Sales Management 1
Sales Management 1
Sales Management 1
Sales - Definition
- A sale is the pinnacle activity
involved in selling products or
services in return for money or other
compensation. It is an act of
completion of a commercial activity.
- Sales is everything that you do to
close the sale and get a signed
agreement or contract.
Sales Management
According to American Marketing Association (AMA),
Sales Management means the planning, direction and
control of personal selling, including recruiting, selecting,
equipping, assigning, routing, supervising, paying and
motivating as these tasks apply to the personal sales
Sales management is attainment of an organization's
sales goals in an effective & efficient manner through
planning, staffing, training, leading & controlling
organizational resources. Revenue, sales, and sources of
funds fuel organizations and the management of that
process is the most important function.
Marketing Definition
Marketing is the process associated with promotion for
sale goods or services. It is considered a "social and
managerial process by which individuals and groups
obtain what they need and want through creating and
exchanging products and values with others. It is an
integrated process through which companies create
value for customers and build strong customer
relationships in order to capture value from customers
in return.
Marketing is used to create the customer, to keep the
customer and to satisfy the customer. With the
customer as the focus of its activities, it can be
concluded that marketing management is one of the
major components of business management. The
evolution of marketing was caused due to mature
markets and overcapacities in the last decades.
Companies then shifted the focus from production more
to the customer in order to stay profitable.
Evolution of Sales
Before Industrial revolution, small scale
manufacturers influenced the economy.
After, 1760 AD, large scale
manufacturers started dominating.
Need to expand the market
Separate functional departments like
manufacturing, finance and sales were
Evolution of Sales
Active involvement of distribution
channels (Wholesalers & retailers)
Complex marketing function
Marketing function was split in to
Sales fn. & support fn. (promotion,
research, logistics, etc.)
Sales department generates revenue
Nature of Sales
i. Integration with Marketing
ii. Relationship Selling
iii. Varying sales responsibilities
Sales Management
Importance of Sales
Most exciting
Highly financially rewarding
Challenging careers
Fastest & surest route to top
5. Only function to generate revenue
6. Directly impacts the bottom line or
net profit
Personal Selling
Personal selling occurs where an individual salesperson sells
a product, service or solution to a client. Salespeople
match the benefits of their offering to the specific needs of
a client. Today, personal selling involves the development
of longstanding client relationships. In comparison to other
marketing communications tools such as advertising,
personal selling tends to:
Use fewer resources, pricing is often negotiated.
Products tend to be fairly complex (e.g. financial services
or new cars).
There is some contact between buyer and seller after the
sale so that an ongoing relationship is built.
Client/prospects need specific information.
The purchase tends to involve large sums of money.
Sources of prospects
(1) Prospecting
Identify the potential customers
Making warm contacts rather than cold calling
It is to look for:
The application of the prodcut and the features and benefits required.
It is to build up mutual rapport, respect and trust between the buyer and seller
before the formal and serious business discussion.
Two approaches:
Stimulus response.
Formula selling.
Need satisfaction.
Alternative close.
Assumptive close.