerce, callers rate, mobile

banking or users credit card is used for
M-Commerce services are simpler than

Topic for the Next Class: M- commerce Infrastructure

M- commerce Infrastructure

M commerce hardware :

Cellular mobile phones

Attachable keyboard

Personal digital assistants

Interactive pagers

Screen phones
GPS locator : that is used to determine the location of the
person carrying the mobile computing devices.(spacebased navigation system)


application : micro browser is a wireless software designed with

limited bandwidth and limited memory requirements.

Bluetooth : chip technology that enables voice and data

communications between many wireless devices through low power
and short range.

Wireless application protocol : it is a set of communication protocols

designed to enable different wireless devices to talk to a server
installed on a mobile network so users can access the internet.

Wireless markup language : scripting language used for creating

content in the wireless web environment, based on XTML(Extensible
Telephony Markup Language)and minus the unnecessary content to
increase speed.



networks : SIM(subscriber identification

module) it is an extractable storage card used for
identification transaction processing.
Wireless Lan (WLAN) : it is the lan without the cables
used to transmit and receive data over the airwaves.
Network and access : wireless transmission media like
microwave, satellite, radio, cellular radio technology .



voice response (IVR) : a computer voice system

that enables users to request and receive information and to
enter and change data through regular telephone lines.


protocol: Voiceover InternetProtocolis a category of

hardware and software that enables people to use the
Internet as the transmission medium for telephone calls by
sending voicedata in packets using IP rather than by
traditional circuit transmissions



the world is wireless and m-commerce a

parallel universal commerce almost as large as
the net.


GPRS ( General packet radio services ) : it is a packet

based wireless communication service that promises
data rates from 56 up to 114Kbps and continuous
internet connection.

GSM ( Global system of mobile communication ) : it is a

mobile telephone system that is used in Europe and
other parts of the world.

Wireless applications

It is a technical standard for accessing


A WAP browser is a web browser for mobile

devices such as mobile phones that uses


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