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Minimum Spanning Tree

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Minimum Spanning Tree

Prims Algorithm

What is Tree?

Tree is special form of graph i.e. minimally connected graph and

having only one path between any two vertices.

They have no loops, self-loops or circuits

In tree there is exactly one root node and every child have only one

Different types of trees are : Binary Tree , Binary Search Tree, AVL
tree, Heaps.

Tree always has n-1 edges.

Tree is a hierarchical model.

Example of a Tree:

What is Spanning Tree?

A spanning tree is a subset of Graph G, which has all the
vertices covered with minimum possible number of edges.
Hence, a spanning tree does not have cycles and it cannot be
Every connected and undirected Graph G has at least one
spanning tree. A disconnected graph does not have any
spanning tree, as it cannot be spanned to all its vertices.

Example of Spanning Tree:

We found three spanning

trees off one complete

A complete undirected
graph can have maximum
nn-2 number of spanning
trees, where n is the
number of nodes.

In the addressed example,

2 = 3 spanning trees are

Properties of Spanning Tree

A connected graph G can have more than one spanning tree.

All possible spanning trees of graph G, have the same number of edges
and vertices.

Spanning tree has n-1 edges, where n is the number of nodes


From a complete graph, by removing maximum e - n + 1 edges, we can

construct a spanning tree.

A complete graph can have maximum -2 number of spanning trees.

Applications of Spanning Tree

Network design

Approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems.

telephone, electrical, hydraulic, TV cable, computer, road

traveling salesperson problem, Steiner tree

Indirect Applications

autoconfigure protocol for Ethernet bridging to avoid cycles in a


learning salient features for real-time face verification

reducing data storage in sequencing amino acids in a protein

Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)

A spanning tree of an undirected graph G is a subgraph of G
that is a tree containing all the vertices of G.
In a weighted graph, a minimum spanning tree is a spanning
tree that has minimum weight than all other spanning trees
of the same graph. In real-world situations, this weight can
be measured as distance, congestion, traffic load or any
arbitrary value denoted to the edges.

Minimum Spanning-Tree

There are two famous algorithms for

finding the Minimum Spanning Tree:
(and in our legendary MDU prescribed course)


Kruskals Algorithm


Prims Algorithm ---> lets discuss

Prims Algorithm
Prim's algorithm to find minimum cost spanning tree (as
Kruskal's algorithm) uses the greedy approach. Prim's
algorithm shares a similarity with theshortest path
Prim's algorithm, in contrast with Kruskal's algorithm, treats
the nodes as a single tree and keeps on adding new nodes to
the spanning tree from the given graph.

Prims Algorithm
Lets take a example:

Prims Algorithm
Step 1 - Remove all loops and parallel edges

Prims Algorithm
Step 1 - Remove all loops and parallel edges

Prims Algorithm
Step 2 - Choose any arbitrary node as root node
In this case, we will use S as our arbitrary node for the
spanning tree.

Prims Algorithm
Step 3 - Check outgoing edges and select the one with less

Prims Algorithm
Step 3 - Check outgoing edges and select the one with less

Prims Algorithm
Step 3 - Check outgoing edges and select the one with less

Prims Algorithm
We may find that the output spanning tree of the same graph
using two different algorithms is same.

Prims Algorithm
Lets have a question:

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