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CATIA V5 Lectures

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Dr Ahmed Kovacevic
City University London
School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Room CM124, Phone: 8780, E-Mail: Design@city.ac.uk

Course Schedule

Lecture 1

Software Overview
Part Design and Sketching

Lecture 2
Product Structure and
Assembly Modelling
More advance Part Design

Lecture 3
Wireframe and Surface

Lecture 4
Finite Element Analysis
Data Exchange
Parameters and Formulas

Lecture 1

CATIA Overview
CATIA v5 is an Integrated Computer Aided
Engineering tool:

Incorporates CAD, CAM, CAE, and other applications

Completely re-written since CATIA v4 and still under development
CATIA v5 is a native Windows application
User friendly icon based graphical user interface
Based on Variational/ Parametric technology
Encourages design flexibility and design reuse
Supports Knowledge Based Design

Lecture 1

CATIA v5 Philosophy
A Flexible Modelling environment
Ability to easily modify models, and implement design changes
Support for data sharing, and data reuse

Knowledge enabled
Capture of design constraints, and design intent as well as final
model geometry
Management of non-geometric as well as geometric design

The 3D Part is the Master Model

Drawings, Assemblies and Analyses are associative to the 3D
parts. If the part design changes, the downstream models with
change too.

Lecture 1

CATIA v5 Applications

Product Structure
Part Design
Assembly Design
Drafting (Interactive and
Wireframe and Surface

Freestyle Shaper
Digital Shape Editor
Photo Studio
4D Navigator (including
Finite Element Analysis

Lecture 1

CATIA User Interface


Menu Bar
Online Help

File Toolbar

Tool Bar

View Toolbar

Lecture 1

Interacting with CATIA (1)

Selecting an Application
Use the Start menu to select an

Working with Files

Use the File menu to create,
open, save and print

Lecture 1

Interacting with CATIA (2)

Display Commands

Fly Through
Fit View
Layer control
Normal View
Standard Views
View Types: Shaded/ Hidden
Line/ Wireframe/ User Defined

Hide/ Show
Swap Visible Space

Display Characteristics for an
object are set by selecting the
entity, then pressing the right
mouse button and selecting
Properties from the menu

Lecture 1

Manipulating the Display using the Mouse


Using the compass

Drag the axes or planes of

the compass to dynamically
rotate the display
Multi-select entities by
holding down the Shift key

Press and hold the middle

mouse button and move the
mouse to pan

Press and hold the middle
mouse button then the left
mouse button and move the
mouse to rotate

Press and hold the middle
mouse button and click the left
mouse button then move the
mouse to zoom in and out

Lecture 1

More Common Commands

Copy/ Paste
Geometry entities can be
copied and pasted from one
part to another.
Paste Special allows you to:
Paste a complete copy with
Paste a linked copy
Paste the result without

Undo/ Redo
Allows you to undo previous
Redo repeats an action that has
been undone

Hide/ Show
Allows you to temporarily hide
entities from the display
Hidden entities can be
recovered by clicking on the
Swap visible space icon, and
then selecting the entity to
make visible

Used to update the part after

Lecture 1

The Specification Tree

The Specification Tree is displayed on the
left side of the screen while you are
Provides access to the history of how a
part was constructed, and shows the
product structure
Product entities can be selected from the
spec. tree or in the geometry area
Parts can be modified by selecting them
from the spec. tree.
Click on + to open a tree branch
Solid Parts are stored in the PartBody
branch of the Part tree

Lecture 1

Getting Help
The online help library can be accessed by selecting
the Help -> Contents, Index and Search command
The Help home page provides a search facility, and
allows you to browse by application.
Every CATIA task has a getting started guide

Lecture 1

Getting Help from the CATIA


For general information about CATIA from IBM and Dassault

Systemes refer to:

For access to the database of known problems refer to:


The CATIA operators exchange provides a forum for the

exchange of ideas and advice about using CATIA at:

And look at Member Center -> Forum

Lecture 1

Part Design
The Part Design application is used to create solid
models of parts
Solid parts are usually created from 2D profiles that
are extruded or revolved to form a base feature
The Part Design task is tightly integrated with a 2D
sketching tool
A library of features is provided to allow user to add
additional details to a base part
Parts can be modified by selecting their features in
the specification tree
Parts are stored in files with the extension .CATPart

Lecture 1

Part Design


Base Features


Dress-up Features


Transformation Features

Reference Elements


Draft Shell


Lecture 1

The sketcher is used to create 2D sketches of
designs, and apply constraints to the sketched
The sketcher is now the main environment for
developing 2D profiles that will be used to build solid
models (but traditional 2D wireframe techniques are
available in the Wireframe and Surface application)
The sketcher provides a flexible environment for
creating and modifying 2D geometry

