Lateral Thinking Puzzles
Lateral Thinking Puzzles
Lateral Thinking Puzzles
The Man in the Elevator
For a start, heres one of the oldest
and best-known lateral thinking
problems. It goes like this:
The Man in the Elevator
A man lives on the tenth floor of a
building. Every day, he takes the
elevator to the first floor to go to
work. When he returns, he always
takes the elevator to the seventh
floor and then walks the remaining
flights of stairs to his apartment on
the tenth floor. Why does he do
The Man in the Elevator
Generate some ideas.
The Man in the Elevator
Ask yourself:
Is there anything he does between
the seventh and tenth floors other
than climb the stairs?
If he had someone else with him,
would they both get out at the 7th
floor and walk up to the tenth?
The Man in the Elevator
If he lived on the sixth floor, would he
go up to the sixth floor in the
If he lived in a different block of
apartments in a different country but
still on the 10th floor, would he still get
out on the 7th floor when going up?
Most probably yes.
The Man in the Elevator
So why does he get off the
elevator on the seventh floor and
walk up to the tenth floor?
Were the objects brought out to
the yard by human beings?
Were they used for some
entertainment purpose?
1. The Coal, Carrot, and
So why were they there?
5. A Peculiar House
Mrs. Jones wanted a new house. She
very much liked to see the sun
shining into a room, so she instructed
the builders to construct a house of
which all four walls face south. After
much thought, the builder managed
to erect just such a house. How did
he do it?
The builder built the house at
the North Pole.
Lateral Thinking Puzzles
Brain Teasers
Mr. Comm
6. The Painted Tower
A painter was hired to repaint the
Eatonville water tower which was located
just off a very busy street in the centre of
the town.
Everyday for two weeks the man painted
diligently but he was never seen working
by anyone and nobody noticed any
change in the tower. When he had
finished he was congratulated for doing
such a splendid job and paid by the
Eatonville Town Clerk.
6. The Painted Tower
Did he actually paint the tower?
Is there some way that the painter
could do the job and not be seen?
Did the shape of the water tower
affect the view of the painter working?
6. The Painted Tower
What can the other coin be?
Yes, a nickel and a dime, the question
only says that one coin can't be a dime.
9. A Chess Piece
Two grandmasters played five
games of chess. Each won the
same number of games and lost
the same number of games. There
were no draws in any of the
games. How could this be so?
9. A Chess Piece
This is the kind of problem that depends
on the reader or the listener making the
wrong assumptions. Test all the
assumptions with questions like the
Q: Were they playing normal chess?
A: yes
Q: In chess, if one player wins then the
other loses?
Yes, always.
9. A Chess Piece
Q: So when one of the grandmasters
won a game, the other grandmaster
lost it?
Q: Was there anybody else involved?
D N O S A J __
(Click once for answer)
J (June the letters are the first
letters of the month of the year in
reverse order.)
17. Just Kidding
Lets go play with the 3 kids up on
that hill, said Silly Sally. Joe ran
ahead but only found 2 children and
some grazing farm animals when he
arrived. Where did the third kid go?
(Click once for a clue)
Clue. Does a kid have to be a
(Click for answer)
17. Just Kidding
Lets go play with the 3 kids up on
that hill, said Silly Sally. Joe ran
ahead but only found 2 children
and some grazing farm animals
when he arrived. Where did the
third kid go?
I am an
I start with the letter E.
I end with the letter E.
I usually contain one letter.
But I am not the letter E.
23. Im Never Blue
Sometimes Im green,
sometimes Im black.
When Im yellow,
Im a very nice fellow.
Thats when Im feeling
mighty a-peeling.
What am I?
24. Out of Touch
Hey, Whats up?
They Dont touch when you say
-- but they do touch when you say
Bosnia and Herzegovina
25. E-X-T-R-A Credit
What two European cities would
you visit to find Ed and Sara?
What word becomes plural when
an s is added, but becomes
singular again by adding another
There is no math involved.
(Click once for a hint)
30. My Hero Zero
How can the number 8 be divided
into two equal halves so that the
result is zero?
31. Day by Day
Some months have 30 days; others
have 31. How many months have
28 days?
31. Day by Day
Some months have 30 days; others
have 31. How many months have
28 days?