EVS Unit-IV Social Issue and The Environment
EVS Unit-IV Social Issue and The Environment
EVS Unit-IV Social Issue and The Environment
From unsustainable to sustainable development :
Brundland commission describes sustainable development as
the development that meet needs of present generation without
compromising ability of future generations to meet their own need
Water conservation:
Process of saving water for future utilization Water
Fresh water
Watershed management:
It is defined as land area bounded by divide line from which water
drains under influence of gravity in to stream, lakes, reservoir. Eg.
Pits, dams, Farm, ponds, Himalaya. Types
1. Micro
2. Mini
3. Macro
Loss of land
Loss of recourse
Unsatisfactory compensation
Social and cultural problems
Changes in tradition of indigenous people
Spread of disease
Submergence of valuable forest
Water logging
Extinction of wild life
Increase evaporation of surface water influence climate change
Leads to declining biodiversity
Melting of mountain glaciers
Change the climate and rainfall
1. Marked rise in cause skin cancer
2. Damage immune system
3. Eye ailment such as cataract
4. Shorter life of paints and plastics
5. Restricted growth and crop damage