Lecture 1

Entering the sketcher
Click on the Sketcher icon or
select Start -> Mechanical
Design -> Sketcher

Exiting from the Sketcher

Click on the Exit icon to leave
the sketcher and return to the
3D workspace

Geometry Operations

Constraint Creation

Tools Toolbar

Geometry Creation
Snap to point
Construction Geometry

Lecture 1

Using the Sketcher

The Sketcher is a parametric design tool
It allows you to quickly draw the approximate shape
of a design, and then assign constraints to complete
the shape definition
Constraints can be applied as:
Driving Dimensions dimensions that control
the size of a geometric entity
Geometric Constraints geometric
relationships such as parallel, perpendicular,
tangent, collinear

Lecture 1

Sketching Example


Click on the Sketcher icon

Select the 2D plane to sketch
on (may be a plane, or the face
of an existing part), and the
sketching window will appear
Sketch the profile

4. Apply constraints to define the

exact geometry required

4. Click on the exit icon to quit the

5. Sketch is transferred into the
3D modelling environment

Lecture 1

Sketching Tips
To edit an existing sketch ensure that you select the sketch from
the specification tree, or select an element in the sketch. (If you
do not do this you will create a new sketch instead of modifying
the existing one)
If the sketch goes purple while you are constraining it is overconstrained. Generally it is best to Undo the last constraint and
examine existing constraints to find the problem before
Solids can only be created from sketches that form a single
closed boundary
The profile icon allows you to create complicated profiles
including lines and arcs. See the online help for more

Lecture 1

Creating a Solid Part from a Sketch

1. Click on the Pad icon to
create an extruded part
2. Select the sketch containing
the profile you want to
extrude (note the sketch is
treated as a single entity)
3. The Pad definition window
will appear

4. Select the limit type from:

Up To Next
Up To Last
Up To Plane

5. Type in the length if required

6. Check the extrude direction
7. Click on OK to create the

Lecture 1

Working with Features

The Part Design task uses intelligent design features
The features contain information about their context as well as
their shape
For example a Hole feature can only be created once you have
created a part body
A hole feature requires an attachment face, and driving dimensions
A hole is a negative feature it is automatically subtracted from the main
Part Body

Other features include Pad, Revolve, Pocket, Groove, Thread,

Rib, Slot, Stiffener
When a new feature is added to a solid part it is automatically
combined with the existing part

Lecture 1

Modifying a Part
All parts created in Part Design can be edited at any time in the
life of the part
The parameters used to create a feature can be accessed by
double clicking on the feature definition in the product
specification tree or on the part geometry
For example to change the height of a pad you should double
click on the pad node in the specification tree.
The original feature dialogue will appear on the screen
Change the values and click on OK.
When you have modified the feature parameters the part will
automatically update. The part turns red briefly to indicate that it
is out of date

Lecture 2

Assembly Design
The Assembly Design application allows you to
create a product model from a number of separate
The parts in a product assembly are not joined
together, but assembled as they would be in a
physical assembly
The product assembly structure is hierarchical and
allows you to model complex product relationships
Constraints can be applied between the parts in
assembly to define relationships between them

Lecture 2

Assembly Design
Product Structure Tools

Insert New Component

Insert New Product
Insert New Part
Insert Existing Component
Replace Component
Reorder Tree
Generate Numbers
Load Components
Unload Components
Manage Representations

Move Toolbar

Explode and Assembly

Constraints Toolbar

Fix Together

Lecture 2

Benefits of Assembly Modelling

Support for reuse of standard parts
Assembly design creates links to the master geometry definition, so
multiple instantiations of parts can be efficiently created
Design changes are automatically reflected in the assembly
Model sizes are minimised because geometry files are not copied

Management of inter-part relationships

Mating Conditions
Contact Constraints

Development of Kinematics models

Simple mechanisms analysis available

Lecture 2

Using the Product Structure Tree

The specification tree shows product
structure information relating to the
parts and sub-assemblies contained
in an assembly
In the example shown on the right the
product is called Product1
The product contains three components
The Product and the Components do
not contain any geometry
Geometry is stored in parts inside the
Component definitions
The Constraints Branch shows the
constraints that have been created to
define the relationships between the
components in the product structure

Lecture 2

Steps for Creating an Assembly

1. Create a new CATProduct using File -> New ->
2. Use the Product Structure tools to lay out the main
assembly structure
3. Use Insert Existing Component or Insert New
Part to create geometry in the Assembly
4. Use Constraints to capture the design relationships
between the various parts in the assembly

Lecture 2

Saving Assembly Information

Assembly information is stored in a file with the extension
The CATProduct file contains only information relating to the
product assembly.
The detailed geometric information about the parts in the
assembly is referenced to the original .CATPart files
If you copy a.CATProduct file it will still point to the original part files
To copy an entire assembly use File -> Save All As , specify a new
location for the .CATProduct file, then click on the Propagate button.

