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Inside The World of Schizophrenia: Presented by Lucille Mae P. Borja

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Inside the World

Presented by Lucille Mae P. Borja
(F20.9) is a neurological
disorder that distorts the
senses and impairs the
cognition, which makes it
difficult for the sufferer to tell
what is real fro what is not
The typical age of onset for schizophrenia
is in late adolescence or early twenties,
with a slightly later onset in females
(mean age of 19 years).

Late adolescence
Ref: British reflect aSociety,
Columbia Schizophrenia critical period
in brain development making it
Oxford Journals: Schizophrenia Bulletin,
vulnerable for the onset of
Ref: British Columbia Schizophrenia Society,

Deterioration of mental

e laughter

Bizarre Drug
behavior abuse
Deterioration of personal Dropping out of activities Refusal to touch persons or
hygiene or out objects; wearing gloves, etc.
Depression of life in general Shaving head or body hair
Bizarre behaviour Decline in academic or Cutting oneself; threats of
Irrational statements athletic selfmutilation
Sleeping excessively or interests Staring without blinkingor
inability Forgetting things blinking incessantly
to sleep Losing possessions Flat, reptile-like gaze
Social withdrawal, isolation, Extreme reactions to Rigid stubbornness
and criticism Peculiar use of words or odd
reclusiveness Inability to express joy language structures
Shift in basic personality Inability to cry, or Sensitivity and irritability when
Unexpected hostility excessive touched by others.
Deterioration of social crying
relationships Inappropriate laughter
Hyperactivity or inactivity Unusual sensitivity to
or stimuli
alternating between the two (noise, light, colours,
Inability to concentrate or textures)
to cope Attempts to escape
with minor problems through
Extreme preoccupation frequent moves or
with hitchhiking
Schizophrenia is the top brain
disorder affecting mentally ill
Filipinos who seek consultation and
treatment in hospitals.
The study was based on records from the new
Philippine Health Information System on mental
health (PHIS-MH) which includes information from
2,562 patients who consulted 14 participating
public and private hospitals from May 8, 2014 to
May 6, 2015, told Inquirer.
Ref: DSM-5

A. Two or more of the following, eachB. Level of functioning in one or more major
present for a significant portion of areas (work, interpersonal relations, or self-
time during a 1-month period (or care) is markedly below the level achieved
less if successfully treated). At least
prior to the onset.
one of these must be (1), (2), (3):
C. Continuous signs of disturbance persist for at
least 6 months (including at least 1 month of
1. Delusions Criterion A).
2. Hallucinations D. Schizoaffective disorder and depressive or
3. Disorganized speech bipolar disorder with psychotic features have
4. Grossly disorganized or catatonic been ruled out
behavior E. Not attributable to physiological effects of a
5. Negative symptoms (when you lack substance or another medical condition.
some emotional responses or F. If there is a history of autism spectrum
thought processes that most people disorder or other communication disorder of
normally experience, for example childhood onset, the additional diagnosis of
lack of motivation. schizophrenia is made only if prominent
delusions or hallucinations are also present


The exact causes of Brain development

schizophrenia are
unknown. Research Imbalance between
suggests a combination dopamine and serotonin
of physical, genetic, neurotransmitters
psychological and
environmental factors Pregnancy and birth
can make a person complications
more likely to develop
the condition.

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