Pbats Research
Pbats Research
Pbats Research
Salwa Mohamed
How does a vegan lifestyle affect animals, humans and the environment?
How much waste is created in animal Do people understand the pain animals
farms? To what extent could a vegan diet go through everyday in animal factory
protect the environment? farms?
Research Questions:
- Quotes
But if every time we sit down to eat we choose to support animal abuse, unjust human and environmental degradation, what does that
say about our integrity, about our commitment to other issues of social justice?
Millions and millions of people are learning that moral integrity requires that when we sit down to eat, we make conscious choices,
rather than unconscious ones, and that the only diet for environmentalists, animal lovers, and people who care about their health is a
vegan one.
- Summary
This article is about animal rights and why people should join the movement by going vegan and not supporting an inhumane industry.
Transitioning into a vegan lifestyle can not only save animals but it can help the environment and your health. More and more people are
going vegan after being informed with the truth about consuming animal products.
- Evaluation of the source
- Credibility- The article was written in 2009 and the author is apart of the PETA
Article 2-
- Quotes
Nigel Denby, a dietician and author of Nutrition for Dummies, says: "It can be hard enough bringing a child up to eat healthily, but with a vegan
diet you are really making a difficult job for yourself. It is absolutely not something that should be tried without support from a dietician."
- Summary
The article is about the risk parents take when feeding their kids a plant based diet, Children need special attention
when it comes to their health and what they eat so when restricting foods that usually gives them the vitamins they
need it replaced. The author writes about an actual event where a child wasnt getting all the nutrition they need but
it was mainly because they were a raw vegan which is even more restrictive than a vegan diet.
- Summary
In order to raise a vegan child successfully parents must pay close attention to their daily meals. The first
years of a child is essential for their growth and in order for it to increase there must be a balance of
vitamins and nutrients. Not only do parents have to worry about keeping their child healthy but also keeping
them informed why they are living this lifestyle and how to deal with others who dont. Respecting others
decision to not follow a vegan lifestyle is very important because if they dont it can lead to arguments at a
young age. Younger vegans are likely to get bullied by others who dont understand their decisions.
...eating animal products contributes to global warming 40 percent more than all SUVs, 18-wheelers, jumbo
jets, and other types of travel combined.
- Summary
Climate change can be improved when eating a plant based diet which saves water. To raise animals for
food is a water-polluting process. Also skipping one meal of chicken per week saves more carbon dioxide
than taking half a million cars off the roads. Switching to a plant based diet has been proven to reduce the
risk of obesity, heart disease, and different types of cancers. It takes 300 gallons of water to feed a vegan
for a day and 4200 gallons to feed a meat-eater.
Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle can not only affect human health but
also animals and the environment in a positive way.
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