Lecture 2

More Advanced Part Design

Boolean Operations
Transforming Parts
Assigning Materials
Calculating Mass Properties

Lecture 2

Using Boolean Operations

Lecture 2

Using Boolean Operations

To use the traditional Boolean operations approach to
solid modelling you must create multiple bodies
within a part.
Create additional Bodies by selecting the function
Insert -> New Body

Boolean operations (join, subtract, intersect) can only

be applied between the main PartBody, and other
bodies in the same Part

Lecture 2

Transforming Parts
Solid features can be transformed using the
transform functions

Features can be mirrored, translated, rotated and

Patterns are used to created rectangular or circular
arrays of features

Lecture 2

Assigning Materials
To Assign a material click on the Materials Icon on
the toolbar
Select a material from the material library
Click on the part you wish to assign the material to,
1. The material
then click on Apply Material and OK.
will appear on the properties branch in the spec tree
Note: You may need to change the option settings
To make the parameters branch of the specification
tree visible. To do this select
Tools->Options->Infrastructure->Product Structure
Specification Tree -> Parameters

Lecture 2

Calculating Mass Properties

Select the node of the part you want to analyse in the
specification tree
Click on the Measure Inertia icon

Select Properties from the popup menu on the right

mouse button to see the properties form, select the
Mass tab and view the properties:

Lecture 3

Wireframe and Surface

The Wireframe and Surface task provides a more
traditional CAD 3D modelling environment
The Wireframe functionality allows you to create
Wireframe points, lines and curves in 3D space,
without using the constraint based approach of the
The Surface functionality allows you to create smooth
freeform surfaces by sweeping Wireframe curves
through 3D space
Wireframe and Surface is integrated with the other
CATIA applications allowing for hybrid surface and
solid modelling

Lecture 3

Wireframe and Surface

Wireframe Toolbar

Create Point
Create Line
Create Plane
Create Projections
Create Intersections
Create Circle
Create Spline
Create Parallel Curves
Create Boundary Curves

Surface Toolbar

Extrude Surfaces
Surface of Revolution
Offset Surface
Sweep Surface
Create Filling Surface
Loft Surface
Blend Surface
Extract Geometry

Lecture 3

Wireframe and Surface

Operations Toolbar

Split, Trim

Tools Toolbar

Work with Support
Snap to Point
Create Datum (deactivate History)

Transformations Toolbar

Create Symmetry
Affinity (irregular scaling)

Lecture 3

Creating Wireframe Geometry

Wireframe geometry can be created in
3D space, or on a 2D plane (using a
Each wireframe function has a number of
different methods (e.g.a line can be
created from point to point, or parallel to
an existing line, or many other ways).
Existing geometry can be selected by
picking on the screen or selecting from
the spec. tree
Additional options may be available by
pressing the right mouse button over the
input box

Lecture 3

Creating Surface Geometry

Surfaces are usually created
using a wireframe skeleton
For example the Loft function
requires 2 or more cross
section curves
It also optionally accepts a
number of guide curves that
extend between the cross
A spine curve can be used to
define the shape of the loft

Lecture 3

Using the Specification Tree with

Wireframe and Surface

Wireframe and Surface Geometry

is created in an Open Body
within the Part definition
Geometry in the open body is not
attached to the main part
New Open bodies can be created
using the Insert -> Open Body
A part can contain both Open
Body and Part Body information

Lecture 3

Wireframe and Surface

Hints and Tips

If you want to repeatedly use the same function (e.g.

to create multiple points) double-click on the icon.
The dialogue will remain open after you click on OK.
It can be very useful to create planes to use as a
support when creating geometry.
When creating surfaces take care that the underlying
wireframe geometry is consistent, and curve
endpoints are all matched
When creating surfaces ensure that curve
orientations are consistent

Lecture 3

Solid Surface Integration

The Part Design Application
provides a Surface Based
Features toolbar to allow you
create solid bodies from
surface models.
Solids created from surfaces
are generally more difficult to
modify that solids generated
in part design
The solid part maintains
associativity to the surfaces
it was generated from

