Chapter 1: Why Business Modeling
Chapter 1: Why Business Modeling
Chapter 1: Why Business Modeling
1.0 What is a Model
A model is a simple representation of a
complex reality that serves a particular
We use many models in our day-to-day life:
Street Maps: This model is built for a
purpose; to find a destination while driving
Examples of Scientific Models
Examples of Engineering
2.0 What is a Business Model
A simple representation of the complex
reality of a business.
The primary purpose of a business model is
to communicate something about the
business to other people:
Note: By Business Model we do NOT mean
how the company makes money.
Examples of Business Models
A business process model is a business
model, showing who does what work and in
what sequence.
A business organization model is a business
model, showing how different people and
organizations interact with each other.
The art of building these business models is
called business modeling.
This course is about that art, about how to
create business models and how to solve
problems using business models.
Examples of Business Models
3.0 The Rise of Business
Engineers use engineering models and
have done so for many years.
Every bridge, car, aircraft, and integrated
circuit is created using models.
Software engineering is a newer
engineering discipline, and the use of
modeling in software is more recent.
E.g. Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Business Modeling has been rare until
recent years
The Rise of Business