Ansel Adam
Ansel Adam
Ansel Adam
Andrew Klink
Famous Photos
1927 he made his first fully visual photography, Monolith, Face of The Half Dome, and took his first
High Trip.
Clearing Winter Storm, Yosemite National Park. It was his masterpiece in 1937.
Aspens, Northern New Mexico, 1958. taken in autumn of 1958, demonstrates his remarkable talent
in capturing the environment.
Type of Photography
Ansels Technical mastery was the stuff of legend. More than any
creative photographer before or since he revealed in the theory and
practice of the medium. His black and white images were not realistic
documents of nature. Ansel Began to pursue straight photography, in
which the clarity of the lens was emphasized, and the final print gave no
appearance of being manipulated in the camera or darkroom. Techniques
such as Burning and Dodging well as the zone system, a scientific
system developed by Ansel, is used specifically manipulate the tonality
and give the Photographer ability to create as opposed to record.
All his photos were black and white
Burning: increases the exposure to areas of the print that should be
Dodging: decreases the exposure for areas of the print that the
photographer wishes to be lighter.
Zone System: is a photographic technique for determining optimal film
exposure and development, formulated by Ansel Adams
Emulation photos