Surface Based Features

Split Uses a surface to split a

solid object
Thicken Creates a solid body
by thickening an existing
Close Surface Creates a
Solid body from a closed set of
Sew Surface Joins a surface
to a solid body

Lecture 3

Generative Drafting
The Generative Drafting Application allows you to
create engineering drawings from parts or
Generative Drafting automatically lays out
orthographic projections of a part onto a drawing
Traditional Drafting functions can be used to annotate
the drawing layout
Drawings are stored in files with the extension

Lecture 3

Generative Drafting
Views Toolbar

Create a Front View (other

views available underneath
Create a section view
Create a detail view
Create a Clipping View
Create Views Via Wizard

Automatic Dimension

Semi-Automatic Dimensions

Lecture 3

Interactive Drafting
Allows you to create engineering drawings without
first creating a 3D part
Provides 2D drawing functionality to create geometry
Provides dimension and dress-up facilities for
drawing annotation
Can be used to add additional information to a
drawing created using Generative Drafting

Lecture 3

Interactive Drafting

Geometry Creation

Pre-Define Profiles

Relimitations Toolbar



Transformations Toolbar

Translate, Rotate, Scale, Mirror


Lecture 3

Interactive Drafting
Dimensions Toolbar

Create Dimension
Create Tolerance

Dress up Toolbar


Lecture 3

Drafting Example
Create a new
using File ->

Select the
Format and

The drawing sheet will

appear on the screen

Lecture 3

Drafting Example

Use File -> Open to open the

3D part you want to generate a
drawing from
It is useful to arrange the screen
so that you can see both views
before continuing
Use the View Creation toolbar to
create a new view

Click on the Front View icon,

then select a plane on the 3D
model to specify the view

A preview of the view will

appear in the corner of the
3D window
Click on the drawing sheet to
generate the view

Lecture 3

Drafting Example
You can generate
orthographic projects from
an existing view using the
Projection View icon

Sections and detail views

can also be generated from
existing views

Lecture 3

Importing Geometry from External


CATIA provides import translators for many standard geometry

formats including

Use File -> Open to import an external file

The options to control the import parameters are available in
Tools -> Options -> Product -> External Formats (check)

Imported CAD geometry does not contain any history

Check the online help for more information about the types of
entities that can be translated

Lecture 3

Exporting CATIA geometry to other

CAD systems

CATIA provides export translators for a number of

standard formats including:

Use File -> Save As , then select the desired type

in the Save As Type box to export a file in an
external format
Exported geometry does not have any history
associated with it
Check the online help for more information about the
types of entities that can be translated

Lecture 3

Generative Part Structural Analysis

Generative Part Structural Analysis allows you to
perform a finite element analysis on a solid part
It is highly automated and allows an analysis to be
performed with the minimum of interaction from the
Generative Part Structural Analysis provides very
limited mesh control, and can only be applied to solid
It is generally used as a quick check for structural

Lecture 3

Generative Part Structural Analysis

Mesh Specification Toolbar

Create Clamp
Create Slider
Create Ball Joint

Local Mesh Size

Create Connections
Create Virtual Parts

Equipment Toolbar

Created distributed and lumped


Restraints Toolbar

Loads Toolbar

Create Pressure
Create Distributed Force
Create Acceleration

Lecture 3

Generative Part Structural Analysis

Compute Toolbar

Specify External Storage

Compute Static Solution
Compute Frequency Solution
Compute Buckling Solution

Image Toolbar

Visualise Deformations
Visualise Von Mises Stresses
Visualise Displacements
Visualise Principle Stresses

Analysis Toolbar

Lecture 3

Steps for Performing an Analysis

1. Select the parts or features for analysis
2. Define any connections, attached parts and nonstructural masses
3. Specify loads and restraints acting on the part
4. Submit the job for analysis
5. Visualise Results

Lecture 3

Parameters and Formulas

CATIA V5 contains a group of applications that
provide CATIA Knowledgeware capabilities
These tools allow you to perform design automation,
and capture non-geometric information about a
The most basic Knowledgeware tool is the
Knowledge Advisor
Using Knowledge advisor you can create parameters
and relationships relating to parts

Lecture 3

Knowledge Advisor
CATIA stores information about a part in form of
Formula function allows you to create new
parameters and create relationships between existing
Rules function allows you to define design rules
relating to design parameters in a part or product
Parameters and Relations are displayed in the
specification tree

Lecture 3

Knowledge Advisor Example

This relations branch shows two formulas:

The value of the diameter Radius.1 is set equal to 2* the diameter

of Hole.1 in the part
The value of the user defined parameter PadLength is set equal to
the sum of the two limits on Pad.1

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